Joining a new club

As an aside, is it fair to be naming who and what you spoke to about things on a public forum? A private conversation is just that, not for publication on the World web.

Particularly if there is any truth in the suggestion those discussions have been misrepresented. I’m quite sure a member of a club’s greenkeeping staff will not take too kindly to hearing that they have undermined their head greenkeeper if that isn’t actually what happened.
Well there all big boys and it wasn’t a private discussion there was a few of us all talking and if the green keepers have a problem with what they have said they all have my number
I am a big boy I don’t care what people say about me and if something is bothering me I will speak out no matter what the consequences are.
I would love to join western gailes it’s a fantastic course but wearing a suit and tie everyday I want a game of golf just wouldn’t be for me.
I have found two pros who want to work with me, seen them both last week and both have trained people who are currently or else been on the pga tour. Just need to decide what one to go now.

That says a lot I’m afraid. I wouldn’t try that first line at your entrance interview though. I’m sure there will be a suitable club for you somewhere. Good luck.
Well there all big boys and it wasn’t a private discussion there was a few of us all talking and if the green keepers have a problem with what they have said they all have my number
If the conversation was between a few of you, and not minuted and repeated via club letter to all members, it was a private conversation. Unless of course you don't understand what it means, in which case a private members club isn't for you:)
I won’t lie to you I will continue to use there for everything, maybe if by some magical reason I need to come out of retirement and get a desk job for peanuts I’ll consider learning the correct way but it’s just of no use to me just now ?

Western Gailes really isn’t the club for you.
I won’t lie to you I will continue to use there for everything, maybe if by some magical reason I need to come out of retirement and get a desk job for peanuts I’ll consider learning the correct way but it’s just of no use to me just now ?
It is of plenty of use to the rest of us! ??
Well there all big boys and it wasn’t a private discussion there was a few of us all talking and if the green keepers have a problem with what they have said they all have my number[/QUOTE
Let me give you my own experiences of Prestwick St Nicholas:

Around 10 years’ ago I wanted to enter an Open, Roger Casket I think. They would not let anybody S of the Border enter. Their rules which I accept.

This year they did accept and I hd my name down. Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances I had to cancel early April. This was allowed. I wrote 3 times. Spoke to the pro 3 times as my name was still on the list on Friday. he promised to check and phoned me back that day. no phone call,

I play Opens all over Scotland including more prestigious than St Nicks including Royal Dornoch, Royal Aberdeen and North Berwick. probably play 15/20 per year.The staff and secretaries have always been extremely helpful and efficient until!

Maybe this is not for you but hope I am wrong.
I won’t lie to you I will continue to use there for everything, maybe if by some magical reason I need to come out of retirement and get a desk job for peanuts I’ll consider learning the correct way but it’s just of no use to me just now ?
I thought from your posting style you were a kid not a retiree.
I thought from your posting style you were a kid not a retiree.
Probably a kid to some of you I’m 40 but to be honest and this is 100% true I have no reason to lie. Infact if the guy who plays at east ren wants to ask any of the Greenkeepers about me they will verify ive been very successful through hard work and retired early 20s.
I have a good few mates similar to me as in really quite uneducated and didn’t do well at school but all have found very different ways to become financially free and retire or else maybe keep going but really don’t need to.
I also have some very intelligent friends who went to very good schools and done well in there exams but none of them are living well and just have poorly paying jobs but they do know the 3 versions of there I’m sure lol
So I will take as some would say dumb and rich over smart are poor everyday of the week and twice on a Sunday
Probably a kid to some of you I’m 40 but to be honest and this is 100% true I have no reason to lie. Infact if the guy who plays at east ren wants to ask any of the Greenkeepers about me they will verify ive been very successful through hard work and retired early 20s.
I have a good few mates similar to me as in really quite uneducated and didn’t do well at school but all have found very different ways to become financially free and retire or else maybe keep going but really don’t need to.
I also have some very intelligent friends who went to very good schools and done well in there exams but none of them are living well and just have poorly paying jobs but they do know the 3 versions of there I’m sure lol
So I will take as some would say dumb and rich over smart are poor everyday of the week and twice on a Sunday
Lots of money to be made in pharmaceuticals ;)
Probably a kid to some of you I’m 40 but to be honest and this is 100% true I have no reason to lie. Infact if the guy who plays at east ren wants to ask any of the Greenkeepers about me they will verify ive been very successful through hard work and retired early 20s.
I have a good few mates similar to me as in really quite uneducated and didn’t do well at school but all have found very different ways to become financially free and retire or else maybe keep going but really don’t need to.
I also have some very intelligent friends who went to very good schools and done well in there exams but none of them are living well and just have poorly paying jobs but they do know the 3 versions of there I’m sure lol
So I will take as some would say dumb and rich over smart are poor everyday of the week and twice on a Sunday

Well, I’m sure we’re all very glad that over the last 20 years you’ve learnt to make a lot of money.

I wish you well for the next 20 of your retirement, I hope you find a way to make a good contribution to society and use your fortune well. I hope you might learn some of the more important things in life. Until then, I think you might find it hard to settle into a golf club. Sometimes, I read a post and think would I want to be in a club with the person who wrote this, or would I want to spend a pleasant 3 or 4 hours in their company…
No they are normal people that just enjoy the old traditions of their club. When I played there I asked the pro about it, he said they had a vote and chose to keep the rule in place.

So are you saying that people who wear a suit aren’t usually normal people? ?

I’m wearing a suit at the moment and I’ll wear a suit tomorrow too, though I think I’ll change for bed ?
So are you saying that people who wear a suit aren’t usually normal people? ?

I’m wearing a suit at the moment and I’ll wear a suit tomorrow too, though I think I’ll change for bed ?
Hmmmm......are you normal......
Is anyone on here normal? ?
Played at WG last week. Barely a blade of grass out of place on the whole course.

I did get a few looks from members getting in and out of jacket and tie. Wondered if that was the case.

I did hear from one fella playing that it was a waiting list and £7k joining fee. Not sure how true that was or not but he described it as them "not wanting members". I thought everyone seemed spot on tbh