More course time needed but her indoors just isnt playing ball.... HELP!!!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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OK lads im at a stumbling block, and before any smart arse says " just get her told "... you wouldn't have to put up with her all winter when the course is shut... so its not an option.

With the crap weather coming and snow no doubt due within the next month, i find myself wanting to play twice this weekend oh and last weekend. Now we normally have an understanding that i can play twice on weekends providing one of the days is an early tee time, but for some strange reason she doesn't understand that controlling the amount of daylight, and more importantly the hours in which we have daylight is past my control.

Last week we had a club match against our rival club on Saturday, which i was picked to play in, so couldn't play Sunday and i was gutted as my game of late is gone and i've remembered how to hit a ball.

So this week, i've promised a mate we'd play Saturday who i haven't played with for around 4 months. Now whats her response " you know that means you wont be playing the medal on Sunday then" .... cheek!

So so far this week, ive been the model boyfriend, home every night prompt from work, helping out in the kitchen, last Sunday while all my mates were on teh course i was having dinner at the in laws... yada yada yada said last night id take her out Friday night... her response " your still not playing Sunday as well "

First response - b****x, i've been rumbled.
Second response (thinking to myself of course) - i dont play much in december and january... balls im playing.

come on lads help me out, i need two days golf this weekend.....


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 29, 2010
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The way I usually try and go about it is ask her if they have any plans this weekend then when they say no you go oh good that means I can go out, if she says she has plans then again oh right well as youre out il go out as well. Also explain you want to get maximum value for money out of your membership as you dont play December and January


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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I must say I very, very rarely play twice in a weekend as I like to spend time with the daughter.

However, if it looks like I'm going to struggle to get a game at all I "encourage" the wife as much as I can to find something to do! i.e. give her some cash to go shopping, meet her mates for lunch, arrange for my folks to have our wee girl so she can have a drink with her mates that sort of thing.

It's undoubtedly going to cost you but may be worth it!!

I was joking last weekend that my golf membership isn't the £600 I pay to the club but about £4,000 when I add in all the bribing of the wife!! :)


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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see jocko thats a slippery slope, if i start that then shes going to become custom to it every time i want to play, part of me says dont be mean and just play once, then the other part says im going to have the odd game here and there but pretty much 8 weeks off... so she can lump it...

either way im sure the decision will eat into my bedroom activity tokens


Aug 5, 2011
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ok, she's not daft and has rumbled immediately any efforts to 'soften' her with gifts or help around the house etc etc

so heres the plan, reverse psychology, it's the only way.

Go a bit quieter than normal for a few hours..........then bring out a club or shoes to clean them..
Don't say anything, its important she starts the golf conversation even just to ask what your doing!
When she does, then quietly say "I've been thinking about golf and even though I love it it's impacting on our time and maybe I should just give up the membership and just play a couple of times next year as I know your not happy about it".............then SHUT-UP! let her fill the vaccuum........

..if she starts to feel guilty and relent, re-inforce the fact its winter and you'll probably not be playing much anyway after November..............then ask her what she'd like to do this weekend as a couple?

if she just says ok, give up the membership and we'll spend a lot more time every weekend together then I'm afraid brother you are either goosed or she's using her own psychology.

good luck matey:cool:


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Whats happend to the give and take, in your relationship? With HID's We do things as a couple. But we still have indevidual lives as well. I can never understand one side of the couple dictating to the other?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Darth, teh worst thing is on days when i dont play golf i offer to take her out and shes happy to chill indoors... so i get bored shitless, especially when its nice weather out too.... :(

Palin, i think she has just got the the stage where twice a week is not acceptable... in all aspects! :)

daveM, he prob is when im at golf her mates are always busy, so she moans thats she is sitting indoors on her own, dont think my comment of " find some more friends then" went down to well the other day.


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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I can't believe no one has proffered the obvious. About 1/2 hour before you're due to play say to your loving girlfriend "Golf course or intercourse?". You'll be there in time for teeing off. (unless you're still in the "sex" phase of the relationship).


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 29, 2010
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give her some money to go and choose your next golf outfit? then she will want you to go out and play in her own designs.


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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For gods sake, man up and tell her whats happening Then explain politely it won't happen again this week.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2010
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If youve not got kids I don't see a problem. If you have played fair I previous weeks and only played once at the weekend then a one off should be allowed. My hid is the same but knows that sometimes this happens the same as there are weekends I haven't played at all. We have two daughters so makes things trickier but most the time we work things out. Good luck and if all else fails get a new one!!

Also if we don't hear from you we know what's happened!!