Perfect day for golf, shame it got ruined!


Journeyman Pro
Sep 10, 2010
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As i posted in another post i got my new wedge today so thought i'd go down my local course to try it out since it was a beautiful sunny day.

Everything was going fine, had a 2 ball in front of me for the first few holes so i was playing 2 balls just to try slow me down abit as it was clear behind me.

Got to the par 4 5th and hit 2 off the tee, one down the fairway and one down the left over some trees, as i got to the ball off the fairway i noticed a 2 ball just getting to the 5th tee so i decided to quicky play the ball off the fairway just to try see if i could pull it off as it was in a bad position, it didn't work so picked it up played my other ball off the fairway and into a greenside bunker.

By the time i got to my ball in the bunker they2 ball behind were walking up to there 2nd shots, so i played mine out the bunker but didn't bother putting out but they had to wait maybe a minute or so at most while i raked the bunker.

I ended up just playing one ball to get ahead of them abit, had a abit of a nightmare on the par 5 10th so they caught up but i never held them up on any shots.

Decided to hit 2 balls off the tee but just play one on the par 3 11th as they were walking up to there ball near the green on the 10th.

Just as i was picking my bag up she shouted over to me " your only allowed to play one ball" to which i replied "what do you meen?" " if you are by yourself you are only allowed to play one ball not 2 like you are, you are holding us up all the way round" she was quite abrupt and rude about it and basiclly was telling me off. I told her that there is no rule that i am aware off that a single golfer is only allowed to play one ball and that the only hole i held you up on was when i had to rake a bunker.

I walked off up to the par 3 geen, picked one ball up, chipped the other one on, putted then as i was just putting the flag back in she hit her tee shot, it was 20 or so yard short of me but straight at me!

I waited at the next tee to have words with them and let them play through as there was no one insight behind them.

I said to her husband (presume he was) you just had to ask if you wanted to play through but to be honest i didn't realise i was holidng you up, he just looked at me in disgust and didn't say a word, so i basiclly told him to f**k himself. His wife walked past and said to me " it's people like you that ruin golf thinking you own the course" I told her it's a good job you don't know how to hit a ball propley otherwise if that ball had hit me on the last hole i would have been putting a nice claim in against you because that is dangerous play and far worse ettiqute than holding someone up for a minute or 2.

She said she was going to report me but checked in the pro shop afterwards and explained and they said nothing had been said and not to worry as i aint donw anything wrong.

Sorry it's turned into a essay but it really got my back up big style and needed to rant abit to get it off my chest.

Apart from that it was a nice day :)


How was the wedge?... oh and I would have been PISSSSSED if I were you.


Tour Rookie
Oct 25, 2010
Chelmsford, Essex
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She sounds plain rude. Think you can guess who wears the trousers in that relationship though. Good on you for standing up to them. You get so many people who think they own the course and that a one-ball has no standing. You have just as much right to play as they do, and like you said if you were holding them up a lot they could have asked to play through.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 10, 2010
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Well thats it, i'm a pretty quick player anyway and i only held them up once when i had to rake the bunker and i stopped playing 2 balls for awhile to get ahead of them but they were practiclly running round the course and playing stupidly quick. I was on the 12th and i looked at the time and i had only been out 1 1/2 hours so you can't call that slow play.

There was no one behind them either for atleast 3 holes, it was warm and sunny so i can't see what the rush was.

But nevermind.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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We have a local rule about practicing on the course. As in, you are not allowed to practice on the course.

However, we are allowed to play 2 balls if playin solo, but not more than 2.

Any one who gives a stuff about this sort of rubbish is a knob. Why can't people just get on with their game, and leave others to do the same? Tolerance is a wonderful thing.


My buddy always rushes not matter what as his Mrs is a cow and watches the clock all the time hes out. On sunday I let two lots of people through to stop him rushing me, he was so angry and asked me to "send them back" hehe "oh sorry sir can you stay where you are now, my mate does not want to let you through"

In the end I beat him by 4 points and always will as hes more worried about his wife than the game at hand.

People need to chill out on the course, that couple not only pissed the OP off but also them self. Suns out, they need to chill the **** out.


Tour Winner
Dec 1, 2009
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they were practically running round the course and playing stupidly quick. I was on the 12th and i looked at the time and i had only been out 1 1/2 hours so you can't call that slow play.

You're right, you weren't playing slowly. However, maybe it would have been prudent to let them through when they first caught you, then they're happy, you're happy, everyone's happy ;)


Journeyman Pro
Sep 10, 2010
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Far as i'm aware there is no local rule on our course about practicing and i regularly see the pro and assistant pro out practicing there chipping and putting on the 8th green near the pro shop when it's quiet.

If i was holding them up i would have let them straight through as it's my pet hate when people don't let you through but having to wait a minute while i rake a bunker and having a go about it is beyond a joke.

Bloody coffin dodgers! :)


Journeyman Pro
Sep 10, 2010
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they were practically running round the course and playing stupidly quick. I was on the 12th and i looked at the time and i had only been out 1 1/2 hours so you can't call that slow play.

You're right, you weren't playing slowly. However, maybe it would have been prudent to let them through when they first caught you, then they're happy, you're happy, everyone's happy ;)

I could have but some people don't mind waiting 30 seconds on one hole rather than be waved through and feel like they have to rush that hole and the next to get infront of me and with them being a 2 ball and not very good from what i saw i didn't really want to be stuck behind them so i decided to play one ball and get abit of space between us.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 10, 2010
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My buddy always rushes not matter what as his Mrs is a cow and watches the clock all the time hes out. On sunday I let two lots of people through to stop him rushing me, he was so angry and asked me to "send them back" hehe "oh sorry sir can you stay where you are now, my mate does not want to let you through"

In the end I beat him by 4 points and always will as hes more worried about his wife than the game at hand.

People need to chill out on the course, that couple not only pissed the OP off but also them self. Suns out, they need to chill the **** out.

Yeah theres someone i play with who plays stupidly quick and then wonders why he plays so poor all the time when he rushes every shot. He seems to have it in his head that a round of golf shouldn't be longer than 3 hours no matter if it's a 2 ball or a 4 ball. :D


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
In my opinion if you were on the green and she played her tee shot then you WERE holding them up. You should have been outta there ages before that and through the group in front of you.. or at least right up their asses.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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when i was a junior and used to play solo id swap between holes staying out of everyones way, or play 1-4, 13, 14, 11, 12... just generally stay out of peoples way. general opinion is a 1 ball has no standing. the right thing to do would have been join their 2 ball ;)


Journeyman Pro
Sep 10, 2010
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In my opinion if you were on the green and she played her tee shot then you WERE holding them up. You should have been outta there ages before that and through the group in front of you.. or at least right up their asses.

The reason why they caught me on that hole was because as she was telling me off her partner finihsed off, played a chip and 3 putts in that time and she putted to about 10 feet and then picked up and they scurried across to the tee behind me. I was placing the flag in the hole as she placed her tee in the ground and had to walk off the front of the green (the long way) as there was GUR at the side.

So even i did hold them up for maybe 20 seconds on that hole (because of her holding me up my telling me off) hitting a shot when someone is clearly in range is dangerous, stupid and one of the worst things you can do out on a golf course if you ask me.


Tour Winner
Dec 1, 2009
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Discretion is the better part of valour dude ;)


So i should have let them straight through for holding them up for 30 seconds on one hole?

All I'm saying is that in your bid to stay ahead of them you've ended up (inadvertently or otherwise) ruining your round. You tried for 6 holes to build a gap and couldn't, so my point is, as they were obviously on a mission, why not just stop at a bench, enjoy the scenery, have a drink/tab/mars bar and let them on their way?

Sometimes, it doesn't matter if you're right.


Discretion is the better part of valour dude ;)


So i should have let them straight through for holding them up for 30 seconds on one hole?

All I'm saying is that in your bid to stay ahead of them you've ended up (inadvertently or otherwise) ruining your round. You tried for 6 holes to build a gap and couldn't, so my point is, as they were obviously on a mission, why not just stop at a bench, enjoy the scenery, have a drink/tab/mars bar and let them on their way?

Sometimes, it doesn't matter if you're right.

Yep, hard to argue with that, I think they were fools for pushing you but it may have been better for you to just let the fools past. I would rather be held up than being pushed, thats said, I am hard to hold up as I am not in a hurry.