Intermediate membership

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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I'm on intermediate membership at the moment and couldn't be a member of a club otherwise. I personally think its a great way of ensuring juniors paying £400 or so at the age of 17 don't have to pay £1800 when they turn 18.

If you like your current club, you can always go back in a couple of years having saved quite a few quid at a time when you're going to need it.

That said, there's a few people on here who I know disagree and so rather than take it down that line I'm gonna say it's something you should at least think carefully about and step away from the thread slowly ...

In todays economic climate I'd say any golf club that does not do something like this is asking for trouble. Makes total sense.

Also I see the thread yesterday about the club in the lakes with getting rid of the catering and pro has been deleted. Probably as it was getting a bit personal and specific about the club in question. Which is a shame as there was one of the best posts I have seen in ages on there from LondonLinks I think, about how golf clubs should market themselves and generate business. So mods, any chance of just reposting that post as it contained a lot of very sensible suggestions and ideas?


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Scott, Ive noticed Bolton are doing a twilight offer... £24 after 3pm. Think I'll give it a go myself one evening. Let me know if You fancy it :thup:

Sounds good to me mate. Let me know what you've got left in the diary :D