No returns - should you get a handicap increase?


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I have seen guys literally tear their card up ont he 15th hole after making a 10 and still getting put down as an NR so I'm sure that point of your is set in stone (our H/C secretary is infamous for D/Qing at the drop of a hat so he'd be right on it were it the case)

As for giving up for losing a ball and having to go back as an excuse for an N/R, that is what a provisional ball is for. If the course is busy, jsut wave the group through if you need to walk back.I'm no saint and have N/R'd myself for losing a ball in medal comps and not going back.

I think you are missing the point. Whatever the rights and wrongs of our H/C secretary and his actions we have a gang of regular no returners who are slowly getting their handicap adjusted unfairly in my view. Come the big events they suddenly start to play well with an extra shot or two in the bank.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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If, like ours, you have to play (and return a score) in 3 medal comps within a specified period to qualify for the bigger trophys the answer is simple enough if you have a secretary willing to apply it.
3 NR's in a season means you are no longer eligible for the trophy games until you requalify.


Global Moderator
Oct 4, 2007
Bangor, Co. Down
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nr's should always carry at least a 1 main competition ban, everyone has bad days so the embarrasment factor shouldnt be an issue. If it proved to be so bad in some clubs who name and shame all placings for the competition, why not just chop off the bottom half of the list so you only see the moderate to good scores and save both blushes and lessen cheating.


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 10, 2008

I have seen guys literally tear their card up ont he 15th hole after making a 10 and still getting put down as an NR so I'm sure that point of your is set in stone (our H/C secretary is infamous for D/Qing at the drop of a hat so he'd be right on it were it the case)
Can't find the R&A version online, but from the USGA:

6-6. Scoring in Stroke Play

• b. Signing and Returning Card
After completion of the round, the competitor should check his score for each hole and settle any doubtful points with the Committee. He must ensure that the marker or markers have signed the score card, sign the score card himself and return it to the Committee as soon as possible.



Journeyman Pro
Jul 15, 2008
Burton. Staffs (Near WulfricPoint)
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From a personal standpoint the only reason I ever enter club competions is simply to get a handycap good enough to go & play the courses that either need a handicap or have a handicap limit, not that I've ever yet been asked.

I generally find entering club comps irksome & I always enter a card no matter how bad the score. Infact its the clickie members of the course I was with last year, i.e. the captain & all his croanies looking down their collective nose at everyone else who would put in an Nill Return.

I've only once had to do this mainly becase of one of these toffee nosed individuals who essentially made me record a blob on a hole I was determined to finish, then finding out at the end that it wasn't the sort of comp I'd thought.

OK, I'd dropped two balls with driver in the lake we were hitting over, a lake that on any other day a 3 wood would have been sufficient for me to clear with ease, But this guy, was in such a hurry to finish his round, to get back home to watch a grand prix & had been making derogatory remarks all day. But by the time I was teeing a third up, this indiviual (trying not to use a four letter word here), was walking right infront of my intended landing zone. So left with no option, I had to pick up on that hole.

Unsuprisingly I didn't re-new this year when the reminder came through because of this sort of attitude at that club. That & it was a bit of a drive to get to on a reguar basis.

On the other hand, If you have had a particularly bad day on the course, when your mind really isn't in it, you can understand people putting in a nill return, if only to finish the round so that you can mark someones score, because its not nice when someone simply walks off the course. Though after the day I had playing another local course, after very little sleep the night before causing the sort of misshits you wouldn't believe you can understand when someone does storm off, though I digress.

btw, I did stick it out yesterday, finished the round, & enjoyed a rather nice meal in the club house after. And even after this dreadfull round its a club I'm considering for next year, as the members attitude is very laid back.

Final point, if someone completes a round & enters a nill return its simply a waste of money to enter the comp. If anyone knows any clubs in my region that don't charge to enter comps then I'd love to know, as this is another pet hate.