Its D Day for joining! Help Please!


Tour Winner
Sep 1, 2011
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Man up and do it, you needed a rollicking for changing shoes in front of clubhouse, changing room or use your loaf and change them in the car!!

I joined alone, it makes you play with other people, some you will like some you won't, in any event ditch your mate he sounds like a knob!


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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The quicker you sign up and start mingling around the club the quicker you will have loads of people to enjoy a round with. I didnt know many people at my club but once youve played a couple of comps and been around the club a bit you will soon get friendly with lots of people. Hardest job is remembering everybodys names! :)


Assistant Pro
Feb 13, 2012
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I joined my 1st club last August with my mate and think that we have played 5 rounds at the most. He hasnt been to the club in the last 3 months unlike me (every week) since joining.
I have made loads of new friends by entering the comps and by having a couple of drinks in the bar afterwards. So forget your m8 and play with other people in the comps as this will only help improove your game and will be kicking your mates @rse when you play him.

No brainer join and enjoy :thup:


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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Interview is Monday wish it was tonight i genuinely cant wait.

Its a jacket and tie job the sec said... I joked about that before never thinking it would be the case. Is that common? She also said i will have to play 9 holes with the club pro. Pretty daunting for someone to never have a handicap. I do think i will pick up alot from the 9 holes though. Im fairly good on my etiquette but having him put me on the straight an narrow will be good.


Club Champion
Jan 12, 2012
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How do guys,

I promise this will be the last one (unless I join) but I really need help with what to do.

Me and my mate went down to join the course that is half a mile from my house today. My friend really wanted to hold out for joining without the initial fee but I was fully prepared to pay it if they didnt move.

The secretary might as well of wrote down in your dreams when we asked if it could be waived/reduced/paid over 40 years... If I am honest though I had nothing but respect for her as I genuinely believed it was the truth and the next people who come along will get told exactly the same...

We walked out of the office and my mate turned and said f&&k it then! We changed shoes out the front of the clubhouse and a bloke said excuse me lads you need to change shoes in the changing rooms. (fair point I remember seeing it was a rule on the website) He then started swearing even more saying who the hell is he. The bloke didnt particularly have a go just pointed it out and to be honest I was kicking myself I had forgot...

We got on the first tee and he mentioned the tee box wasnt too good... I then said its probably the best I have ever played off. It just seemed whatever happened he wasnt going to say one good thing about the place.

I still feel I want to join and although I can now drop that (perfect) status I gave it last week I found it was a really nice course and would like to join...

The only problem is (must be the pink shirt I wore) I have turned into a complete panzy and dont want to join on my own... Originally not an issue but I guess when my mate was interested I saw the social side of drinking in the bar and playing with others regularly a massive plus! Can I just have some reassurance that people are willing to play all the time and are friendly enough to say you having a beer afterwards.

I have got atleast 10 of my mates/family into golf recently but they are not as hooked/obsessed as I am and arent really at the same level to golfing wise to join. I guess I worry I will be hating paying so much and not having a laugh with the lads when they are all going round short courses but having a good time together...

I think I need to man up! Did anyone join alone and now plays regularly with people they would call for a game?

i was in the same boat as u mate. i wanted to join a new club but not on my own. also the 3 guys i was gonna join with were waiting on the club dropping the joining fee. that was 6 months ago.
i got fed up waiting and joined on my own and haven't looked back, i'm loving every minute of it. if you know a few members of the club i'd say go for it you'll fall in with playing partners in no time.
i now realise that a lot of clubs might never drop their joining fee, if they do they might experience a bit of a stampede of new members which would bring problems of its own.
get joined mate, you're a long time dead


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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Interview is Monday wish it was tonight i genuinely cant wait.

Its a jacket and tie job the sec said... I joked about that before never thinking it would be the case. Is that common? She also said i will have to play 9 holes with the club pro. Pretty daunting for someone to never have a handicap. I do think i will pick up alot from the 9 holes though. Im fairly good on my etiquette but having him put me on the straight an narrow will be good.

To me, all of the above indicates that you are joining a "proper" club. One that cares about it's standard of members and I can see now why they are unwilling to drop their joining fee. It's the sort of club I'd join.
Before I re-joined Crowborough, I was playing a lot of casual golf at Lindfield GC in Sussex. Nice little course, at one time I was actually thinking of joining. Cheap as chips to play and the ideal venue if you were a nomad golfer looking for a cheap game on a Sunday. I'm not a golf snob, far from it. But when I saw the state of some of the "golfers" they let on there that was the one thing that seriously stopped me thinking of joining.
A proper club, with proper rules will improve your golfing experience no end.