I Know it is Tradition but it is Still Annoying

You have been here too long to stay nieve Amanda. Most clubs have a Veterans Captain, a Junior Captain, a Ladies Captain but the Captain of the Club is almost inveriably The Mens Captain.

At the risk of more fanatical postings from the "how very dare they society" our club only voted a few years ago to allow photos of past Lady Captains to be displayed where the Captains (always men) photo's go back to when Leftie was a boy!

It was suggested that the Lady Captains collective photo's be displayed over the fireplace to keep the young children away from the fire.


1st club I played at not even an honours board for captains and current one has boards side by side (no photos) for Mens, Ladies, Junior and Senior Captains. Doesn't appear to be a distinction and an overall Club Captain. I love this sport with a passion but less so some of the archaic attitudes so try to keep remote (naive??) from them as far as possible - hence declining twice to be Vice/Captain of the ladies section...
What a great thread, and some really interesting points of view too, some perhaps a little too aggressive and argumentative and some playfully reeling others in...

Post of the thread for me was Snelly's post of the chav with can in hand. Brilliant stuff, I salute you sir, a genuine laugh out loud moment that.

As for me, being new to golf I suppose I side somewhere in the middle. I think we can be too quick to do away with tradition in this Country sometimes, but on the other side of the coin, some traditions are ridiculous and need casting to the annals of history asap.

No jeans on the course, absolutely. To me it just doesnt look right, so no issues there. Cargo trousers (smart) and cargo shorts are fine, however. In fact, they are more handy than a starched pair of slacks, with the extra pocket room etc. As long as you look respectable on the course there shouldnt be a problem. Also, too much is made of tucking your shirt in. Thats up to the individual, and I would rather see a rotund stomach hidden by an untucked shirt rather than bursting over his trousers..

In the bar, again a different story. It doesnt matter what you wear as long as it's presentable, so again jeans should be allowed, along with most items of clothing. I draw the line at vests or singlets though and indeed football tops. Personally I would allow classic international rugby tops, but thats just me.

I would rather someone wasnt sat at the bar in a pair of speedo's on a hot summers day too, so would suggest nothing shorter than a standard pair of cargo shorts be allowed in the bar (ie, no football shorts or hot pants) oh, unless of course SHE's 22 years old and racked up and slim. Again just my taste ;-)

I've not experienced an evening function yet, and whilst I wouldnt mind a jacket and shirt, I probably wouldnt wear a tie. Standard office dress (for me) of smart jeans, shirt, jacket and shoes I would suggest be ok for this, unless it's a specific black tie event.

Golf clubs have not been anywhere as near as snooty as I expected, which has been a pleasant surprise, but I also wouldnt want it turning into a dole queue either, which in fairness there is no reason to suggest it would.

Good thread though, I like it.
I can recognise our captain, he is the one ahead of me on the course.


We have the picture of the current officers of the club including lady and mens captain on display as you enter the bar. The old pictures line the wall from the locker room to the bar and there are some fella on there that would have been right up Snelly's street.

I ducked out in work around the time of the guy in pants in the car park thanks to all the big chiefs appearing and not thinking it a wise career move to be caught surfing at that particular juncture. Our club is against anyone changing in the car park but week in week out the same faces that go out first and hold the course up (they've been mentioned on here before) refuse to use the locker room even though it is open from 7.00am and so plenty early enough. They then change back in the car park after and never set foot in the clubhouse. To be honest if it wasn't for them paying 7 day membership into the kitty we could do without them. Perhaps I'm just grumpy or turning into mini-me Snelly but I think members should use the facitilies to change.

As for ladies captains, ours is usually seen and not heard and runs the female section as a mini social club. They tend to meet Tuesday and Thursday AM and so I rarely have to worry about it. They do play after the booked times in club comps but I've usually hacked my first nine by the time they tee off and drowned my sorrows in diet coke by the time they get in.
Personally I would allow classic international rugby tops, but thats just me.

Standard office dress (for me) of smart jeans, shirt, jacket and shoes I would suggest be ok for this, unless it's a specific black tie event.

but I also wouldnt want it turning into a dole queue either, which in fairness there is no reason to suggest it would.

Pal you come across as a bit of a snob to be perfectly honest.

People of all professions (and indeed differing social classes) occasionally find themselves out of work for reasons beyond their control. Your inferred comment that unemployment is solely the preserve of the working class and in particular the ned is ludicrous, pompous and totally out of order.

And by the way, Jacket, Jeans, shoes and shirt is never a good look - it smacks of a stockbroker trying to look trendy on his day off.

Rant over