losing height in down swing


Q-School Graduate
Jan 31, 2012
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ive been struggling for a while now with poor every thing fat thins slices etc.i was shopping with the wife today and as she was being fit for some running trainers so i popped into the american golf store next door instead of waiting. They had a cobra fitting day so as they were quiet i had a go. i use cobra forge tec irons but the fitter said straight away that my irons were 1/2 inch too short im 6 2" and irons are standard. he gave me a 1/2 inch longer club and said posture was better i hit a few good shots but some bad the fitter said i was losing height on my down swing leading to the bad shots which were fat. anything i can work on to maintain my height through the swing


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 11, 2011
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Go get a lesson, you will have a qualified understanding of what is wrong and some drills on how to fix it. Tips from a fitter at American golf or anyone not qualified, no matter how well meaning, aren’t helpful in the long term