If you were MikeH for the day...

I would sit back, put my feet up and read golf forums all day instead of working.

Oh hang on.......that would be a normal day for me...............
I would use my corporate muscle to get on a stunning course in or around surrey, play 18 holes, have dinner, sup a few pints then tweet about it.

oh hang on...;)
My choice would be a feature on equipment, specifically shafts.

I would pick a wide range of shafts, for both woods and irons, varying lauch, from all the manufacturers, in all flexes and test them against each other to tray and bust some of the myths surronding shaft technology.

I would also do a blind test to see if frequency matching and spine aligning makes any decernable difference to a club golfer, probably through the forum :smirk:
My choice would be a feature on equipment, specifically shafts.

I would pick a wide range of shafts, for both woods and irons, varying lauch, from all the manufacturers, in all flexes and test them against each other to tray and bust some of the myths surronding shaft technology.

I would also do a blind test to see if frequency matching and spine aligning makes any decernable difference to a club golfer, probably through the forum :smirk:

There's always a serious kid in the playground who wants to ruin everyone else's fun, isn't there ;)
Set about relocating the GM offices...a small pied a terre somewhere...with golf course attached. Of course, the fact-finding mission may take some time to find the perfect 'office'.
I'd commission a feature personally written by the Ed on Blair O'Neal's 2014 swimsuit calendar shoot, if the 2013 one was anything to go by. You know, how do they frame the shots, what lenses do they use on the camera, how do they go about lighting the shoot, all the questions people are interested when Blair O'Neal is stood there in a bikini and high heels holding a driver.

So at one fail swoop increasing he amount of coverage of the women's game in the mag. And giving the blokes something to look at.
I would resign then gain promotion to be the Editor of another IPC title - The Field.
A feature with a few GM staffers visiting a readers course every month, have a round, some nice pics, how they all scored, likes dislikes of the course etc .... open events, green fees etc

On a personal level id be tapping up club manufactures for free custom fittings, and commissioning personal reviews of golf courses abroad preferably in places like the Caribbean
this made me chuckle!

Good good! to us muggles your job looks all glam playing golf etc, but my bro is the editor of a motorbike mag, i know the kind of stuff you have to do around the not so glam stuff! he gets to jet off to places round the world to ride bikes in glorious places! sounds great until you are getting in the neck from the wife as she has not seen you for days, weeks etc, then deadlines, sales numbers, 12 editions a year, online stuff, policing the forum, its a 24/7 job in reality! the only saving grace is based around a topic you and he both love! so there is some comfort in it!

Serious answer to the original question, i would do a feature similar to the ping play your best from last year, but with a hand full of committed club players and no corporate sponsor just normal people with the normal restrictions of money, time etc etc. Have a 1 or 2 pager on them each month, what they are doing, results, new kit etc.. maybe throw them a bone every now and again with a pro lesson or something, then an end of year comp where the winner wins something cool like a wild card to some event...