My improved swing


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Does not look bad at all mate. Really nice tempo to the swing and your not trying to knock skin off the ball. The only thing I would comment on is that your legs are quite straight and your back is bent over. Maybe try standing up at address a bit more may get you to swing a little bit flatter. I have used this pic before to show someone else what I am talking about.
Have a look at Ernie at address with the driver then compare it to you with a driver and see how he has a bit more bend in his knees and is stood up more than you. What this does it stops you swinging too steep and clears the body through impact so that you can release your hands which will also actually generate more power through the impact zone. I am aware of this as it is a bad habit that I do now again where I start swinging too steep.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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The swing path is out to in.
Watch where the follow through re-appears from behind....near your left elbow. It should appear near your shoulder.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 28, 2010
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Thanks for all your comments guys.

I've always been a steep swinger and my take away has always been a bit outside, maybe that comes with the steep swing. I've had a few lessons, still some more on my account which I'm going to use over winter. My pro changed grip slightly too interlock and move my right hand over a touch, the bottom right of my left palm is always touching the line at the top of the grip, so I didn't think I was gripping down the club... Maybe I have big hands?

I think the best feature to my swing is my tempo and rythem, I always used to try and blast it but now just let the club do all that work.

Il take your points on board and work on some bits overthe winter with my pro.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Really nice swing for a 22 hcap.

I say carry on doing what you are doing except that you could attack the ball more from the inside a tad. For instance looking at your video if you were trying to hit the a target right of where you are aiming such as that white board 100yds away that should help encourage an in to out path.

Will take a lot of grooving in but in time hopefullly you will be hitting longer and straighter.

I've just started to line my ball up on the tee peg with the line (normally used for putting alignment) facing slightly right of my target line. I try to swing along this line which is helping me to hit from inside a bit more especially with the driver.

Its just a small tweak and constant reminder that seems to be helping.