Laughter - the best medicine

Had a go with the new driver in the back garden. Successfully delivered three balls to three separate neighbours. The fourth was only stopped by the magnolia bush.

My back garden borders the local course, so I think I can get away with it…
When I was a lad, my mum used to send me to the shops with a £1 note.
I'd come back with 6 spuds, 2 loaves, 3 bottles of milk, 6 rashers of bacon, half a dozen eggs and a
huge block of cheddar cheese.
You just can't do that now.

Too many security cameras!
When I was a lad, my mum used to send me to the shops with a £1 note.
I'd come back with 6 spuds, 2 loaves, 3 bottles of milk, 6 rashers of bacon, half a dozen eggs and a
huge block of cheddar cheese.

When I was a kid, my mum used to send me to the shop to get cigarettes for her. She used to give me a note to give to the shopkeeper as "proof" it wasn't me buying them!