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I think Scotland will......

  • Vote to stay in the UK

    Votes: 43 47.3%
  • Vote to leave the UK

    Votes: 39 42.9%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 9 9.9%

  • Total voters


When he was Maggie's chief cheerleader I would've gladly shot him right between the eyes... But when he recently advocated taking on a greater national debt to solve the housing problem he became my new hero :D...

Agree with this, seemed a prize turnip in government but now comes over as a really nice mildly impartial considerate guy in political interviews, commentary and in his non political tv shows.
When he does the late night show on Sky news I think with Labours old health minister Alan Johnson politics suddenly becomes very appealing, sensible and watchable instead of the usual shouting, obstruction, denial and bluster! :thup:


Sep 11, 2011
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Do I take Black seriously? No. Do I take Skinner seriously? No. Irrespective of whatever party someone like that is a member of, if they behave like street preachers I think "idiot."

I agree, that doesn't make Mhari Black's mouthing right though. A bit of etiquette and professionalism doesn't go a miss especially when you are trying to do better for your electorate. Nonsense like that will still have people look at her as a "wee lassie out her depth" which I do believe she is.

Well said.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
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Do I take Black seriously? No. Do I take Skinner seriously? No. Irrespective of whatever party someone like that is a member of, if they behave like street preachers I think "idiot."

Well said.

I certainly do not think she is out of her depth, more like a breath of fresh air in a cesspit. [excuse the pun]

I suppose a posh Tory shouting 'Woof Woof' at female speaker is 'professional'.
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Sep 11, 2011
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I certainly do not think she is out of her depth, more like a breath of fresh air in a cesspit. [excuse the pun]

I suppose a posh Tory shouting 'Woof Woof' at female speaker is 'professional'.

If you're willing to accept Black's loutish behaviour I guess you are happy with a woof woof too.

Old Skier

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I certainly do not think she is out of her depth, more like a breath of fresh air in a cesspit. [excuse the pun]

I suppose a posh Tory shouting 'Woof Woof' at female speaker is 'professional'.

Has given some great speeches on women's pension issues and good when she can control herself and stick to the facts (I know this is hard for any politician) but she took a step back with this. She could prove to be a far better SNP leader than the current lying one.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Agree with this, seemed a prize turnip in government but now comes over as a really nice mildly impartial considerate guy in political interviews, commentary and in his non political tv shows.
When he does the late night show on Sky news I think with Labours old health minister Alan Johnson politics suddenly becomes very appealing, sensible and watchable instead of the usual shouting, obstruction, denial and bluster! :thup:

Pedantically speaking they do This Week on BBC with Andrew Neil

And yes - I agree - when Stephen Twigg unseated him back in 1997 election I was bouncing around the street - but he does actually these days seem a level-headed rational guy - compared with some of the extreme right wing weirdos that Neil has on (and yes - there are extreme left wing weirdos too)

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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It always amazes me how many firebrands become reasonable people once they leave front line politics. You can then get very rational conversations instead of party line nonsense. Before the last election 5live had a panel of David Blunkett, Vince Cable and a Tory I can't remember now. All three spoke very well, didn't fight or read scripts. They bounced the themes of the election around and it was very informative. It is a shame this goes to pot when in power.

Portillo is a great example of this. 99% of the nation cheered when he lost his seat but now he has become well liked and respected. The only one I still can't warm to is Edwina Currie. She is still as obnoxious now as she was before.

Jimmy was talking about a new referendum in Autumn 2018. Polls are stagnant at 49% each side. Is that enough to go on? I know the SNP came strong during the election but are people now entrenched?

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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If you're willing to accept Black's loutish behaviour I guess you are happy with a woof woof too.

Loutish behaviour that's a bit precious Hobbit.
Are you not aware that the only person who heard Black's comment was her colleague sitting next to her.

Woof woof probably means something to inbred Tory circles.
Glad to say that does not include me so I cannot possibly compare

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
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Jimmy was talking about a new referendum in Autumn 2018. Polls are stagnant at 49% each side. Is that enough to go on? I know the SNP came strong during the election but are people now entrenched?

I assume by saying 'Jimmy' you mean the Scottish First Minister if so, is that not pretty loutish behaviour ;)

It is very close at the moment and the momentum is with the Yes campaign.
It will be quite a different debate next time, basically Unionists vs Independence supporters, party politics will not come into it.
Labour were big time losers last time as they did not recognise that a fair number of their supporters were also in favour of independence.
You may be surprised to know that even a few Tory supporters are also in favour of Independence.

Age is against the No voters as their crucial support lies with the over 65's.
In all other age groups the percentage of voters are in favour of Independence.

Both Labour and Tory leaders have flip flopped on Brexit so their credibility is damaged.
Quite a few 'notable' No campaign leaders have moved to the Yes campaign.
Apart from an embittered Jim Sillars I cannot think of anyone else who has gone in the opposite direction for the Yes group.

Timing is bad but, if called in 2018, I would predict a 5% win for the Yessers. Not great for all concerned.
I would much rather leave it for a couple of years, until after the next Westminster Elections.
Once the Tories are re-elected with a big majority I think it will be a shoe in for Yes.


Sep 11, 2011
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Loutish behaviour that's a bit precious Hobbit.
Are you not aware that the only person who heard Black's comment was her colleague sitting next to her.

Woof woof probably means something to inbred Tory circles.
Glad to say that does not include me so I cannot possibly compare

Not surprised... just like Wenger. Only sees what he wants to see.

I assume by saying 'Jimmy' you mean the Scottish First Minister if so, is that not pretty loutish behaviour ;)

It is very close at the moment and the momentum is with the Yes campaign.
It will be quite a different debate next time, basically Unionists vs Independence supporters, party politics will not come into it.
Labour were big time losers last time as they did not recognise that a fair number of their supporters were also in favour of independence.
You may be surprised to know that even a few Tory supporters are also in favour of Independence.

Age is against the No voters as their crucial support lies with the over 65's.
In all other age groups the percentage of voters are in favour of Independence.

Both Labour and Tory leaders have flip flopped on Brexit so their credibility is damaged.
Quite a few 'notable' No campaign leaders have moved to the Yes campaign.
Apart from an embittered Jim Sillars I cannot think of anyone else who has gone in the opposite direction for the Yes group.

Timing is bad but, if called in 2018, I would predict a 5% win for the Yessers. Not great for all concerned.
I would much rather leave it for a couple of years, until after the next Westminster Elections.
Once the Tories are re-elected with a big majority I think it will be a shoe in for Yes.

I think if Scotland went for independence now they'd get it by 5%. I think there's a silent majority that, on the back of Brexit, will vote for independence.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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Would there be calls for a third referendum if the result of the next one is a narrow vote in favour of independence? Just wondering if there will be suggestions that it would then be 1-1 and they would need a decider.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I assume by saying 'Jimmy' you mean the Scottish First Minister if so, is that not pretty loutish behaviour ;)

It is very close at the moment and the momentum is with the Yes campaign.
It will be quite a different debate next time, basically Unionists vs Independence supporters, party politics will not come into it.
Labour were big time losers last time as they did not recognise that a fair number of their supporters were also in favour of independence.
You may be surprised to know that even a few Tory supporters are also in favour of Independence.

Age is against the No voters as their crucial support lies with the over 65's.
In all other age groups the percentage of voters are in favour of Independence.

Both Labour and Tory leaders have flip flopped on Brexit so their credibility is damaged.
Quite a few 'notable' No campaign leaders have moved to the Yes campaign.
Apart from an embittered Jim Sillars I cannot think of anyone else who has gone in the opposite direction for the Yes group.

Timing is bad but, if called in 2018, I would predict a 5% win for the Yessers. Not great for all concerned.
I would much rather leave it for a couple of years, until after the next Westminster Elections.
Once the Tories are re-elected with a big majority I think it will be a shoe in for Yes.

Oh I wouldn't bother - they thinks it's funny.


Head Pro
Jun 12, 2015
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The procedure would be:
In the first Scottish general election after becoming independent, the Scottish people would be able to vote for whoever they want, including Unionist parties who put in their manifestos that they would request to rejoin the UK.
If said Unionist parties then gain enough votes they can then request to rejoin. :thup:

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Swing it and Doon must get very offended by the Tracy Ullman show. If you haven't seen it then I suggest it is best avoided. You may be outraged in a way not seen since dear old Mary Whitehouse was on the scene. Then again you could accept all politicians are fair game and most comments are said in jest.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
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Swing it and Doon must get very offended by the Tracy Ullman show. If you haven't seen it then I suggest it is best avoided. You may be outraged in a way not seen since dear old Mary Whitehouse was on the scene. Then again you could accept all politicians are fair game and most comments are said in jest.

Did you not spot my Wee Winkie man.;)

Watched the first Ullman show....she had Angela Merkel to a tee, quite good with Nicola but not particularly funny, quite poorly written material.

Interesting how it is just the one SNP politician that some on here seem to chose [supposedly] funny names for.
Struthy and Deputy Dug are a much richer seam for comedy shots.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Missed the winkie, my fault. My favourite on that show is Murdoch and Jerry Hall. Vicious but funny.

To be honest, with Alex Salmond taking a back seat Nicola Sturgeon is the only SNP politician known south of the border. Genuinely, people could not name another SNP politician never mind knowing their nicknames.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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To be honest, with Alex Salmond taking a back seat Nicola Sturgeon is the only SNP politician known south of the border. Genuinely, people could not name another SNP politician never mind knowing their nicknames.

That is very true.
Trouble is it does not seem to stop them arrogantly wading in with their laughable opinions on Scottish politics.


Head Pro
Jun 12, 2015
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Nice to see Reporting Scotland last night debunking the nonsense about a Spanish veto on Scotland's EU membership.
Has been known for a while, but nice for it to be clarified.

Another myth shot down.