Monahan Burn After The RBC Canadian Open

Does anyone know if any of this Saudi money is going to charities in the host cities? The PGA Tour does a great job of doing that where ever they have tournaments.
Monahan was the ultimate crap interview. No answers. Tries to push the attention somewhere else. The PGA is a power hungry any big business. If the whole system collapses...fine with me.

This is an odd take as what it's collapsing into is just another,

[QUOTE ]"Power hungry entity..... like any big business" [/QUOTE]

Only arguably much worse.
How has Monahan split the tour; he didn't create the alternative choice, LIV did, so LIV has split it.

Isn't it time you came clean and told us how much Greg is paying you?

Have to agree with Mel on this one, all the LIV players could have played 8 tournaments on the euro tour, asian tour etc and probably not recieved a passing glance, nor would we have noticed them missing, as its common to have weak fields on the PGA tour.

LIV could have worked with the tour, joined with partnered charities, even got onboard with fedex cup points etc. Which if the PGA was really a charity all about growing the game would have meant more money for everything. Much like the pga works with organisations like The Masters, no bans for dodging tour events that week are there.

LIV has never threatened players with sanctions for playing other events (to my knowledge the seem to be encouraging it with the asian tour) Instead the pga is run as a business, protecting its assets with aggressive tactics restricting trade and limiting co-operation. Maybe LIV put a cat amongst the pigeons, but if the PGA tour wants all the players to turn up, then they need to make their events the most attractive in those weeks.

If you've really got a moral stance against particular regimes, best of luck with not buying anything made in china, we all boarded that ship many moons ago....