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I think Scotland will......

  • Vote to stay in the UK

    Votes: 43 47.3%
  • Vote to leave the UK

    Votes: 39 42.9%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 9 9.9%

  • Total voters


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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That was definitely one of the arguments used to persuade the Scots to stay in the U.K. during the previous indyref. It was also argued that as an independent nation Scotland would not meet the criteria for joining the EU, or for trading in the Single Market.
I asked for some proof that it was said.


Sep 11, 2011
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That was definitely one of the arguments used to persuade the Scots to stay in the U.K. during the previous indyref. It was also argued that as an independent nation Scotland would not meet the criteria for joining the EU, or for trading in the Single Market.

Scotland had a budget deficit of over £9 billion and a GDP 2% worse than Greece. Not sure the EU would accept Scotland into the club. Andwould Scotland be willing to give budgetary control of the level Greece experiences to Germany?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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But that's not proof it was said is it. I have looked on the net and can find no statement where it was promised. I am believing it is spin by the SNP.

I dont think there were any promises as just about everything claimed on the Yes and No side was speculative and of the future at that time so you couldn't make that a promise but Cameron said it, Ruth Davidson said it and the whole Better Together campaign said it and wrote it repeatedly via twitter, a No campaign leaflet posted to all Scottish households and other outlets. Huge misjudgement by Cameron and Davidson back in 2014 as UK EU membership was seen as settled then - any EU referendum was a long shot and a Leave vote was even more of a long shot. They didn't even think an EU ref would come up as no 2015 GE Tory majority was expected. Rest is history.

It is possible leverage for the SNP position but I don't believe the SNP will attract more votes because of this, Scots and non-Scots living here will want to see what comes of Brexit imo before isolating ourselves further by leaving UK with no guarantee of EU membership for years. Position in 5 years time may be very different but with Labour in bits all we can hope for is a Libdem bounce back and hopefully coalition in 2020.
For me Scotland voted in 2014 to stay in UK and as part of a UK vote we voted to leave the EU so need to accept EU ref was a UK wide vote. Try telling that to rabid nationalists though.

The Brexit/EU thing is a big deal but it was one of many issues in the 2014 Indyref, not the primary one either at the time. SNP jumping on it for possible gains, that's what politicial parties do.

Think Ruth Davidson has been weakened badly by the EU ref result, seen and heard far less of her since last Junes vote where on the tv debates she was riding high and was looking like a future Westminster Tory big gun. She'll be back though.


Sep 11, 2011
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Try looking at the Better Together stuff as well.
There is also promise from Ruth Davidson, loads of stuff really.
Just a couple of clicks away if you could be bothered to look.

Without a doubt there are elements of truth in there, big elements, but the spin put on it and an awful lot of being circumspect with the truth really does spoil the argument.

The threat of taking the naval ship building from the Clyde was very much intimated, as was the threat of if Scotland leaves the UK it will be leaving the EU.

However, where I really contest the article is in the presumption of a growing support for a second indy ref. Andrew Marr quoted a raft of stats a couple of weeks ago that showed the % for pretty much hasn't changed in the last two years.

The SNP are using the Brexit result as a vehicle to promote indy II, and are being very disingenuous with their spin.

But don't worry, I'll be voting out...


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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SNP going to change their position on EU membership for a Indy Scot - policy will be to remain out of the EU but negotiate access to the Single Market on the Norway model. Pragmatic change of policy as one third of Indy YES votes would stay out of the EU.


SNP going to change their position on EU membership for a Indy Scot - policy will be to remain out of the EU but negotiate access to the Single Market on the Norway model. Pragmatic change of policy as one third of Indy YES votes would stay out of the EU.

Is the Norway EEA model not all but in the EU except in name? They contribute, they have free movement of people, access to markets etc.

SNP are dynamic if nothing else, try one route, if dead end, try another!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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SNP going to change their position on EU membership for a Indy Scot - policy will be to remain out of the EU but negotiate access to the Single Market on the Norway model. Pragmatic change of policy as one third of Indy YES votes would stay out of the EU.
And what about access to their largest single market.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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And what about access to their largest single market.

Scotland would pay for access to the single market and will accept free movement but will not be in the customs union (like Norway) - and by not being in the customs union Scotland will be able to form trade agreements with the UK.

I think that is the idea. Let's see when the new policy is unveiled.


Ryder Cup Winner
Dec 31, 2011
Central Scotland
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Scotland would pay for access to the single market and will accept free movement but will not be in the customs union (like Norway) - and by not being in the customs union Scotland will be able to form trade agreements with the UK.

I think that is the idea. Let's see when the new policy is unveiled.

Sounds good, lets pay for an extra agreement to trade with our largest market when right now we have no need to :rolleyes:


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Sorry - don't get that. Scotland would pay to access the single market - what is the other payment?
Of course there would be the potential trade restrictions, tariffs on certain items and border controls to their largest market by far. I think this points out that the Scottish Governments current attitude towards their remaining in the EU single market is an exercise in promoting Scottish independence and nothing to do with what is in the best interest of Scotland.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Of course there would be the potential trade restrictions, tariffs on certain items and border controls to their largest market by far. I think this points out that the Scottish Governments current attitude towards their remaining in the EU single market is an exercise in promoting Scottish independence and nothing to do with what is in the best interest of Scotland.

The Scottish electorate will decide whether or not the Scottish government promotion of Scottish Independence is in the best interest of Scotland.