Mental Game - Other women golfers drive me mad! How can I cope with it?


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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As a lady golfer it pains me to say that everything that men say about lady golfers is true

I learned early on to play fast, hit long and not talk when someone was taking their shot.

Yesterday I had my first game this year with the ladies. They talked absolute nonsense.

Can we have a 4-page feature on your in the GM? If Heineken made women golfers..... :thup:


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Can we have a 4-page feature on your in the GM? If Heineken made women golfers..... :thup:

Think we are just lucky with the Ladies we get here MB they are golfers , real golfers . oh to have more like that in all clubs eh .. & yes there are alot of men golfers that could be quicker too ..
Slow paly is an individual thing it doesnt mater if your female or male , there are muppets in both sexes

Jennifer what part of the isle are you from ...


Nov 16, 2011
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Slow paly is an individual thing it doesnt mater if your female or male , there are muppets in both sexes

Agree. (Some of) our Seniors are diabolically slow.

Mix of ladies at my club, from what I see. There is 1 slow group that is only out for the exercise, fresh air and chatter - but they are more than helpful getting following groups through. A couple of low handicappers who can't stand the chatterers holding them up.

I agree with Bob. Use the situation as an opportunity to improve your concentration/relaxation mix.


Mar 29, 2008
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Hi Bladeplayer,

I'm from Wexford, in the South-East. Won't mention the club, as I might get lynched :)

We've got some great courses in this county, and some of the best in the country are nearby in Wicklow. Trouble is, although prices have gone down a lot, the really good clubs still charge top dollar for joining fees, and one of the great advantages of my local club is that the fees are only €600 per year.

I have to say though that it is a great club and course, privately owned, and the owner/manager and his team put in trojan work to keep it in tip-top conditions. Our greens are the envy of other clubs. I have a fondness for the club too, as I learned to play golf on it, and I'm well known and (hopefully) respected there.

Seems a shame to have to lose all that just because of a few ladies who drive me mad.

Talking about this has helped put it in perspective, and it's clear to me now that the problem isn't the other ladies, but rather how I deal with it. It goes back to what bobmac said I think, that the answer is in my mental game and developing that to make me a more robust golfer.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Though never played with any ladies at my current club, i've found them quick and have never been stuck behind any groups out on the course. On the odd occ we have cought up with any groups , been let though straight away.

Even at my last club the ladies always let you though no problem, same couldn't be said for the seniors though.


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Hi Bladeplayer,

I'm from Wexford, in the South-East. Won't mention the club, as I might get lynched :)

We've got some great courses in this county, and some of the best in the country are nearby in Wicklow. Trouble is, although prices have gone down a lot, the really good clubs still charge top dollar for joining fees, and one of the great advantages of my local club is that the fees are only €600 per year.

I have to say though that it is a great club and course, privately owned, and the owner/manager and his team put in trojan work to keep it in tip-top conditions. Our greens are the envy of other clubs. I have a fondness for the club too, as I learned to play golf on it, and I'm well known and (hopefully) respected there.

Seems a shame to have to lose all that just because of a few ladies who drive me mad.

Talking about this has helped put it in perspective, and it's clear to me now that the problem isn't the other ladies, but rather how I deal with it. It goes back to what bobmac said I think, that the answer is in my mental game and developing that to make me a more robust golfer.

Wouldnt expect you to name it for the very reasons you state , im just up the road from you in Kildare , if your ever up the way & want a game around Athy GC just give me a couple of days notice for work etc & youl be very welcome ,nothing spectacular but a nice course in great condition 99% of the time (except hollow tine time)


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Hi and welcome to the forum. I can understand your frustration. But it may help if you realize people play golf for different reasons. Use the round a Bob says(top bloke). Not easy as you have found, but you will be better for it.

As to slow play, drives me barmy to. Shoot the buggers. Or try and put them out of mind and move on. But always remember its only a game enjoy it as you lower that H/c. Which I'm sure you will.


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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OK, feel better after reading the whole thread rather than just the OP. Don't think sweeping generalisations and playing up to stereotypes help. Although, of course, there are players like that but it's fair for them to get out of the game whatever they like. In my experience slow play is usually determined more by golfing ability / physical fitness than gender. Mind you 3 hours for nine holes!?

There's a relatively large ladies section at my club and we range from the practising hard, competitive wee git (me) to unhandicapped 9 hole social golfers. I do need a different mindset when I play with some of them but that's fair enough and it's actually good for me I think to play some totally relaxed rounds like that.

I do also like playing with the guys, especially once they realise I can play a bit and they don't have to be nice to me!


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Hello Jennifer, semi-person question... are these women all the same age as you? Are we talking about an enthusiastic 20yr old playing with housewife 40-60's types? or are you the housewife type that just wants to get something out of her game?


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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OK, feel better after reading the whole thread rather than just the OP. Don't think sweeping generalisations and playing up to stereotypes help. Although, of course, there are players like that but it's fair for them to get out of the game whatever they like. In my experience slow play is usually determined more by golfing ability / physical fitness than gender. Mind you 3 hours for nine holes!?

There's a relatively large ladies section at my club and we range from the practising hard, competitive wee git (me) to unhandicapped 9 hole social golfers. I do need a different mindset when I play with some of them but that's fair enough and it's actually good for me I think to play some totally relaxed rounds like that.

I do also like playing with the guys, especially once they realise I can play a bit and they don't have to be nice to me!

+1 - well put :thup:


Tour Rookie
Feb 2, 2012
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The worst case of slow play I ever encountered was a friend who took up golf just before me and used to 'borrow' my hubby so she could go out on the course. After I'd been playing for about 4 months I went out with them. I had a handicap at the time of 29 and she didnt have one. She'd been told by the pro that she had to take 3 practice swings, then hit the ball. So the routine went something like this - tee off, hit the ball about 100 yards. Get to the ball, select club, take 3 practice swings (which all looked fine) then step up and hit the ball with a totally different swing, top the ball and send it 4 feet, walk to ball, 3 practice swings, hit the ball - top it and send it 4 feet...repeat until ball actually goes into the air and gets closer to the hole.

then walk back to where the clubs were left after the first shot...

Repeat for 18 holes




Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
So the routine went something like this - tee off, hit the ball about 100 yards. Get to the ball, select club, take 3 practice swings (which all looked fine) then step up and hit the ball with a totally different swing, top the ball and send it 4 feet, walk to ball, 3 practice swings, hit the ball - top it and send it 4 feet...repeat until ball actually goes into the air and gets closer to the hole.

then walk back to where the clubs were left after the first shot...

Was her name Smiffy per chance? :whistle:


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I think the best thing for you is to play more with men. My wife is a golfer and plays in many of comps that are normally man dominated, she also plays in some of the roll ups that are normally played by men. She prefers it as she also gets frustrated by slow play and girls that have no intention to play well but are just there for the social aspect of the game.


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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Hello Jennifer, semi-person question... are these women all the same age as you? Are we talking about an enthusiastic 20yr old playing with housewife 40-60's types? or are you the housewife type that just wants to get something out of her game?

That's the perv's way of trying to find out how old you are.


Tour Rookie
Feb 2, 2012
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I think the best thing for you is to play more with men. My wife is a golfer and plays in many of comps that are normally man dominated, she also plays in some of the roll ups that are normally played by men. She prefers it as she also gets frustrated by slow play and girls that have no intention to play well but are just there for the social aspect of the game.
But its nice playing with the social ones - when you hit the ball a country mile and can chip and putt well, and par and birdie holes - they say things like - are you a single figure handicapper! It's lovely!

and no - I'm not and probably never will be single figures :lol:


Nov 16, 2011
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One of the longer rounds (5hrs 15) I've been out in involved a corporate member using up their allocation.

One of the players took 8 on the long par 4 3rd - and was never in the rough! 3 practice swings and a real shot as above but all with divots a New Yorker would be happy to have as a steak! Same routine all the way round - including Par 3 tees!