My Swing Clip - Comments Please


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Hi Alex.

Feel free to take this with a pinch of salt.....

Looks to me that you have a reverse pivot, your weight shifts back to your right leg during your downswing and when you finish its quite apparent that your weight does not really end up where it should at impact and when you finish.

You have what looks to be a nice set up at address but you may benefit from looking at the following:_

a) Keep your legs flexed at all times. It looks like your right leg straightens during the backswing and this will stop you turning correctly.

b) Turn fully but feel like you are turning slightly behind the ball not directly over it. Never sway but if you start your swing with the move of the left arm alone this will help, your shoulder turn will follow naturally.

c) You have some overswing going on as well. Keep your left arm straight-ish (but not tense). Resist bending your left arm at the top of the backswing. Perhaps go back a little slower, momentum might be causing you to overswing.

Over the years I have been taught to work on the above and it has really helped me to improve. Hope it works for you.


Overswinging a bit - you are collapsing your left arm too much on the backswing which is dropping the club way past parallel.

Your follow through is restricted because you're looking at the ball spot for too long after it's gone. Allow your head to come up with the swing after the ball has been hit so that chest and face are looking towards the target.

Looks like you hit it a long way - loads of clubhead speed.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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Lovely freewheeling swish in the driver video. Was that your missus getting a bit shirty?? Ready?.......YES!!

I'd go and get the basics tweaked a bit to start with, stance, posture & grip.
Weight is falling back especially in the hybrid vid, probably becasue of the fixation on the ball. The right shoulder should turn you head to follow the ball as it gets to your chin.

Sounded a nice strike with the driver....300yds+?? ;)


Sawtooth, I would be a fool to post a video and ask for comments then “take it with a pinch of salt” when I look at the video I see perfection, but I don’t know what I am looking for.

“a) Keep your legs flexed at all times. It looks like your right leg straightens during the backswing and this will stop you turning correctly.”

Now you say that and I think about it I know it to be true, I have been standing up on my shots more and more and I think it has started to make my right leg get stiff.

“b) Turn fully but feel like you are turning slightly behind the ball not directly over it. Never sway but if you start your swing with the move of the left arm alone this will help, your shoulder turn will follow naturally.”

Did I sway? (please say NO!! sway is so ugly) I don’t think your saying I did but it was a major problem for me in the past and my pro used to rip me for it. Past videos allowed me to see it and I had hoped it had gone. Are you saying use my left arm to start my take away rather than maybe I am pulling with my right arm to start it?

(I think the people in the office think I am mad as I sit here checking my arms and the like)

“c) You have some overswing going on as well. Keep your left arm straight-ish (but not tense). Resist bending your left arm at the top of the backswing. Perhaps go back a little slower, momentum might be causing you to overswing.”

I would guess this is me playing to the camera though I take note of keeping the left arm straight.

Thank you so much for your help, I am going to print it off and take it to the range with me. Although you have given me some points, would you say it’s not a terrible swing?

fundy: na it was last night, see the spray off my hybrid!

birdieman: “Your follow through is restricted because you're looking at the ball spot for too long after it's gone. Allow your head to come up with the swing after the ball has been hit so that chest and face are looking towards the target.”

Funny you should say that, we made 3 clips but I picked this one because in the others it looked like I was picking my head up and I did not want to be accused of that, they were all good shots so maybe the others were actually a little more natural. Thanks though.

bobmac: “Alex, do you ever catch it a bit thin or a bit heavy off the fairway?”
I do Bob and I have always put it down to a lapse in concentration or not watching the ball or going at it too hard, I would be VERY interested in your comments please sir.

Robobum: Ye, I had already asked her “ready” once hence the “YES”. I took a lesson last week and he seemed happy with my stance, posture & grip. He is a new pro to me and I have already been called out on a few things he has said, I guess I am a little worried about it now you have brought it up too.

As for the “Sounded a nice strike with the driver....300yds+?? ” I got gunned for talking about range yesterday so I am not even touching this one, but I did have a rye smile thanks.

Thanks all so much, this will be a great help and I welcome any other comments and look forward to your take on things Bob



Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Firstly, I'd like you to try this software.It's free and a great bit of kit.
Then download your youtube clip into it then you can watch it in slo mo, draw lines etc etc.

As has been said before, it's a pretty fine swing.
The reason I asked about thining and duffing is because of your position at impact. If you compare it to the address position you will see your head has dropped back and down.
At some stage has someone told you to keep your head still?
The problem as I see it is your footwork.
If you look at your feet through impact, you will see your right foot is planted long after the ball has gone.


If you look at clips of other golfers on tour(not Kenny Perry) you will see that they have moved well onto their left side by this point, their right heal is way off the ground and their right knee fires towards their left knee.
I think the work you have done to stop the sway is good, but I think you have stopped using your lower body almost altogether.
If you watch closely at the end of your swing, your body is leaning back but as you go into the pose for the camera, the body moves forward for the classic finish. :)

So to sum up, try and get your lower half more active, fire your right knee at your left and get off that right heal earlier. Gauranteed to stop the thin and duff :)


Tour Winner
Jan 12, 2007
I agree that weight transfer is an obvious fault in the swing.

A drill a friend of mine has been working on is to take a step forward with your right foot on the practice swing as if you are walking after the ball you've just "hit". It is supposed to reinforce the feeling of weight transfer onto your left side through impact as you can't do this unless you get your weight onto your left foot. My mate has gone down from 17 to 12 this season after some very simple lessons/drills have been taken on board.


Wow that is awesome; I will d/l the software tonight when I’m not on my work laptop. The point you have paused the shot at is as UGLY as the old sway clips. my hole body seems to still be on my left side and as you say, the pose at the end is just a pantomime.

Yes I have been asked to keep my head still; this was done at the same time as addressing the sway.

Have you highlighted my shoulder in your pic to point out how much my head has dropped? That’s not going to be easy to fix as I am so focused on the back of the ball at this point.

This is great stuff, thanks so much one and all, I really appreciate all the help.


I agree that weight transfer is an obvious fault in the swing.

A drill a friend of mine has been working on is to take a step forward with your right foot on the practice swing as if you are walking after the ball you've just "hit". It is supposed to reinforce the feeling of weight transfer onto your left side through impact as you can't do this unless you get your weight onto your left foot. My mate has gone down from 17 to 12 this season after some very simple lessons/drills have been taken on board.

I missed this, thanks allot, ill be giving it a go.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 11, 2010
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It's only a basic version but I think the only thing you cant do is split the screen for 2 swings.

Bob that looks a cracking bit of software. Just downloaded it and got a video of Tiger from Youtube and it's amazing to see how far his head actually drops on the downswing

I am shocked you say that? your head dropping is a fault is it not? i know if my head drops too much I will duff the shot!?