I have an idea!!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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We have recently had a number of fantasy threads about buying a club and sponsoring a player but I have an idea that I think is viable if not an instant money making venture. For those who know me on here it also goes some way to nuturing my desire to write something golf related.

Having done some initial research, whilst there are magazines out there that cater for club golfers (Fairway and Tee to Green being the main ones in my area) these all tend to focus on what the club pros and top amateurs are doing. There seems nothing out there that basically caters for us, the average golfer that make up 90% of those that play the game.

What I'm thinking off is basically taking the vibe from the forum and turning it into some kind of magazine. I want to have some serious stuff (like how come the paying public only get to see new clubs after they have hit the market place and are never consulted in prototypes, issues on how clubs are run etc) but more importantly I want it to be about the guy who breaks 100/90/80 for the first time and the funny things that happen each weekend.

I want to inlude the triumphs of winning the monthly medal and the frustrations of playing 5 off the tee. I want it to be a magazine for the average golfer contributed to by the average golfer.

My plan is to start small scale, maybe as a web blog or web magazine maybe once every two months. However if it is viable I need to throw myself on the knowledge of the forum into how I get it into cyberspace (basically from Microsoft Publisher/Word via a web provider) and I need my forum colleagues to help write it by submitting stuff (and pictures). I'm loathed to call it a golf fanzine but that is the best way I can think of picturing it. Think "When Saturday Comes" for golf

So, has my market research been flawed and does this type of publication exist. Is it a viable idea. How do I get it out there and at what stage do I need to think about attracting advertisers, charging etc. I see myself setting up an e-mail account and getting contributions which can then be edited and typed in via a tool like Publisher. Although it seems a one man labour of love, those I have pitched it to seem to think it may just have potential.

If I am way off I won't be offended and would rather you did what you all do best on here and call it how you see it. Also, if Mike and the GM boys would care to comment and advise I would really appreciate a professional critique


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.

I can see some mileage in this idea of yours. I'm interested in us normal folk, and what we think of our clubs, both types.

Ideas and solutions that have worked for us. Our triumphs, and failures.

Why do we buy what we buy, what's our motivation. How much do we spend on it, (the real figure, not what we tell the wife!).

Why are we brand loyal, or not.

Why not Homer. Wouldn't even need the expense of print. Not in todays e-mail world. Though having something else to read in the bathroom wouldn't go a miss.


Medal Winner
Aug 20, 2008
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sounds a great idea

how about rate a pro

I have already experienced 2 teachers

1 bad and out to make money - 1 amazing who spends longer with you than you pay for (I think thats a good sign but the better one was 30 yards)

I am a web developer and if you fancy some here's my area here's my par find golf partners software I have the code (did a dating/sports match site but didn't have cash to promote)

think it's a totally great idea

how about special offers area (I joined my golf club for £50 on a special for woman)

great idea to tell others about courses and special deals

save money section (we are in a credit crunch) so special sale deal at your local shop
tell others
give phone number
hey presto
phone orders

ping is ping what ever shop it comes from



Tour Rookie
Oct 9, 2007
Glasgow, Scotland

Content is king, whether you deliver via print, email or website.

Why don't you start now to gather editorials, reviews, special offers etc and do an online edition in time for the start of season 2009 (i.e. aim to launch on 1st march 2009)

You'll need a name for the publication: how about "The Homer Of Golf"

Good Luck


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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Cracking idea mate, I for one would read it. Sounds like somethin that is just lacking a little from the golfing world.

Plenty of ideas am sure. No shortage of submitters I bet!

I think you should call it pro-AM or Start to Scratch


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 11, 2007
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One group of people who do not receive much attention in magazines are those like me, 75yrs old, shortest hitters on the course. I am not the only one in my club. Some are too bashful to even join our seniors group.
There is a need for articles on equipment and techniques for us ancients.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I quite agree. What I'm hoping to produce is something for the average golfer of all ages and ability, written for golfers by golfers. If you want to put some ideas down (or better still write something yourself) either send me a private message or drop me an e-mail to mbedboro@live.co.uk


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I don't think it is really in the remit of what GM does or wants to do although I am hoping one of the guys from GM will post on here whether they think the idea has legs (and hopefully some adive on how to move it on and get started).

I see it as more of a generalist thing with articles, pictures etc coming from the readership e.g fellow forummers, club members, etc but I'm not sure whether it will be a web based thing open to anyone or will go into print and be distributed/sold. At the moment itis only a tentative idea and there are obviously a lot of things to be sorted.


Challenge Tour Pro
May 8, 2008
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Without pushing golfwoman away, I also work in web development among other things, so once you get going I am willing to help out in this area if needed.


Assistant Pro
Jun 24, 2008
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quite a good idea in principle, I would think.

I would suggest you start on-line, a google search will find you the software you need to set up a website, and it means that start up costs will be low (or get a young web designer to do something cheap - cash in hand etc)

Whilst I would read the site, I doubt I would buy a publication (in the short term, anyway), and suspect most people would be the same (the forum has insufficient population to make it financially viable).

Revenues are easily achieved through online embedded ads once you have a sufficient readership, and maybe once you reach that point you can think about publication.

I know a couple of magazine publishers if you ever get to that stage, and indeed some web designers if you need those.

Good luck - let me know if there is anything I can do to help!


Tour Winner
Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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The idea is good, there is no publication out there that is just for joe publis, but..............
I was asked to do a monthly newsletter in a previous role i had. I agreed because they were going to install MS publisher on my PC (when it was first released) the novelty of this new software persuaded me to agree. Other peoples started to send me stories etc.... for a few weeks, then it became a proper pain in the ar$£.
It soon dried up as i suspect "interesting and readable" golf stories would.
The costs of publishing this as a magazine in small quantities wouldn't be viable.
On-line, yes maybe but the hours that would be required to put it together and edit would not be possible for one person to sustain for any period of time.

I'm not trying to pi$$ on your bonfire, just being realistic.

Why not approach GM and ask for a section of their website to put regular features for "joe public" if they were good enough i'm sure they would publish some articles.
We already have the readership on this site, why go somewhere else?


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Thanks for the feedback, noth negative and positive. I like the idea of trying to get a section put aside on here as the easiest way of doing it but they may compromise GM and there markets, readership etc so I can quite understand why they may not be keen.

If that fails I think some form of web based format will be the way to go. hat I really need though are pictures and stories on what is happening right now wherever you play golf. If it is going to be for the golfers by the golfers I may need forum members help at least initially.

When you go out to play this weekend mention my idea to all your mates and club members and give them this address if there is anything they want to submit. It is mbedboro@live.co.uk and hopefully we can get something started.


Tour Winner
Jan 7, 2008
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I wouldn't mind submitting some material. Starting a web blog shouldn't be too hard either. Go for it. Would it be like a compilation of articles like those people have submitted to GM for the forum blog? They may be willing to expand that feature of their website as a way of hosting you idea, although I suppose they would probably then have to proof read everything to avoid any legal turmoil that could erupt from somebody's views coming across as GMs and offending someone. But then again you could always do that homer, if GM gave you some general guidelines.