Its been a while. Modified Swing.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Well its been a while since i had my swing torn to shreds on here....But i managed to get a few mins last night of a 7 iron at the range with my phone..... Quality aint the best and one is darker than the other but the flight was a very slight draw right over the 150 marker.......

I think ill always be flatish as i find it very awkward to get the club above my shoulders but iv made it my own and its working....So far so Good :lol:......
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Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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Very good base and posture. Some very nice movements from the top of your swing.

IMO there are two things to look at, but I wouldn't call them huge issues. Just little tweaks.

1) You look to be addressing the ball too far away. (You place your club further back, in what appears to be a more natural position before sliding it forward to the ball, why?)
Screen Shot 2013-08-16 at 21.51.02.jpgScreen Shot 2013-08-16 at 21.51.28.jpg

2) You're taking the club back way inside the line and I would hazard a guess at this causing the flat swing (at 90* it should be pointing down the line
Screen Shot 2013-08-16 at 21.52.13.jpg

Other than that I wouldn't worry to much. Looks spot on.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Very good base and posture. Some very nice movements from the top of your swing.

IMO there are two things to look at, but I wouldn't call them huge issues. Just little tweaks.

1) You look to be addressing the ball too far away. (You place your club further back, in what appears to be a more natural position before sliding it forward to the ball, why?)
View attachment 7194View attachment 7195

2) You're taking the club back way inside the line and I would hazard a guess at this causing the flat swing (at 90* it should be pointing down the line
View attachment 7196

Other than that I wouldn't worry to much. Looks spot on.

Not sure about No.1 Lump.......
Before christmas when i started the lessons i was a bit closer to the ball but i was finding it very hard to swing in to out at it..... My Pro wanted me swinging way out to the right because i had a pronounced throw at the top over the plane......
This might be why im giving myself a little more room.....

The 2nd is a habit i need to address as well as flattening my left wrist at the top of the swing.....If i have it flat then the clubface is square and all i have to do is turn down to the ball with not manipulation in the hands to square the face at impact.....

Its coming round slowly but surely.....


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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You're trying too hard to swing OUT at the ball by the looks of it.

The last 3 weeks iv actually stopped trying to do that James and it resulted in some of my best rounds so far.....I think i was swinging too much in to out..... I was pushing all the longer clubs..... Not all the time, But when your aiming in over the cabbage and swinging for a draw the last thing you want is a Push.:rolleyes:
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Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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Not sure about No.1 Lump.......
Before christmas when i started the lessons i was a bit closer to the ball but i was finding it very hard to swing in to out at it..... My Pro wanted me swinging way out to the right because i had a pronounced throw at the top over the plane......
This might be why im giving myself a little more room.....

The 2nd is a habit i need to address as well as flattening my left wrist at the top of the swing.....If i have it flat then the clubface is square and all i have to do is turn down to the ball with not manipulation in the hands to square the face at impact.....

Its coming round slowly but surely.....

The throw is/can be caused by going back too much on the inside.

Think about it, if you go back inside the line when you get to the top of your swing you have no chance of dropping the club under the plane to return to the ball inside the line. If you swing outside the line on the way back you have alot of room to drop the club inside the line (Watch a pro's swing in slow motion, at the very top of the swing they drop the club back behind themselves).

Standing closer to the ball should make you have a more upright swing too (as long as you watch how you're taking the club back)


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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The throw is/can be caused by going back too much on the inside.

Think about it, if you go back inside the line when you get to the top of your swing you have no chance of dropping the club under the plane to return to the ball inside the line. If you swing outside the line on the way back you have alot of room to drop the club inside the line (Watch a pro's swing in slow motion, at the very top of the swing they drop the club back behind themselves).

Standing closer to the ball should make you have a more upright swing too (as long as you watch how you're taking the club back)

So more of a reversed loop then...... Out on the way back and in on the way down.......
Think thats one for this winters schedule..... If i start messing with that now there could be issues:whistle::thup:


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Interesting to see the difference between the practice swings and the actually shot :eek:

I know Bob...... Finding it tough to replicate the practice swing with a ball in front of me.... My pro says the very same thing.....

The only conclusion I can come to is that if you see me doing it in the flesh im actually standing more upright and my stance is much narrower.... I know its hard to see that in the video clip...

Also I just swing what feels natural to me... I'm not worried whether I'm moving my legs or my head or whether I'm in the right posture.... Everything feels nice and loose....

I just struggle with those feelings over a ball.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Looks good though.
If you have room for one more swing thought...........
Put a slight pause at the top of the back swing.
Not even a pause, maybe just a slight separation at the transition.
Just let the backswing 'settle' before you start the downswing.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Looks good though.
If you have room for one more swing thought...........
Put a slight pause at the top of the back swing.
Not even a pause, maybe just a slight separation at the transition.
Just let the backswing 'settle' before you start the downswing.

Cheers Bob.... I don't think much when playing.... I leave the thoughts for the range.... But the pause one would be nice for the course.....

It would give me something to concentrate on....
Ill try get better quality footage from the front and down the line again at some stage while playing on Monday.... The light will be better and it'll give you a better idea.. its not perfect but ill eventually get it right....:thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
So more of a reversed loop then...... Out on the way back and in on the way down.......
Think thats one for this winters schedule..... If i start messing with that now there could be issues:whistle::thup:

I think the whole 'loop-the-loop' thing is a bit extreme, just raise your plane slightly so that you can take it back and back down closer to 'neutral'.

I'm still available for a 3 day break to Ireland with flights, meals and accommodation thrown in of course :whistle:


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I think the whole 'loop-the-loop' thing is a bit extreme, just raise your plane slightly so that you can take it back and back down closer to 'neutral'.

I'm still available for a 3 day break to Ireland with flights, meals and accommodation thrown in of course :whistle:

The loop is just a feeling i need to make me swing in to out....... As you can see from the real swings there's a big difference as Bob has pointed out.....
I get the Unmentionables very easy if i try to swing out too much at it.......

You might end up with food poisoning James...... :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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The loop is just a feeling i need to make me swing in to out....... As you can see from the real swings there's a big difference as Bob has pointed out.....
I get the Unmentionables very easy if i try to swing out too much at it.......

You might end up with food poisoning James...... :thup:

pretty similar to how I swing it. a lot of in to out movement in the practice swings. tends to produce a lot of hook movements.

these guys are forgetting you are fighting a big wind off the Atlantic all the time. it pays to have a ball that cuts through the wind and still bites on a soft green!

keep it going chap :)


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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pretty similar to how I swing it. a lot of in to out movement in the practice swings. tends to produce a lot of hook movements.

these guys are forgetting you are fighting a big wind off the Atlantic all the time. it pays to have a ball that cuts through the wind and still bites on a soft green!

keep it going chap :)

Thats it Pal..... Blowing a gale agin this morning and managed 36 points in it....So happy with that..... Could have had a great round only for a mess up on the 1st and 4th holes.....
Shot 3 over gross on the back nine off the back sticks too....:lol:


Nice and smooth buddy. Big lad like you needs to hit it a bit harder! :D