investing in The future of golf fitness in Germany"s top golf club


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Mar 1, 2019
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My son is a member of the Mens team with average Hcp player is +2. this is a new athletic center built on the range
i would be interesting to here views on this topic



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Apr 5, 2010
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Great idea ! Players are hitting it longer than ever before. Being fit is just part of the game at elite level nowadays so being able to combine golf centred training with the range is ideal in my opinion. Certainly somewhere i would like to train!


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Feb 9, 2018
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I would love something like this. As I have said in other posts, golf (particularly at non-elite level) is way behind the curve with S&C compared to other sports. I think it will be a while yet before ideas like this become accepted and mainstream, as far too many golfers dismiss, or don't understand fitness.

Chris P Bacon

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Wow, I’m a sports scientist and can tell you this is a fantastic facility. The strength and conditioning coach clearly knows his stuff and looks like he is driving those very lucky young golfers in the right direction. Fitness / S & C is a hugely underrated and under utilised aspect to playing good golf and definitely something that would benefit the vast majority of amateurs (I imagine that most pro’s are onboard with fitness training 😀). Cracking video as well, nice one 👍🏿


Sep 11, 2011
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Wow, I’m a sports scientist and can tell you this is a fantastic facility. The strength and conditioning coach clearly knows his stuff and looks like he is driving those very lucky young golfers in the right direction. Fitness / S & C is a hugely underrated and under utilised aspect to playing good golf and definitely something that would benefit the vast majority of amateurs (I imagine that most pro’s are onboard with fitness training 😀). Cracking video as well, nice one 👍🏿

Without a doubt it will be a benefit to a golfer's health but I can't see many 60+ yr old golfers crunching the abs. Isn't that where the handicap comes in, prolonging golfer's ability to compete?

Chris P Bacon

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Without a doubt it will be a benefit to a golfer's health but I can't see many 60+ yr old golfers crunching the abs. Isn't that where the handicap comes in, prolonging golfer's ability to compete?
Yep, agree with you there Hobbit, the chance of many 60+ year olds going from zero exercise (other than playing golf / ‘normal’ life activities) to beginning to work directly on their core/postural strength with abdominal exercises is slim to say the least. However, and it’s a fairly big however, you’ve already hit the nail on the head by mentioning the health benefits of fitness training. Can you imagine if someone gave you a ‘magic’ potion that enabled you to remain both physically and mentally alert towards the end of 18/36 holes? Can you imagine that potion helping prevent you getting those annoying coughs and colds? And can you imagine that potion helping you reduce your handicap to a level where you can, hand on heart, say “I’ve worked hard to get here and I’m really proud of myself”? Well, in my experience, all round training/overall fitness could well be that ‘magic’ potion (and it really doesn’t have to involve crunches 😀).


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Nov 2, 2015
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Have a listen to the latest ‘Me and my golf’ podcast. They talk to a junior coach who basically says that for kids skill is secondary as long as they get them fit. They make athletes who than can pick up more or less any sport and become good at it.

Deleted member 25172

It’s always good to be fit, but do I believe it plays as big a part in golf as for many other sports? No.

If the kids enjoy it, go for it.


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Feb 9, 2018
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It’s always good to be fit, but do I believe it plays as big a part in golf as for many other sports? No.

If the kids enjoy it, go for it.

Why do you believe that?

This is exactly what I was talking about in my first post on this thread. Which studies did you reference to decide fitness doesn't play a big part? Is it just because you see golfers don't get out of breath or look big like rugby players that you have decided so?

Keep in mind, fitness is being in the appropriate condition to do something, a lot of people equate fitness to a fixed idea, such as the ability to run far\fast etc...

Chris P Bacon

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Why do you believe that?

This is exactly what I was talking about in my first post on this thread. Which studies did you reference to decide fitness doesn't play a big part? Is it just because you see golfers don't get out of breath or look big like rugby players that you have decided so?

Keep in mind, fitness is being in the appropriate condition to do something, a lot of people equate fitness to a fixed idea, such as the ability to run far\fast etc...
Dibby, you’re absolutely right to challenge this outlook. Fitness plays a massive part in golf, just look at the big boys/girls and see how much time and effort they now dedicate to getting and staying fit. The simplest way to look at it is; when you’re coming down the stretch and in with a chance of a good score does it help that as well as thinking what shot to play next you’re also thinking about your tired legs/back/feet? I know personally that being able to focus 100% on the actual golf shot for 18/36 holes and not worry about muscle and joint aches and pains has enabled me to slash my handicap to a fairly decent level. All current research/studies and practice at the top level would indicate that this is validated. I also agree, however, that fitness training is not for everyone and if that’s the case then so be it.

Deleted member 25172

Why do you believe that?

This is exactly what I was talking about in my first post on this thread. Which studies did you reference to decide fitness doesn't play a big part? Is it just because you see golfers don't get out of breath or look big like rugby players that you have decided so?

Keep in mind, fitness is being in the appropriate condition to do something, a lot of people equate fitness to a fixed idea, such as the ability to run far\fast etc...

Please, let’s not make this a question of black or white and nothing in between.

I said I don’t believe it is AS important as for many other sports. Not that it’s not important at all. I also stated in the beginning that being fit is never a bad thing.
I don’t reference to any studies at all, but as long as I see players at the top looking like Aphibarnrat I’m quite happy to stand by my belief that it’s not AS important.
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Chris P Bacon

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Lilyhawk, I totally agree with you in that fitness in golf and whether or not it’s as important as other areas is not a black and white issue. I would, however, stand by the fact that improving one’s fitness both generally and specifically ‘could’ and ‘would’ improve your overall game. Is it more important than specific skills and drills with clubs and ball, is it more important than actual game time? Only you as an individual can really answer that one. Like I said earlier, I believe personally that by being fit and continuing to work on my fitness it has helped me get to the level I’m at now and allows me to focus solely on hitting golf shots when I’m out on the course (which as it happens is where I am right now, so for fear of upsetting others I’ll end here 😀). All the best C.P.B


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Feb 9, 2018
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Please, let’s not make this a question of black or white and nothing in between.

I said I don’t believe it is AS important as for many other sports. Not that it’s not important at all. I also stated in the beginning that being fit is never a bad thing.
I don’t reference to any studies at all, but as long as I see players at the top looking like Aphibarnrat I’m quite happy to stand by my belief that it’s not AS important.

Please, read what I wrote. I ask why you thought it was not as important, not why you thought it was not important at all. It's a genuine question, I want to understand why you think so, it's not an attack that you need to get defensive about.

To me it's the same as any other sport, the only difference is the effects are not immediately as visible, if you don't do any training for rugby or football, you will be gasping for breath, whereas in golf you can still play, but not to your true potential and with greater risk of injury.

I've also said before, you can't judge fitness by appearance. What about top weightlifters, or shot putters that look like fat blokes, are they considered to not be fit, because of how they look?


Sep 11, 2011
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Dibby, you’re absolutely right to challenge this outlook. Fitness plays a massive part in golf, just look at the big boys/girls and see how much time and effort they now dedicate to getting and staying fit. The simplest way to look at it is; when you’re coming down the stretch and in with a chance of a good score does it help that as well as thinking what shot to play next you’re also thinking about your tired legs/back/feet? I know personally that being able to focus 100% on the actual golf shot for 18/36 holes and not worry about muscle and joint aches and pains has enabled me to slash my handicap to a fairly decent level. All current research/studies and practice at the top level would indicate that this is validated. I also agree, however, that fitness training is not for everyone and if that’s the case then so be it.

"Fitness plays a massive part in golf..."

Rubbish, utter tripe!

I'm 75lbs overweight. I have arthritis in my hip, lower back and neck. I have angina and a leaky mitral valve. I had bowel cancer late 2017, early 2018 and getting over it is proving a challenge. I am the absolute picture of unhealthiness.

Guess what? I can play 18 holes no bother at all. If I look back through my scores for the last year, since retiring, they have improved to the extent I shot my first below par round, gross, for 3 years and I'm picking up money almost every week. I can't remember my last round in the 80's but I'll hazard a guess it was 9 months ago at least. Par 5, 18th hole today I had no trouble hitting a #4 hybrid into the green from 190yds - did I think about aching legs or joints? Don't be silly, its golf not rugby.

Now if you want a debate on whether or not I'll set county records at 200M and 400M ever again, or I'll play rugby or football in the same day I'll agree with your premise that fitness will play a massive part.

Golf isn't a strength or stamina game, though both will help, its a skills game.

Chris P Bacon

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Feb 14, 2019
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"Fitness plays a massive part in golf..."

Rubbish, utter tripe!

I'm 75lbs overweight. I have arthritis in my hip, lower back and neck. I have angina and a leaky mitral valve. I had bowel cancer late 2017, early 2018 and getting over it is proving a challenge. I am the absolute picture of unhealthiness.

Guess what? I can play 18 holes no bother at all. If I look back through my scores for the last year, since retiring, they have improved to the extent I shot my first below par round, gross, for 3 years and I'm picking up money almost every week. I can't remember my last round in the 80's but I'll hazard a guess it was 9 months ago at least. Par 5, 18th hole today I had no trouble hitting a #4 hybrid into the green from 190yds - did I think about aching legs or joints? Don't be silly, its golf not rugby.

Now if you want a debate on whether or not I'll set county records at 200M and 400M ever again, or I'll play rugby or football in the same day I'll agree with your premise that fitness will play a massive part.

Golf isn't a strength or stamina game, though both will help, its a skills game.
Well done Hobbit, I applaud you on your ability despite being, by your own admission ‘the picture of unhealthiness’ (by the way being so overweight is doing nothing for the general health of your body, but I digress). Imagine, if you will, your ability and skill level of you were fitter. Imagine your flexibility and your ability to hit the ball harder and thus further. Imagine playing better golf. Well, if you were fitter that’s the position you’d be in. It’s simple really.


Jul 13, 2015
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Well done Hobbit, I applaud you on your ability despite being, by your own admission ‘the picture of unhealthiness’ (by the way being so overweight is doing nothing for the general health of your body, but I digress). Imagine, if you will, your ability and skill level of you were fitter. Imagine your flexibility and your ability to hit the ball harder and thus further. Imagine playing better golf. Well, if you were fitter that’s the position you’d be in. It’s simple really.

And if I didn't have arthritis I'd be fitter, thanks for your preaching.


Sep 11, 2011
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Well done Hobbit, I applaud you on your ability despite being, by your own admission ‘the picture of unhealthiness’ (by the way being so overweight is doing nothing for the general health of your body, but I digress). Imagine, if you will, your ability and skill level of you were fitter. Imagine your flexibility and your ability to hit the ball harder and thus further. Imagine playing better golf. Well, if you were fitter that’s the position you’d be in. It’s simple really.

I don't doubt I could hit it further with better flexibility, but how much difference will it make? I'm still hitting a 7 iron into a 150yd par 3, as I was 35 years ago. How many par 4's can't I reach in 2 now? How many par 5's can I hit in 2 now? BTW, my eagle count last year was up there with my best.

What we have, in my opinion, is a fitness 'v' skill discussion. I don't believe improving fitness will make any real difference to my skill level. However, what I do ensure is I take onboard fuel for the round and have enough fluid in the bag.

Golf, to a large extent, and in my opinion, isn't a fitness dependent sport like rugby etc.