Club Champion
You might want to listen to Mark Broadie. He does a good interview on the Sweet spot podcast. He 'invented' the strokes gained thing.
Completely debunks the myth of 'drive for show putt for dough'. The greatest loss of shots is from the driver. I've always known that but hearing it it a rational argument makes me feel better.
He also points out that the pros ain't as good as we think they are.
We beat ourselves up for being rubbish at the game because we compare ourselves to what we see on the TV. The TV shows the best shots so we think they're doing that all the time. I think this is the one thing I wish I knew when I started.
Yeah tv coverage always follows the leaders who are on fire, so they’re holing 15 footers or getting up and down from anywhere and when they’re not showing the leaders they’ll cut to someone in the field who has holed a raker for birdie or eagle
Featured group coverage can be very interesting if it has someone who is struggling Spieth a few times last year was a very interesting watch for example