Has anyone apart from me taken up the oppertunity to utilise the make sense of your score out of this months GM on page 86 I use golf card plus anyone else use these options thanks.
I just record my shots via the scoresaver2 card and enter the round when I get in and then see what it tells me stat wise. I know if the ball striking has been good/bad but its interesting to see exactly hoe many fairways/greens you hit and how many putts etc you actually took compared with what you may think you did.
I was given some advice from a tour player years ago and have used it ever since as a guide to how I am playing
I work out 3 numbers and add them together. The higher the number the better.
The first number is the number of fairways hit
The second number is how many greens in regulation
The third number is the total lenght of putts holed
eg If I miss a 30 footer on the first and tap in a 2 footer thats 2.
On the second I hole a 10 footer... added to the first hole that's 12 and so on
If your marking a card, just note down at the end of each hole "yy5" That shows yes you hit the fairway, yes you hit the green and you holed a 5 footer.
If you get close to a 100, your doing very well
Nice try but sorry, no. lol
If it is your second to a par 4 you can still count it as a GIR.
I prefer adding up the length of putts holed. It gives you a better idea of how well you are putting.
For example,
If you miss every green and chip every one to a foot, you only have 18 putts. That would look good for your putting stats but are you putting well?