Mental Game - Other women golfers drive me mad! How can I cope with it?


Mar 29, 2008
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As a lady golfer it pains me to say that everything that men say about lady golfers is true - they're too slow, talk too much, stop on the fairway for a little chat and to admire another lady's new golf bag...and it is driving me absolutely nuts!!

My club is only recently affiliated with the Irish Ladies Golfing Union, so ouir lady membership is quite small. I've been playing at the club for a few years though, and in the absence of other ladies to play with, I played with the guys. My ex-partner was also a pro-caddy, so I learned early on to play fast, hit long and not talk when someone was taking their shot. Basic good golfing manners in other words.

Yesterday I had my first game this year with the ladies. Our fourball took 3 hours to play 9 holes. Most of that time I spent standing around staring at the grass, trying not to lose my temper. They talked absolute nonsense, peppered with words like "lovie" or "dearie" for the whole game.

My own play, which has been really good lately, descended to topped and heavy shots as my mental state broke down. As my own game deteriorated to their level, one of them kept saying on every bad shot I hit "not to worry, lovie!"

The kind of golfer I am is one who wishes to play her best, to reach her potential, and to put in the hours of trianing and practice that that requires. I work damned hard at my game. My only barrier to a low handicap isn't physical or technical, it's purely mental, and most of that has to do with playing with annoying women of a certain so-called mature age!

So my question is : how can I keep my game together under really trying circumstances, with people who make me so mad that I just want to strangle them and run off the course screaming????

(Sorry for the rant!)

Thanks for any advice in advance!



Mar 29, 2008
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Ya smiffy, it should be interesting!

I should add, I'm not pointing the finger at all lady golfers - I'm one myself! I've played with some really good low-handicap ladies who are just as passionate about their game as I am.

But the majority in my club...well, I'm not spoiled for choice in playing lady partners and on any given day (and I play 4 days a week), I'd much rather play with the guys...and the guys I usually play with are off 2 and 4


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Good morning Jennifer and welcome to the forum.
What's your H/cap at the moment and how low do you want to get?
And how much time do you spend practicing at the moment ?


Mar 29, 2008
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Hi bobmac,

Current playing off 18, looking to get to 12-14 by the end of this year, with a lot of coaching and hard work. In practice time, I guess I spend about an hour every day, either between the range, the course practice area and the back garden (chipping and plane practice etc. with alignment stix). Also have started this year to take a coaching session once every fortnight to work on some aspect of my game and tune it, or just to re-cover the basics of stance, alignment, plane, etc.



Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
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Just to let you know Jennifer that Bobmac is a PGA qualified teaching pro......the only one that posts regularly on the forum. What I am trying to say is.............he is the only one worth listening to.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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It seems then that your fellow ladies (?) just play for the company and the chat.
What's the chances of all your friends changing to become more serious?
Not a lot probably.
Therefor you are either going to have to play with someone else. Or
You change.
If you have to play with them, treat it as a practice round. Use the time to learn how to switch on and off. Relax in between shots and chat but then block out the waffle when it's your turn. But try and help them along to break the 3 hour barrier.
The only alternative is to either play with the men or on your own


Mar 29, 2008
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Thanks Bobmac, actually that's a very helpful suggestion. You're right about the motivations that these ladies have - one of them said yesterday that all this handicap stuff just put people under a lot of pressure and she just wanted to play golf to meet other ladies and have a nice walk in the fresh air. Gulp!

But the idea of using the games as a mental game practice round is great!! I often might play a round just to practice an aspect of my game "in situ", such as short game, fairway play, etc. So this could just be the mental extension of my existing practice routine.

You're brilliant!


Tour Rookie
Feb 2, 2012
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ooo Jennifer! I hope your ladies are reading your rant, 3 hours for 9 holes is a shocker!
I don't mind playing with the really high handicappers, or the chatters, but playing with anyone that slow would reduce me to tears too.
I've actually played my best rounds when out with the chatters, they take my mind off my game - and stop me from 'thinking' about shots.
You need to find a zen- like state when playing with them, but you will have to warn them that you arent a chatter, you aren't being rude, but you like to focus.
as for their speed, or lack of it, again you will have to advise them at the start of the round that you want to get round 9 holes in 90 minutes and would like them to keep up.
it sounds like they are not interested in the golf, and if they don't improve their speed then move to course where the ladies are a bit faster!
it reminds me of the ladies only swimming sessions where they just stand at the side talking! :eek:oo:
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Mar 29, 2008
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Hi heidi,

Grin...that's very good! Actually I never mind a bit of intelligent banter in a two ball, it helps with the pace and keeps the spirits up. Really it was just the gang I was with yesterday, the utter gibberish they came out with, and unfortunately they are representative of the ladies in the club. One of them, the worst offender was last years passive-agressive lady captain, and another is this years captain. This years captain was appointed by last years captain, along with a good friend of hers who is now hon sec and handicap sec. This all took place at a meeting of 3 people that nobody was informed about.

With that sort of cozy cartel, finding another club to play with is definitely on the cards. I've played in clubs where the ladies have a good membership, and where there are rules about things like slow play...

But my current club is on my doorstep, and membership rates are really reasonable, plus there's no timesheet so I can show up and play whenever I like, and that kind of suits me. I'll have to weigh up the pros and cons...

Bobmac's advice was great, and I really do need to work on not letting these people into my head, because the only way to get my handicap down is to play in competition, and that means playing with the very people who annoy me most. I did really bad in last years comps, completely because I could not stand to play with these ladies and my game went to bits every time I started to play with them.

I only won one comp last year, and that was when I went out with one of the guys and got him to mark my card for me.

Yesterday was dipping my toe back in the water with them, and i made a huge effort to be calm and sociable, but by the time we reached the 3rd (after about 30 minutes) all I wanted to do was scream!!!!

I'd love if they tuned into this forum and saw what I've said - but then I'd have to change my name and move to a different country to escape their wrath :)


Mar 29, 2008
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Hi farneyman,

Perhaps there is an age at which we all become annoying to young people - perhaps around the time we reach 30!

Having said that, I'm absolutely certain that I annoy the hell out of these ladies too, because I "take golf too seriously" and apparently "i shouldn't do that" because "you have to enjoy it, no matter how bad you play"

Thanks :)


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I have a book called Zen Golf, by Dr. Joseph Parent. In that there are techniques discussed for blocking out the outside world so to speak. I'd quite like to try it but I'd get bored practising sitting there doing nothing trying to do the exercises. Maybe it might help you? I got the audiobook version from the iTunes store so I could listen to it in the car.

In my case certainly, it's not the walking up the fairway chatting that can be the problem as I don't really want to concentrate for 4 hours, but the time where you have no choice to be standing around waiting. That's where it might be most beneficial.

Oh, and welcome to the forum although it looks like you've been here for a while. :)


Global Moderator
Oct 4, 2007
Bangor, Co. Down
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Morning Jennifer, I think it i safe to assume you are not a member of our place (Bangor) as there is quite a large female contingent. We have a few very low handicappers who take it quite seriously (without being OTT) so Id suggest looking at other local clubs and see what they maybe have to offer.
Now is a good time to maybe look at a move as joining fees seem to have been slashed at a lot of clubs, especially if you have no real reason to stay.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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My previous (and first) club had a small ladies section and I was made to feel a bit of an oddball for having lessons and trying to get better and lower my handicap. I still respected their motivation for playing golf though as it is each to their own and room for us all (hopefully). I did move to another club though that has a good number of female golfers striving to improve as well as those who are ok and happy with that as well as those who are clueless and also happy with that. Nothing wrong with any such types though as we all have different goals...

My most enjoyable recent golf was with a couple of seniors who were just the best company. Sure they were hopeless at best but were so complimentary about my golf that they made me feel special! It was a marked ball, texas scramble (scrambled my brains working out the rules!) and they were both keen not to take the Par 3's with water so I was happy to and we had a good old laugh and scored very tidily and won in fact.

Not sure what point I'm making here except - if you're not happy with the type of female golfer at your place then moving on seems the only option. Remember though to respect anyone out there on the course who is getting some fresh air, exercise and social interaction - regardless of ability and ambition.

PS - slow play does my head in but I've found the lower handicappers can take just as long as their pre-shot routines are so long!