Low ball flight fixes


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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Something is majorly wrong and I'd see a pro, how can you possibly play par 3 and approach shots with that amount of uncontrollability

I asked about it during a lesson once, but we didn't have a lot of time as we were working on my short game but as I asked he asked me to hit a few 6-irons. He thought my left arm was coming away from my body too much (similar to how a cricketer would play a defensive shot) and that was de-lofting the club, causing the low ball flight. That would tie in with the video and explanation that Coach has put on above.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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That feeling of opening the face on the way back is likely to be square relative to your body.

When you thought you were keeping it square to the ball you more than likely were putting it in a shut position causing that low hook.

Absolutely - I think that is just what I was doing. And with poor hip turn I had to groove a swing to make it work - which I did - and all admired my low drawing shots. But in last years when after I had fallen out of the groove I would so easily snap hook shots - and then the unmentionables attacked. Today I have been trying hard to get more hip rotation - but something was still quite wrong. I was very probably holding the club closed - but when I in my head let the club 'roll-open' as I took club back and rotated hips - you are quite right - I am probably now taking it back square relative to body. And the difference in strike and height I hit the ball is very noticeable - and pleasing :)


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Possibly, but either way, higher flight = better distance. Whether that is a by product of a better strike I don't mind. I just want to replicate it and thus get some tips for a higher flight.

Agreed - all I was saying is that it's probably not just getting greater height that's getting you the distance - your better strike is getting you greater height - and better distance :)


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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Something is majorly wrong and I'd see a pro, how can you possibly play par 3 and approach shots with that amount of uncontrollability

Thought I would come back and say, you were quite right. Had a lesson and my swing was far to shallow mainly caused by my swing path back due to my poor posture and how I kept the face square on my backswing, rather than opening it up. 1hr later and my shots went from an average height of 20ft to almost 60ft and a much nicer ball flight. Average carry went from 120 up to about 145 with the 7 iron. Much much happier.


Tour Rookie
Mar 24, 2010
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Enjoyed reading this thread chaps. Very interesting and a fine example of how this forum can work. I've just found out after all these years that sometimes you can use the wrong equipment too. I've struggled with too high a ball flight for ages but recently have found some irons and more importantly shafts that have really made a difference to that aspect of my game.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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couple things worth thinking over - posture - too upright spine angle (so not enough forwards lean from the hips) plus a little ways too much bend in the knees - the swing then can work 'around' a ways too much so too shallow angle of attack - not enough down into impact, some fats but also then the strike can being happening to much on the up no not solid contact at optimum speed.

Worth pointing out this was exactly my problem. Obviously knowing the correct posture was a challenge and had to be shown to me. Felt very odd at first, like I was almost bent over double, but looking at video feedback, it's amazing how upright I actually am in comparison to the feel. It also allowed much easier shoulder turn than before, lengthening my backswing.