Twelve and a Half Minutes with Darren Clarke

Good review mate!

Its a shame you didn't get too much time with DC but still what an experience playing that course... Just imagine how much all of that would have costed coming out of your own pocket :D
Excellent review.

I think even without DC it would have been or was an excellent experience and outing so even though it was just a brief moment playing a hole with DC, its still something to cherish.
Excellent write up - it sounds like a brilliant experience.

As for DC, disappointing that he decided on a "no show" - I guess that's why he's known as the Prince of Darkness.
Excellent write up - it sounds like a brilliant experience.

As for DC, disappointing that he decided on a "no show" - I guess that's why he's known as the Prince of Darkness.

He's known as many other things as well from what I heard but nothing I could repeat here. To be fair, in the short time I did spend with him he came across as a decent likable guy, he does however appear to be something of an enigma.
good write up but didn't show the company in a good light and D.C sounds like a proper prima dona,they didn't supply a rep and you had to fend for yourself,the course was in poor condition and the main reason for being there desided he could not be bothered to turn up,when I am booking my holidays next year I defo will not be saying DARREN SENT ME if they cant even sort their own competition out.
The rep was there and was on the plane but I didn't know this until we got on the coach the other side. I would have expected him to make himself known earlier but there you go. The course was in great condition except for the greens being a little bumpy in places following treatment but it was nearly recovered. DC's interpretation of shocking is obviously different to mine, I have played on worse greens, The West Course for example which was shocking.

The YGT organisation did leave a little to be desired however. We were told there were to be longest drive and nearest the pin prizes but there weren't. You can't blame them for DC bailing though.