How would you play this hole????


Assistant Pro
Nov 20, 2011
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I agree completley with your thoughts . However it sounds like he hits driver elsewhere on the course but struggling on this hole only . I just don't feel that hitting an iron off the tee (looking at the picture ) is the right play . Your either bringing the water into play or if only hitting a 7 iron to lay up short of the water , you are making what's a tough par 5 to you already , even tougher . I think the problem on this lies mentally .... Let's face it we all have that one hole that has caused us problems . I'd be very interested to actually see pictures of this hole to see how big landing areas are .
I read above and you seemed to believe that the carry is more like "250" and not 210 ? Is this an assumption and could this be affecting your shot trying to step on your drive to get the carry over 250 ?


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Well on the evidence of Thursday, slightly less so than most there :whistle::thup:

I think (and know all to well you are fishing :ears:) that if you at least try and do the right things it goes a long way to producing a decent shot. Not always of course

Of course your right about doing the right things,however you do keep telling people what to do,you also go in the experts section and give people advice but you don't heed that advice yourself.
All last week before Hillside you were telling people how bad your game was and how you were going to drag everyone to your level.
Im all for you trying to support others but when all your posts are negative about your own game,who actually is going to take notice.:ears:


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Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Of course your right about doing the right things,however you do keep telling people what to do,you also go in the experts section and give people advice but you don't heed that advice yourself.
All last week before Hillside you were telling people how bad your game was and how you were going to drag everyone to your level.
Im all for you trying to support others but when all your posts are negative about your own game,who actually is going to take notice.:ears:

And I did drag them down to my level! I guess it's a question of perspectives and I'm definitely in the glass half empty side of things. My game is probably OK (although a 0.7 rise in 2015 argues differently) and there's a lot of good stuff bar two bad holes per round that kill any momentum. The issue is I feel that my game is actually better than the results show and it's frustrating to keep getting 0.1's and not getting rewards for the hard work I've put in. That said you may have a point!


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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And I did drag them down to my level! I guess it's a question of perspectives and I'm definitely in the glass half empty side of things. My game is probably OK (although a 0.7 rise in 2015 argues differently) and there's a lot of good stuff bar two bad holes per round that kill any momentum. The issue is I feel that my game is actually better than the results show and it's frustrating to keep getting 0.1's and not getting rewards for the hard work I've put in. That said you may have a point!

To be honest I doubt if theres one person who doesn't want you to get to single figures because then you might actually stop whining about it and maybe kick on and get lower.
I would also like to take a tenner off Phil too.

Maybe I could give you a little bit of advice and help you stop getting those 2 bad holes.
Treat every game as a medal even if its Stableford.
Get used to holing out all the time.
This is not just to you, but I play with a guy who will only go in a comp if its a Stableford because
he says he always has a bad hole or 2 but a Stableford gives him that cushion that he can have a bad hole or 2.
Try not to have blobs.
Easy said I know but it could help.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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To be honest I doubt if theres one person who doesn't want you to get to single figures because then you might actually stop whining about it and maybe kick on and get lower.
I would also like to take a tenner off Phil too.

Maybe I could give you a little bit of advice and help you stop getting those 2 bad holes.
Treat every game as a medal even if its Stableford.
Get used to holing out all the time.
This is not just to you, but I play with a guy who will only go in a comp if its a Stableford because
he says he always has a bad hole or 2 but a Stableford gives him that cushion that he can have a bad hole or 2.
Try not to have blobs.
Easy said I know but it could help.

I'll do what I can to secure that £10 and know where you're coming from. I enjoyed our chat on Thursday and you made a lot of sense. I am looking at doing things differently going forward so we'll see where that takes me.


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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I'll do what I can to secure that £10 and know where you're coming from. I enjoyed our chat on Thursday and you made a lot of sense. I am looking at doing things differently going forward so we'll see where that takes me.

Single figures:whoo::

You are right about one thing Homer I do talk a lot of sense:D


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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To be honest I doubt if theres one person who doesn't want you to get to single figures because then you might actually stop whining about it and maybe kick on and get lower.
I would also like to take a tenner off Phil too.

Maybe I could give you a little bit of advice and help you stop getting those 2 bad holes.
Treat every game as a medal even if its Stableford.
Get used to holing out all the time.
This is not just to you, but I play with a guy who will only go in a comp if its a Stableford because
he says he always has a bad hole or 2 but a Stableford gives him that cushion that he can have a bad hole or 2.
Try not to have blobs.
Easy said I know but it could help.

All pretty sound advice I'd say


Head Pro
Jan 6, 2013
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Driver, 3/5 wood. Or Driver, 6 iron, wedge.

Looking at that I would have to hit a 6 iron off the tee for me to avoid landing in/ level with the pond. Even with a bad swing on the driver I am going to carry it 210yards. I am fairy straight with a driver and it's a strength of my game so makes sense to play to it.


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
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Well just to let you know I made bogey on it yesterday, should have made par but I'll take a 6 after the way I've been playing it lately!!
I played rubbish most of the way through the round, and by the time I got to the dreaded 15th, all chances of avoiding an increase had gone, so I thought "what the heck" and just oinked my driver.
Played for the draw, and got it although I didn't make as good a contact as I usually do, probably due to being a little bit tense.
Ended up just short of the pond on the right hand side of the fairway, in a bit of a "depression" caused by an old divot.
Pulled my 5 wood out and knobbed one up the middle, came up just shy of the 150 marker.
Flushed a 7 iron up the hill, lovely strike, but the breeze pushed the ball just off the green, pin high to the right.
Played a lovely chip which finished up about 3 feet from the hole but then proceeded to miss the putt for a 5!
Story of my day. Driving was not up to it's usual standard, iron play was "hit and miss" and my putting was woeful.
95 played and I came in in 43rd spot with a net 79.
Not brilliant but hey ho.
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Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Ah but you now know that it's not inevitable that your tee shot will go OOB Rob - onwards and upwards!


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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Ah but you now know that it's not inevitable that your tee shot will go OOB Rob - onwards and upwards!

I think the problem was as somebody said above.... not "commiting" to the drive and trying to steer it Chris.
Just caught the one yesterday a little heavier than normal and didn't get the distance I know I can get, but on the flight it had it would have ended up perfectly had I really collared it.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I think the problem was as somebody said above.... not "commiting" to the drive and trying to steer it Chris.
Just caught the one yesterday a little heavier than normal and didn't get the distance I know I can get, but on the flight it had it would have ended up perfectly had I really collared it.

It definitely happens Rob. I played Nizels a couple of weeks ago and had 35 points standing on the last. I knew that a decent last hole would put me in with a winning chance in the comp, I tried to play safe and steered the drive, straight into deep cack and blobbed. I came 5th and next time, in the same situation, it's a heathy whack!