Matchplay Rant


Head Pro
Aug 9, 2011
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Doesnt personally affect me but i still find myself getting annoyed.

A couple of friends had arranged their match a few weeks ago. Day of the match arrives and the guys they are playing call to cancel due to work commitments.

Still another week until the deadline so they arange another date. This time on the deadline day. Match day rolls around and again another cancellation due to work commitments....

The pair they are playing get in touch with the club and arrange an extension. Match due to be played tomorrow (9 days after the deadline). Guys call again to cancel as one of them remembered its his daughters birthday!!

The other guys have gone back to the club and arranged a further extension....surely this is getting beyond a joke?!
Our club just has a zero tolerance policy, you get a month or 6 weeks to play a match, if it aint played you're both out (unless one party forfeits). The real issue I have with the above is that it's eating into the time you have to play the next round. Many of us are very busy and travel with work so it's a poor show and I'd be annoyed on their behalf too.
Doesnt personally affect me but i still find myself getting annoyed.

A couple of friends had arranged their match a few weeks ago. Day of the match arrives and the guys they are playing call to cancel due to work commitments.

Still another week until the deadline so they arange another date. This time on the deadline day. Match day rolls around and again another cancellation due to work commitments....

The pair they are playing get in touch with the club and arrange an extension. Match due to be played tomorrow (9 days after the deadline). Guys call again to cancel as one of them remembered its his daughters birthday!!

The other guys have gone back to the club and arranged a further extension....surely this is getting beyond a joke?!

sounds it but if the committee keep allowing extensions then this will keep happening I think every club/comp goes through it at some point
This is why I do not play double matchplay at my club, it's hard enough getting a date to play one person singles never mind trying to accomodate your partner plus 2 others.
Yeah, one of the thing ive said to them is that they will only have 2 weeks to get the next round played if they have to wait another week!!!

Problem is the other pair arent doing the right thing in forfeiting and the guys seem unwilling to push it and claim the match.
This is why I do not play double matchplay at my club, it's hard enough getting a date to play one person singles never mind trying to accomodate your partner plus 2 others.

Same here, not going to bother again.

My partner and were entered in 3 diff comps, we have played one game so far, and got so hacked off with one pair of high handicappers so much we gave them the tie as it was just too much hassle.
Work commitments do come up from time to time and that needs to be understandable. Cancelling on the day however is not acceptable to me. You should generally know what you have ahead of yourself at work. Doing it twice is even worse. Then saying it's your daughter's birthday. I think the time has arrived to email the match secretary and claim the tie.

I was asked by an opponent to try for an extension because he 'didn't like playing in the rain.'
Club needs to get its act together and have a strict no extension rule and enforce it. It is occasionally a bit harsh when folks have a genuine reason for a short delay but it keeps the comp moving. As long as everyone knows the rule is enforced then you just have to suck it up if you have a busy schedule and can't play a tie on time - there's alway next year.
I am a 100% believer in the organisers taking responsibility for matches getting played rather than any regimented approach but, in this case as presented, that also includes taking action when this case when they called of the second time on deadline day I would have put the other pair through straight away.

Easiest decision I have ever faced!
I'm surprised the club gave them an extension, our club wouldn't entertain that excuse.

Ours neither. In fact we take a hard line that if the competitors aren't able to play before the cut-off date - for whatever reason and regardless of who may be deemed at fault - both parties are DQd.
No way ours would give an extension. Like others have said, ours would DQ both pairings unless one pair conceded, however in a case like this I think (this is only my opinion) our Chairman of Comps would have a little word with the pair who cancelled twice for them to concede.
Ours neither. In fact we take a hard line that if the competitors aren't able to play before the cut-off date - for whatever reason and regardless of who may be deemed at fault - both parties are DQd.

why would anyone enter a competition where you can get DQ's at any time for the actions of a third party (that include taking no action!)?
I am a 100% believer in the organisers taking responsibility for matches getting played rather than any regimented approach but, in this case as presented, that also includes taking action when this case when they called of the second time on deadline day I would have put the other pair through straight away.

Easiest decision I have ever faced!

The other pair prob cant believe they havent been booted out yet
The scenario in the OP is out of order and the committee should've refused any extension, but notwithstanding that, I would not have had the barefaced rind to suggest subsequent extensions and would simply have conceded the match.

We have a zero tolerance on this carry on too, and had I been one of your mates, I would've spoken to the committee and told them that me and my PP were not happy with the ruling they'd given.

It's just not cricket...err... golf, I mean 😄
why would anyone enter a competition where you can get DQ's at any time for the actions of a third party (that include taking no action!)?

it seems unfair but I think it comes about through too many extensions being requested resulting in a mess - and then when you get to 'who is to blame' the parties often can't agree. 1st party says the 2nd cancelled three times and so is to blame - 2nd party said that the 1st was inflexible in arranging dates making it difficult for the 2nd party to come up with dates they could absolutely commit to. And so it would go on. Committee leaves it to the parties to agree whether one party should give the other a walkover. I suggest that knowing that both parties will be DQd puts pressure on the one who knows they are at perhaps more at fault (or indeed care less!) to concede.
I find it a pain when people wait until the last minute to arrange the match, we have a zero tolerance on extension,s so I like to get matches arranged as soon as possible.
Yeah, one of the thing ive said to them is that they will only have 2 weeks to get the next round played if they have to wait another week!!!

Problem is the other pair arent doing the right thing in forfeiting and the guys seem unwilling to push it and claim the match.

The committee (or whoever granted the extension) should grow a set.

First extension sort of acceptable, second one no chance.
Same here, not going to bother again.

My partner and were entered in 3 diff comps, we have played one game so far, and got so hacked off with one pair of high handicappers so much we gave them the tie as it was just too much hassle.

Out of interest, why are their handicaps relevant?