I have an idea!!


Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 2, 2008
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homer,,,,,,,while i admire your logic and thinking up the idea,i'm not sure that it will be a flyer.Mainly due to numbers and how many subscribers will sign up.it's a great idea but .........conflicts of interest????????? :D


Q-School Graduate
Jun 20, 2007
West Country
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If that fails I think some form of web based format will be the way to go. hat I really need though are pictures and stories on what is happening right now wherever you play golf. If it is going to be for the golfers by the golfers I may need forum members help at least initially.
Hi Homer
It's very easy to set up a blog - try www.blogger.com or www.wordpress.com. Both offer templates which are easy to use and look pretty good. You can cut and paste in from Word or (I assume) Publisher. If you have MS Word 2007 there is even a toolbar option to send stuff direct to a blog.I would say that if you use a blog format and want to earn money from it, you'll probably have to look at posting frequently, several time a week rather than monthly.
As you know I had a golf blog of my own aimed at 'grassroots' golfers and enjoyed it a lot
(www.rather-be-golfing.blogspot.com) though it has since been taken over by someone who does mainly advertising.(for a look at other popular golf blogs, go to my old one and follow 'blogroll' links on rhs of page).

My only caveat would be, that if you are looking for contributions from Forum members, they are likely to be duplicating what they already post here or on the GM Forum blog. One of the reasons I gave up my blog was that it was more fun to post on here and get an immediate response. Can't say much about going into print, but think that would be quite challenging to recover costs. (Most of the freebie golf mags are actually owend by big media players).
But I'd be happy to support you if/when you go ahead.
Best of luck - PM me of you want any techical advice on blogging - it's part of my day-job!



Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I need time to digest what Mike has said, but suffice to say it was, as you would expect from a GM guru, honest, open and informative. It has given me a number of angles to look at, some of which I had sort of figured out and some of which I had missed.

Mike, thank you for the advice (especially late on a Saturday evening - I will be in touch). I did also find out which team he supports but that has been sworn to absolute secrecy.