New attitude to my golf shots


Tour Winner
Jun 3, 2009
North Kent
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Last weekend (Saturday) I played with my usual swindle lot. I played well and had 38 points.
We lost the group in front of us but we were a four ball and they were a three ball.
At no point did the group behind us (another four ball) have to wait to hit their shots. In fact, at one point, they were over a hole behind us.
On getting back into the clubhouse, our President (who'd been part of our fourball and lost to me and my partner.......:smirk:) decides to berate me in front of everyone for being a slow player! Now, it annoyed me as he could have pointed this out at any point during our round but, instead, decided that he needed an audience! People skills is obviously not one of his strong points.......
Now, tee to green I know that I'm not a slow player. I'm well organised, ready to go when it's my turn and I'm normally the first one walking down the fairway. Where I am slow is actually committing to the shot. It sounds stupid but I get nervous and, sometimes, simply don't want to hit the shot! Putting can, at times, for me be bordering on absurd!
So, I'm playing tomorrow and I've decided that I'm going to adopt a new, more carefree attitude. My pre-shot routine will be the same but, rather than freeze over the shot, I'm going to simply count to three and then swing. I'll adopt the same with my putting - a look at the line, a practice putt, line up, count to three and then hit the ball.
I don't want to annoy anyone by being a slow player so I reckon I should do something about it.......

Just thought I'd share my new strategy.


Sep 11, 2011
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I wouldn't worry about it buddy. I'm sure plenty of other people thought he was a t0sser for pulling you up in public. Time your playing partners, and get someone to time you if you're are concerned about it.


Jun 12, 2011
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If it was me I personaly wouldnt change anything, you are doing something right judging by your handicap. I certainly would not count down though that could completly mess up your concentration all together.

Just my thoughts :)


Tour Winner
Jun 3, 2009
North Kent
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I wouldn't worry about it buddy. I'm sure plenty of other people thought he was a t0sser for pulling you up in public. Time your playing partners, and get someone to time you if you're are concerned about it.

Another funny point was he said that I was 20 seconds longer than anyone else. I never saw him with a stopwatch....... :rofl:


Tour Rookie
Aug 6, 2007
Croydon, Surrey
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AW - you could try this with your putts. First the practice strokes. Set up over the ball. One look at the hole and then the moment you move your eyes from the hole back to the ball start the stroke. I think alot of pros do this.

Good luck mate - your president sounds a right "£$%!


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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I used to have lessons with a pro who said that once you have stood over the ball play the shot within 5 seconds, worked a treat for me.


Tour Winner
Jun 3, 2009
North Kent
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I used to have lessons with a pro who said that once you have stood over the ball play the shot within 5 seconds, worked a treat for me.

You see, I reckon there's a lot in that. Because I freeze I reckon that then results in a poor shot - either on the fairway or the green.

I'm going to try this more 'aggressive' technique tomorrow and see how it goes.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
You're not a slow player Dave, you're a deliberate player and there's a difference. The guy sounds like a total tosser.

Ironically it might help your game if you speed up however if it doesn't then I'd simply suggest that you try and take care of as much as possible before you hit your shot, eg try and read greens whilst others are playing, always be at your ball, the simple things like that.... problem is you will appear to be quite unsociable. I don't think you can easily solve your 'stall' on your drives and therefore you will always be seen to be slow even though it might not be the case. However it is possible to solve the yips (where you freeze over the ball and can't take the putter back) so there might be a solution out there for you.

EDIT: I've timed it (you're on video) and you are 20 seconds longer than anyone else with your DRIVES only. That equates to about 6 or 7 minutes in an entire round... about as much time as you spend looking for that tossers ball!
Last edited:


Head Pro
Dec 18, 2011
mansfield ,,nottinghamshire
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there is a time and place to have a conversation about slow play & he was a dik for making you feel annoyed in front of others but is that what it takes to speed golfers up
i get annoyed having to watch some golfers slow play routines ,,i do hope making some changes works better for you ,,don't rush your shots just make changes so you don't have to think about the shot for as long

Good luck


Assistant Pro
May 3, 2011
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You need to ask the question ''how long does a average round of golf take at my club'' and if you finished within that time then there is nothing to worry about. If something is not broken then why fix it. stick to your pre shot routine and IF one of your playing partners mentions your speed of play then it may be worth considering, otherwise enjoy and let them be jealouse of your achievments lol.


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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Hi AuburnWarrior,
I totally understand what you're going through. I am also very slow once I'm over the ball.
I walk quickly, am always ready to go when it's my turn & usually read putts & work out yardages while my playing partners are getting ready to take their shots. I'm actually quite a quick golfer until I'm actually at address, however, if I rushed my shots I would probably take more of them, wasting even more time by playing more shots & looking for more balls!
DON'T speed up just for the sake of your incredibly ignorant president. Play your own game, judging from your handicap it's more than acceptable already. Also, next time you see your president, tell him that Slime thinks he's a tw*t.
Cheers mate,



Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Firstly I think the president is a knob of king size proportions. Absolutely no need to handle the situation like that and in my mind petty jealousy because you had played so well. If its a comp tomorrow I wouldn't be doing anything differently. You know you are a decent golfer and have got there doing what you do. Stick with it.

I've been working hard in 2011 and going into the new year on not worrying about my game while I'm playing. If I chop it then cest la vie another 0.1. If I have a good round and then blow up, savour the good ones and learn from the rubbish. If I hold it together for all 18 then put the card in and see where you come. No swing thoughts, as I've put the work in on the range. Trust it and use it

Deleted member 1740

AW don't change your style of play for him, if you're going to do it then it must be for your own sake 100%.

I used to suffer with the yips but now all i do is look at my lie, get the line, pick my club, address the ball and fire. I've found this better for me because i have less thoughts and time for any indecision to creep in and im striking the ball as good as ever.

Commit to each shot 100% and you wont go far wrong.


Tour Winner
Jun 3, 2009
North Kent
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Many thanks for your comments guys - much appreciated.

I am going to try my new technique as I do feel that my 'freezing' over shots is sometimes my undoing - particularly my putting!

I'll let you all know how I get on tomorrow night.......


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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The issue regarding your speed of play is one thing and you seem to be considering that, well done there.

The issue of how your Club Presedent berated you in public is another. If I was you I would ask to speak to him on his own and explain that you didnt want to be rude by argueing infront of others, that you are dissapointed in the way he embarrissed you and would have expected someone in his office to have been more discrete in the way he spoke to members..


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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one of the members at my club, off 21 I think, has about 15 practice swings as part of his pre shot routine, same with putting, we were held up by his group last comp and he had the club captain as part of his 3 ball, we crossed on one of the holes and the captain apologised for their slow play saying 'I'm trying to speed them up'

I partnered him once and it was a bloody chore waiting for him to play. You would think he was playing the final round of the Open!!!

If you feel you arent holding folks up then dont change, if no one else has ever mentioned it then I doubt you are slow. Maybe the quicker approach will help but if not just go back to your normal game. It's for fun and a hobby at the end of the day :)