Not a Happy Camper


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Got the day off from work today. Had it all planned. A nice leisurely lie in, up for breakfast and a trawl through the forum then off to the club for some practice and a round.

Parts 1-3 (lie in, breakfast and forum) went to plan but as I went to leave the heavens opened and we had a torrential shower lasting about 15 minutes leaving everything soaked. Now I'm a resilient sort of guy so decided to leave it an hour as there was blue sky on the horizon and the sun was shining in a weak, milky sort of way.

Got to the club, had a nice sausage (brown sauce) baguette. Got ready and went onto the practice ground to hit a few balls and warm up. Wham. Clap of thunder, a deluge of biblical proportions and soaked to the skin before I could get my clubs, balls etc the 200 yards back to safety.

My golf bag was sodden as I was and with no dry clothes to change into I had no choce but to stick everything back in the bag and come home. I've had a nice cup of tea and a chill so been on here (feel like I'm home now) to see whats happening.

The forecast doesn't look great for my 8.00 tee time tomorrow and I have everything drying as I type. Got one of my spare bags on standby. However and this is the real killer I seem to have hurt my lower back at the bottom on the right probably as a result of garbbing everything and running back in. Got a water bottle on it at the moment and taken some Ibuprofen and praying to the golf gods that it doesn't hurt or stiffen up before tomorrow and more importantly the medal on Sunday.

At least it was a flexi day and not annual leave!
We've got it warm and sunny, best day of the year to date here in the far north :cool:


I'm at work :(

Will hit balls for an hour at practice area later, early finish Friday :rolleyes:
Incentive at work for an early finish Mr FFTD has just won it so off home now to several beers and a curry tonight!

Will pop to the range on my way home happy days

(until my slice returns after hitting 5 balls)
Unlucky laid plans and all that.

If you have any swelling in your lower back you might be better off with an ice pack rather than hot water bottle. HID suffers with back problems where the muscles tighten to protect an area, and she was advised by the chiropractor to use an ice pack.
However and this is the real killer I seem to have hurt my lower back at the bottom on the right probably as a result of garbbing everything and running back in.
so annoying - keep taking the tablets. Weather looks better on Sunday - you should be fine by then!
Homer if you go to your local chemist and asking for( I can't remember what it's called :mad: it's like deep heat but doesn't smell as bad it's like having an ice pack

Thats another difference between Scottish clubs and English clubs, "sausage (brown sauce) baugette " ;)

How the... do you get square sausage in a baugette ? :D

Thats what rolls are for ! :D
Tough break Homer.
We had a shower or 2 today but nothing to get excited about. But I wasn't swinging well today - at all!! Started slicing everything - I don't slice!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still playing with my brother tuesday at my soon to be club. Going to need to swing a bit better then!

Good luck for tomorrow.
Are you a man or a mouse mr Simpson?

If it's going to rain tommorow, practice in the rain today (GM page 123)
A bit dark in Watford, but no rain. Got 18 in this afternoon, forecast not too bad tomorrow, and 15 degrees on Sunday. Looks like a good weekend for golf.
I got 18 holes in today @ Wycombe Heights teed off at 1, no rain but it was cloudy and windy.

Took it nice and steady, 93 in the end. Played to my handicap, happy with that after a poor round last week.
Bad luck mate,bet is was still better than being at work though! Had a bash round the 9 hole course at my local club today getting ready for 18 holes tomorrow as the weather was beautiful down here in sunny kent. Try having a hot bath in the morning and do some easy stretches when you get out. Hope everything gets back to normal soon.
Friday 13th strikes, but all bad things are supposed to happen in three's so I am suprised you did'nt spill any of that brown sause down your front just to finish your day off!

Better luck tomorrow.