Non counting rounds effecting HCP


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May 25, 2024
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Hi all, just trying to get my head around how the handicap is effected after each round. I was under the impression it was an average of your best 8 rounds out of 20. Meaning that unless your most recent round was one of your best 8, your handicap wouldn’t change?

However it seems to be that every round is effecting handicap? Regardless of whether it’s green (counting) or not? In which case what’s the point in the best 8 rounds being in green if they all count towards HCP?

Maybe I’m missing something but any explanation on how they work would be great thanks. (Wales Golf)
Hi all, just trying to get my head around how the handicap is effected after each round. I was under the impression it was an average of your best 8 rounds out of 20. Meaning that unless your most recent round was one of your best 8, your handicap wouldn’t change?

However it seems to be that every round is effecting handicap? Regardless of whether it’s green (counting) or not? In which case what’s the point in the best 8 rounds being in green if they all count towards HCP?

Maybe I’m missing something but any explanation on how they work would be great thanks. (Wales Golf)
The round you put in, even though non-counting, will knock of the 20th round. If that was a good one, you handicap will change.
Ah yes my fault I didn’t mention that. So it’s knocked off a non-counting, it was also higher than the round I just played (this new one won’t be a counting one either). Is there a way of calculating what my handicap will become? I know it’s not supposed to change unless the newest round is a counting round but I’m sure mine does seem to change after every round, regardless of what gets knocked off and whether the new ones a counting round or not.. Seems confusing!
Ah yes my fault I didn’t mention that. So it’s knocked off a non-counting, it was also higher than the round I just played (this new one won’t be a counting one either). Is there a way of calculating what my handicap will become? I know it’s not supposed to change unless the newest round is a counting round but I’m sure mine does seem to change after every round, regardless of what gets knocked off and whether the new ones a counting round or not.. Seems confusing!
If you are in your soft (3-5 shots over your low handicap index) or hard (5 shots over your low handicap index) cap and your low handicap index is now over 12 months old, your handicap index can still change in this scenario.
The data needed to answer the question is:
handicap index
last 21 differentials after pcc with dates
lowest score with date over last year bearing in mind the lowest score could be more than 12 months old. And maybe the last but one lowest score with date.

Basically, everything for the past year and beyond.