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I think Scotland will......

  • Vote to stay in the UK

    Votes: 43 47.3%
  • Vote to leave the UK

    Votes: 39 42.9%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 9 9.9%

  • Total voters


Sep 11, 2011
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Interesting Poll.......In England, Sturgeon and Davidson rated higher than Corbyn

Sturgeon is a very competent politician, even if I don't like her politics. Davidson is slipping a bit in my opinion but is still a million miles better than Corbyn.

What is worrying is that the media are really starting to find Corbyn's weaknesses and some of the questions, which he's dodging really well, lay Corbyn's true far left wing beliefs out there for everyone to see. Worrying because if those are his beliefs, and he gets anywhere near a position of genuine power we'll be well and truly going to hell in a handcart.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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Davidson has lost credibility by trying to sell Brexit after her strong Remain stance.
She opens her mouth and the bloggers immediately post up a piece where she says the exact opposite, only a few of months earlier.
She is gaining a bit of support from the final diehards of the Labour party switching their Unionist support.

UK Politics really is a basket case now. Tories have little core support but the rest is just a shambles


Sep 11, 2011
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Davidson has lost credibility by trying to sell Brexit after her strong Remain stance.
She opens her mouth and the bloggers immediately post up a piece where she says the exact opposite, only a few of months earlier.
She is gaining a bit of support from the final diehards of the Labour party switching their Unionist support.

UK Politics really is a basket case now. Tories have little core support but the rest is just a shambles

What is core support? Either someone votes Tory or they don't. Does a non-core Tory voter only have half a vote? And let's be honest, can you see anything other than a Tory govt in Westminster for many years to come?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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......or a difference of 4% of the 4000 Scots who responded out of of a population of 5.3 million.
Most Scots would be nearly 2.7 million

Did you spot that 26% of the 35,000 English respondees said none of them.
You really are odd. You bring up a poll to support your bias but put it down when it reveals something you don't like.


Aug 19, 2011
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What is core support? Either someone votes Tory or they don't. Does a non-core Tory voter only have half a vote? And let's be honest, can you see anything other than a Tory govt in Westminster for many years to come?

It has been said of the Tory Party that it contains the cream of society - rich, thick, and full of clots! Most of these clots are on the hard right, Eurosceptic wing of the Party. John Redwood, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Bill Cash, Peter Bone, Ian Duncan-Smith, David Davis, Liam Fox, Michael Gove; need I say more?
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Sep 11, 2011
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What is core support? Either someone votes Tory or they don't. Does a non-core Tory voter only have half a vote? And let's be honest, can you see anything other than a Tory govt in Westminster for many years to come?

It has been said of the Tory Party that it contains the cream of society - rich, thick, and full of clots! Most of these clots are on the hard right, Eurosceptic wing of the Party. John Redwood, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Bill Cash, Peter Bone, Ian Duncan-Smith, David Davis, Liam Fox; need I say more?

Yes you do need to say more. Nowhere in response to my post did you go anywhere near answering the question on core support and who votes for them. All you've done is go off on one about a number of MP's.

But if you think your waffle answers the question, good for you:rolleyes:


Aug 19, 2011
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Yes you do need to say more. Nowhere in response to my post did you go anywhere near answering the question on core support and who votes for them. All you've done is go off on one about a number of MP's.

But if you think your waffle answers the question, good for you:rolleyes:

Obviously all the UKIP core voters voted Leave in the Brexit referendum. Most of the Lib-Dem voters (not many of them at the time) would have voted Remain, and Conservative and Labour voters were pretty 50:50, depending on which areas they lived in.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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What is core support? Either someone votes Tory or they don't. Does a non-core Tory voter only have half a vote? And let's be honest, can you see anything other than a Tory govt in Westminster for many years to come?

I think that many folk voted Tory whilst holding their noses.
But as you alternative.

Same as when it was Thatcher v Foot.


Aug 19, 2011
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I think that many folk voted Tory whilst holding their noses.
But as you alternative.

Same as when it was Thatcher v Foot.

Labour keep on making the same mistake of choosing useless leaders just because of their hard left wing views. Although I can never forgive him for the Iraq war, at least Tony Blair realised that to have any chance of winning power, Labour had to move more into the centre ground and appear to offer competent governance.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Davidson has lost credibility by trying to sell Brexit after her strong Remain stance.
She opens her mouth and the bloggers immediately post up a piece where she says the exact opposite, only a few of months earlier.
She is gaining a bit of support from the final diehards of the Labour party switching their Unionist support.

UK Politics really is a basket case now. Tories have little core support but the rest is just a shambles

I have heard it said that way back in the day the Labour party was the choice of the Catholic central belt electorate; the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party was the choice of Protestant (spot the connection in the latter case)


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Jun 25, 2012
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The further South you go, the less likely they are to be accepted, although they are legal tender.

No there not!

Yes you can spend them in England but they dont have to be legally accepted.

Three banks in Scotland are authorised to issue notes: Bank of Scotland, Clydesdale Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland. There are also four note-issuing banks in Northern Ireland: Bank of Ireland; AIB Group (which trades as First Trust Bank in Northern Ireland), Northern Bank and Ulster Bank.

The Banknotes issued by all seven are LEGAL CURRENCY and can be accepted throughout the UK, but it doesn't necessarily mean they will be!

The term 'legal tender' has very little practical meaning as far as ordinary, everyday transactions are concerned, and it has no bearing on the acceptability of authorised banknotes as a means of payment. The acceptability of any means of payment, including banknotes, is essentially a matter for agreement between the parties involved.

English shopkeepers, as I was for many years are unfamiliar with them and so I would refuse to accept Scottish & Northern Irish notes. This was because I couldnt tell whether the notes were genuine, rather than any feelings towards the Scots!

Donf bother in the future either with your Euros 😂😂


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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English shopkeepers, as I was for many years are unfamiliar with them and so I would refuse to accept Scottish & Northern Irish notes. This was because I couldnt tell whether the notes were genuine, rather than any feelings towards the Scots!

You would have been better educating yourself then because that's an inexcusable display of sheer ignorance. You'd have permanently lost my custom if you refused my money.


Sep 11, 2011
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Obviously all the UKIP core voters voted Leave in the Brexit referendum. Most of the Lib-Dem voters (not many of them at the time) would have voted Remain, and Conservative and Labour voters were pretty 50:50, depending on which areas they lived in.

Which comes to 12 million votes, based on where the votes went in the last election. Way short of the 17 million votes posted for Leave in the referendum.

Once again proving you don't know your bum from your elbow. It would appear thicko's also voted Remain.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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You would have been better educating yourself then because that's an inexcusable display of sheer ignorance. You'd have permanently lost my custom if you refused my money.

So I'm ignorant and uneducated, thanks for that!!

Then so be it, we had constant advisories from our bank/s not to accept them because we were awash with fakes down here and we would lose out on those sales and be out of f pocket, there's no excuse for people to be walking around with them, just pop into a bank or post office and exchange them, or is it a case that theirs a thrill of confrontation to be had?

We currently have loads of £50 fakes doing the rounds that can beat the safety pens, again loads of shops displaying signs saying they won't accept £50's.
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Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
In the slow lane...
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Then so be it, we had constant advisories from our bank/s not to accept them because we were awash with fakes down here and we would lose out on those sales and be out of f pocket, there's no excuse for people to be walking around with them, just pop into a bank or post office and exchange them, or is it a case that theirs a thrill of confrontation to be had?

We currently have loads of £50 fakes doing the rounds that can beat the safety pens, again loads of shops displaying signs saying they won't accept £50's.

Which sums up, more or less, why plastic is 'king'...

Not worth small businesses taking a chance...


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Which sums up, more or less, why plastic is 'king'...

Not worth small businesses taking a chance...

Small retailers can't take the chance, you become overly suspicious when someone came in and bought something for under £5 (or lower) with a £20 Scottish note or similar say with an English £50, they walk out with legal tender and the business then loses all that value.

Shops then get targeted very quickly and when it happens a couple of times your own bank advises you don't accept them.

I had a shop that was 2 doors away from a post office, I had a confrontation with someone wanting to use a £20 Scottish note for a £3 ssle, I asked him to just to go next door and change it, he wouldn't and made a scene, it was all show as my cameras picked him up outside laughing getting into a car, his gang was obviously doing the rounds and hopefully having that stance kept them away for a while.

It's got nothing to do with being ignorant or uneducated, it's about looking after and protecting your business!
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Aug 19, 2011
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Which comes to 12 million votes, based on where the votes went in the last election. Way short of the 17 million votes posted for Leave in the referendum.

Once again proving you don't know your bum from your elbow. It would appear thicko's also voted Remain.

How do you work that out? 16.14 million people voted Remain in the referendum, which was still more than voted Tory in the last General Election. The difference was that there was a bigger turnout in the referendum, and the supporters of both the major parties were pretty split on the Brexit issue. It was the real or closet supporters of UKIP that swung it for Leave.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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How do you work that out? 16.14 million people voted Remain in the referendum, which was still more than voted Tory in the last General Election. The difference was that there was a bigger turnout in the referendum, and the supporters of both the major parties were pretty split on the Brexit issue. It was the real or closet supporters of UKIP that swung it for Leave.

Rubbish, if that was the case UKIP would be running every council and even the country, but......

Overall the Leave campaign came top in nine of the UK's nations and regions, with the Remain campaign coming top in just three. The West Midlands had the highest vote share for Leave.

The West Midlands is/has always been a labour stronghold, are you saying it's now really a UKIP one along with all the other cities that have Tory or Labour councils if everyone came out to vote?


Sep 11, 2011
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How do you work that out? 16.14 million people voted Remain in the referendum, which was still more than voted Tory in the last General Election. The difference was that there was a bigger turnout in the referendum, and the supporters of both the major parties were pretty split on the Brexit issue. It was the real or closet supporters of UKIP that swung it for Leave.

I did it using your formula and based it on the last election. But seeing as you have your crystal ball to hand, how do you know the numbers of supporters for the major parties and how they voted? And how does that then give you a number for the real of closet supporters?

Two major parties were pretty much split? That's news to me, as all the political commentators agree that that a greater percentage of Labour supporters voted Leave as did Remain. Which looking at the closeness of the vote suggests that more Tories voted Remain than Leave. That blows your point out of the water.

You really do make it up as you go along don't you.