Matt Wallace - again!


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 22, 2016
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If he wants to quit I am sure there are plenty of people who would take a few bad words or worse for the kind of money he is getting. I'd happily put myself forward, can dig me in the face if you like.


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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I don't mind Wallace as a golfer in all honesty, I like that he cares and he's in a good period - but I find his personality a bit 'meh'. Lots of people found that ET prank on him (with Eddie Pepperel?) very funny, but I think he came across very badly and I didn't find it funny at all. Did he pull the caddies bib? Don't know, didn't see it and there's no concrete evidence but the video to me shows a caddie being berated and maintaining his composure by not engaging. Whether Wallace cause the bib movement, who knows? There's a certain contingent of players I found it difficult to have any love for even though I want to (Hatton, Wallace, Pepperel (although slightly warming to his humour)), although I'm still okay with Garcia and Reed despite recent wrong doings - probably says more about me. Either way, Wallace is in a good place, if there are occasional outbursts of bad temperament (as long as it's non-violent) as a release and that's how he operates best, then I'm okay with that.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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The irony of sports fans and golf forums.

If anyone here went to work and experienced the level of verbal abuse Wallace hurled at his Caddy and the physical (proven or not as maybe according to some, though post here alone prove some forumers watched it live), then there would be an uproar. HR meetings and grievances would ensue along with investigations.

Yet you've got some saying we'll nothings proven, or he gets paid well for it or even its sport he's passionate shows he wants to win. Its an unbelievable level of hypocrisy because you can guarantee that those same people wouldn't put up with it in their workplace paid for or not.

That's what this is for the Caddy his workplace and as an employer Wallace should behave with a level of respect. This isn't the Caddy that's done something by giving a wrong yardage. This is Wallace behaving like a cock, a petulant child and publicly abusing and that's what it is abuse, toward an employee. Sorry but that's not acceptable if he is getting pelters then rightly so.


Tour Winner
Jan 21, 2013
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The irony of sports fans and golf forums.

If anyone here went to work and experienced the level of verbal abuse Wallace hurled at his Caddy and the physical (proven or not as maybe according to some, though post here alone prove some forumers watched it live), then there would be an uproar. HR meetings and grievances would ensue along with investigations.

Yet you've got some saying we'll nothings proven, or he gets paid well for it or even its sport he's passionate shows he wants to win. Its an unbelievable level of hypocrisy because you can guarantee that those same people wouldn't put up with it in their workplace paid for or not.

That's what this is for the Caddy his workplace and as an employer Wallace should behave with a level of respect. This isn't the Caddy that's done something by giving a wrong yardage. This is Wallace behaving like a cock, a petulant child and publicly abusing and that's what it is abuse, toward an employee. Sorry but that's not acceptable if he is getting pelters then rightly so.

I’ve worked on multiple building sites as a teen and in 3 or 4 offices where a lot worse is said. If it’s heat of the moment stuff then adults should be able to handle a little criticism without getting too worked up. If it continues onto sustained bullying then that’s different. But work can bring stress to everyone, HR isn’t need for every time someone gets upset as someone is a little rude.

Deleted member 15344

The irony of sports fans and golf forums.

If anyone here went to work and experienced the level of verbal abuse Wallace hurled at his Caddy and the physical (proven or not as maybe according to some, though post here alone prove some forumers watched it live), then there would be an uproar. HR meetings and grievances would ensue along with investigations.

Yet you've got some saying we'll nothings proven, or he gets paid well for it or even its sport he's passionate shows he wants to win. Its an unbelievable level of hypocrisy because you can guarantee that those same people wouldn't put up with it in their workplace paid for or not.

That's what this is for the Caddy his workplace and as an employer Wallace should behave with a level of respect. This isn't the Caddy that's done something by giving a wrong yardage. This is Wallace behaving like a cock, a petulant child and publicly abusing and that's what it is abuse, toward an employee. Sorry but that's not acceptable if he is getting pelters then rightly so.

Did you post the same when Spieth went mental at his caddy , or indeed when any other players has gone mental at their caddy - plenty have done it

Also do you know the relationship between the two , do you know how the caddy is feeling about it all , do you know what exactly Wallace said - he could having a go at himself and using the caddy as a soundboard , the caddy could have given him the wrong advice - so many different angles and explanations with lots of unknowns and people making judgments on those unknowns.

If the caddy is feeling he was abused then can walk away , he can put a complaint in - this is sport , it’s very very hard to try and connect it too a working office. The caddy has a choice - he can either work alongside Wallace who is clearly temperamental or he can go and work with someone else - he isn’t being forced to work for Wallace just like any other caddy on tour. McNeilly is not some wet behind the ear Caddy - he has been with Faldo , Langer , Harrington over the past 30 years - do you know how he is feeling about the whole thing ?

Half the problem is people making snap judgements based on not knowing the full details and some of the accusations being made without concrete evidence- people have said he grabbed his caddy , punched him in the ribs - if you are going to accuse him of that then need to have evidence , it’s quite poor on a public forum to falsely accuse someone. And even the words being said by Wallace - no one knows what he says and looking at the pictures it doesn’t seem to phase or bother the caddy one single bit. If it was that bad then he would just walk away


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I think most of us have had a shouting match with someone at work. I'm just saying it's not our place to get upset on behalf of the caddie. He might genuinely not give a toss if Matt yells at him. Yes it's awful behaviour from the player, but if the caddie is ready to block it out and collect a wage who are we to say he can't or he shouldn't? Again, comparing to domestic or workplace abuse is a bit strong - some people are trapped in those situations by personal circumstance so they can't walk away, and that's awful. I don't really think that applies here, he can quite easily terminate his relationship with Matt and get a new gig easily if he wanted to. He has worked with Faldo, Price & Harrington in the past.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2019
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Far to many snowflakes on here, the working environment can be a tough old place and there are times you need to man up not act like a big piece of wet toilet paper.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Did you post the same when Spieth went mental at his caddy , or indeed when any other players has gone mental at their caddy - plenty have done it

Also do you know the relationship between the two , do you know how the caddy is feeling about it all , do you know what exactly Wallace said - he could having a go at himself and using the caddy as a soundboard , the caddy could have given him the wrong advice - so many different angles and explanations with lots of unknowns and people making judgments on those unknowns.

If the caddy is feeling he was abused then can walk away , he can put a complaint in - this is sport , it’s very very hard to try and connect it too a working office. The caddy has a choice - he can either work alongside Wallace who is clearly temperamental or he can go and work with someone else - he isn’t being forced to work for Wallace just like any other caddy on tour. McNeilly is not some wet behind the ear Caddy - he has been with Faldo , Langer , Harrington over the past 30 years - do you know how he is feeling about the whole thing ?

Half the problem is people making snap judgements based on not knowing the full details and some of the accusations being made without concrete evidence- people have said he grabbed his caddy , punched him in the ribs - if you are going to accuse him of that then need to have evidence , it’s quite poor on a public forum to falsely accuse someone. And even the words being said by Wallace - no one knows what he says and looking at the pictures it doesn’t seem to phase or bother the caddy one single bit. If it was that bad then he would just walk away
No I didn't post then but nor did I see any of that incident. But same goes for Spieth with the way he acted. Unlike some I don't post on everything that goes on just things I've seen or had dealings with.

To say it's poor to accuse some on public forum, all I can say is "Pot and kettle"

There in your post again its sport its not compatible to office or work place. Sport or not this is his workplace so its easy to compare based on that.

I just find it incredible that on here some will berate a human being for damaging a golf course, but defend someone verbally abusing another person because its sport that's ok. It's OK to offend people and hurl abuse at them when in fact they've done nothing wrong because its sports its just passionate person letting off steam. Yet leave your 7 iron wedged in the ground and that's a burning at the stake offense.

I won't be drawn into another poster v poster thread with you LP as you like to do. I'll bow out any direct conversation with you on this alone no matter what you say Wallace has behaved disgustingly and deserves all the pelters he gets as a result of his actions yet again.


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Aug 6, 2007
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I am sure following the media circus, the ET and players committee will want an explanation from Wallace and perhaps even the caddy as to what actually happened, if only to be able to turn round and say they were aware of the full extent of what happened and have/will do x about it. If nothing else I imagine they'll give Wallace some advice on future conduct. As to whether the caddy feels it was bullying, harrassment or unacceptable is a matter for him and ultimately down to him to decide if he is prepared to accept what has happened and keep the bag. It isn't a normal working environment and one of boss and employee. Aside from perhaps the ET players committee who else would the caddy report this to anyway and what action could be taken other than breaking the partnership. I can't see the ET insisting Wallace pays compensation for the incident


Jul 13, 2015
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Did you post the same when Spieth went mental at his caddy , or indeed when any other players has gone mental at their caddy - plenty have done it

Also do you know the relationship between the two , do you know how the caddy is feeling about it all , do you know what exactly Wallace said - he could having a go at himself and using the caddy as a soundboard , the caddy could have given him the wrong advice - so many different angles and explanations with lots of unknowns and people making judgments on those unknowns.

If the caddy is feeling he was abused then can walk away , he can put a complaint in - this is sport , it’s very very hard to try and connect it too a working office. The caddy has a choice - he can either work alongside Wallace who is clearly temperamental or he can go and work with someone else - he isn’t being forced to work for Wallace just like any other caddy on tour. McNeilly is not some wet behind the ear Caddy - he has been with Faldo , Langer , Harrington over the past 30 years - do you know how he is feeling about the whole thing ?

Half the problem is people making snap judgements based on not knowing the full details and some of the accusations being made without concrete evidence- people have said he grabbed his caddy , punched him in the ribs - if you are going to accuse him of that then need to have evidence , it’s quite poor on a public forum to falsely accuse someone. And even the words being said by Wallace - no one knows what he says and looking at the pictures it doesn’t seem to phase or bother the caddy one single bit. If it was that bad then he would just walk away

Where did Spieth "go mental" you have a knack of exaggerating and twisting things to suit your own agenda. Spieth had words and publically criticised the caddy. From memory (I really am not to fussed to google it) there was no bad language used. Also I note that "our Fanny" was in the papers after the altercation/spat backing Spieth.

Deleted member 15344

Where did Spieth "go mental" you have a knack of exaggerating and twisting things to suit your own agenda. Spieth had words and publically criticised the caddy. From memory (I really am not to fussed to google it) there was no bad language used. Also I note that "our Fanny" was in the papers after the altercation/spat backing Spieth.

Do you know what Wallace said to his caddy ? The cameras didn’t pick it up so how do you know exactly what was said between the two ? How do you know if there was any bad language said by Wallace and if he was berating the caddy or if he was berating himself. Lots been said but not much evidence so far beyond people getting upset on twitter.


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Jul 10, 2012
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Would be interesting to see the difference of opinion, or if the responses here and on social would be more extreme if it was one of the popular Americans (Tiger for example) doing the same, berating their caddy, throwing clubs, slamming putters into the green. I like Wallace and think he's going to be a top player, but some of his behaviour on the course is a joke and is an area he really needs to work on, it can't help his game, surely?

If it was Tiger it would
Did you post the same when Spieth went mental at his caddy , or indeed when any other players has gone mental at their caddy - plenty have done it

Also do you know the relationship between the two , do you know how the caddy is feeling about it all , do you know what exactly Wallace said - he could having a go at himself and using the caddy as a soundboard , the caddy could have given him the wrong advice - so many different angles and explanations with lots of unknowns and people making judgments on those unknowns.

If the caddy is feeling he was abused then can walk away , he can put a complaint in - this is sport , it’s very very hard to try and connect it too a working office. The caddy has a choice - he can either work alongside Wallace who is clearly temperamental or he can go and work with someone else - he isn’t being forced to work for Wallace just like any other caddy on tour. McNeilly is not some wet behind the ear Caddy - he has been with Faldo , Langer , Harrington over the past 30 years - do you know how he is feeling about the whole thing ?

Half the problem is people making snap judgements based on not knowing the full details and some of the accusations being made without concrete evidence- people have said he grabbed his caddy , punched him in the ribs - if you are going to accuse him of that then need to have evidence , it’s quite poor on a public forum to falsely accuse someone. And even the words being said by Wallace - no one knows what he says and looking at the pictures it doesn’t seem to phase or bother the caddy one single bit. If it was that bad then he would just walk away
tbf tho Phil you are very quick to slag people off when you dislike them,yet you won’t have a bard word said against others & will spend hours arguing the toss.
Rory could drop kick a baby elephant & you’d try & put a positive spin on it 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Jul 13, 2015
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Do you know what Wallace said to his caddy ? The cameras didn’t pick it up so how do you know exactly what was said between the two ? How do you know if there was any bad language said by Wallace and if he was berating the caddy or if he was berating himself. Lots been said but not much evidence so far beyond people getting upset on twitter.

I will refer you back to the original question Sir.

Please tell me where Spieth - and I quote - "went mental". That was what I asked. I don't require a politicians answer of waffle and deflection.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2012
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I will refer you back to the original question Sir.

Please tell me where Spieth - and I quote - "went mental". That was what I asked. I don't require a politicians answer of waffle and deflection.

Speith was more chuntering whilst walking off the tee imo.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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If it was Tiger it would

tbf tho Phil you are very quick to slag people off when you dislike them,yet you won’t have a bard word said against others & will spend hours arguing the toss.
Rory could drop kick a baby elephant & you’d try & put a positive spin on it 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Probably say he struck it well

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Rory could drop kick a baby elephant & you’d try & put a positive spin on it 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I'm sat here chuckling away at this image. I immediately thought of Ron Burgundy and the dog on the bridge scene :LOL:. Now Ron would definitely drop kick a baby elephant