What has been your most embarrassing moment on a golf course.

When I just joined the works golf society we played the annual away day at Frilford and as I did not have an official handicap I had to play off scratch, I didn't amass many points ?
Timely thread... On Saturday was playing solo and playing ok. Group in front asked if I wanted to join them when we were at the half way house... Sure! Step onto the tee. Some horrific top-hooky effort saw my ball dart into the trees left. Provisional? Nailed it of course, long and straight, ending about 30 yards short of the green on a par 4. Sadly, I found the first ball. 8 iron chop out. Hit a f'kin tree and rifled back to the right. 3rd shot was from behind the tee where it all started. First impressions and all that....
Timely thread... On Saturday was playing solo and playing ok. Group in front asked if I wanted to join them when we were at the half way house... Sure! Step onto the tee. Some horrific top-hooky effort saw my ball dart into the trees left. Provisional? Nailed it of course, long and straight, ending about 30 yards short of the green on a par 4. Sadly, I found the first ball. 8 iron chop out. Hit a f'kin tree and rifled back to the right. 3rd shot was from behind the tee where it all started. First impressions and all that....

"do you want to play through" is the kiss of death to any golf game. You're not the first that sort of thing has happened to so laugh it off. I am sure they won't mention it every time you see them (six month minimum)
"do you want to play through" is the kiss of death to any golf game. You're not the first that sort of thing has happened to so laugh it off. I am sure they won't mention it every time you see them (six month minimum)

Being called through is the "kiss of death" - I was once in a fourball that was called through and a couple in our group immediately lost their balls, meaning that on the same hole we had to re-call through the group that had just let us through!
Probably at Allerton many years ago.

First tee, god knows how many others waiting to tee off and I managed to hit the ball about 6 inches forward and 20 yards to the left.

Walked to the ball and just picked it up.
I think I can beat that last one.
Playing with people from work I hit down on the ball on the fairway and it actually landed behind me.
First and only time we played together and what made it even worse was I'd been telling them how good I was.
Cheshunt Park (1986). Is it still there?
Had a round full of 'em at a Captains away day. I won three out of four nearest pins on par threes and missed all three putts for birdie with one even getting a four! Then hitting such a massive drive on one hole it was measured, and it was 310 meters on a par four, I managed to get down in eight. Oh yes and I was with the club jester who made sure EVERYONE knew about this even whilst going round.
My first golf trip to france. Hardelot pins 9am sat with a starter present and about twenty golfers behind me. Air shot. Sniggers and snorts behind me. Never forgot it