How long is the rough on your course?


Tour Rookie
Nov 6, 2011
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The biggest issue is time and money.

Its so time consuming cutting even semi rough let alone thick rough.

Its a bit of common sense,out the way enough that players can enjoy their game and keep round time down to a minimum.But if its out the way and someone still finds it then tough luck.

We struggled for a few weeks there with keeping our semi down due to staff numbers and the poor weather but we're on top of it now.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 2, 2008
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Our rough has gone from being able to find your ball(even sometimes well in)to really brutal.By that I mean dangerous in some places where there's hidden ditches-an ankle /leg could be broken /badly damaged----------there's a question....who would be responsible if (God forbid)such a thing were to happen???
I personally now approach our 4th with fear and trepidation trying to convince myself to hit thro' the bloody thing rather than trying to steer it over the really deep stuff just yards in front of the tee and it's only a 160 par far over the past 3/4 weeks I've dumped A dozen balls in the L.H.S.jungle and 2 in the right.
We have a new greenkeeper and I don't know if there's been an unexpected spurt of growth due to the mixed weather that's maybe caught him out or if this is some sort of new policy but I'm certainly going to be asking about this!!!!
O.K. it's the same for everyone but it does hold play up even if you're just off the fairway and seen where it rolled in!
Very annoying/Vexing


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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I think its the right thing to do, concentrate on the parts the majority of golfers use. There are a couple of holes that look better framed with long rough.

I agree, the definition some of the straw areas that split fairways really does look great, its the areas right on the bends of doglegs that get me and immediately to the side of some greens, especially if you hit a peach of a straight shot and don't get your draw and it goes in that straw, you see so many looking in those areas and I think a little common sense in certain positions with a 70mm level rough cut into those 'hot spots' would ease the slow play caused by everyone looking for balls in knee high straw.

I lost 2 last night in these exact circumstances on the 3rd & 6th, my playing opponent said "great drive" as it flew from the tee only for it to stay dead straight and fly into the straw after a single bounce on the fairway!

Its all about balance, the punishment is there and rightly so if your well off-line, but in some areas when the error is minimal, and I'm talking feet not yards, need to be relaxed


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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i think you have too look at it this way, play the conditions, if its tight with a driver..... don't take a driver, simply keep the ball in play.

Another way to look at it is if you are in a comp, where is the skill in blasting all over the shop and still being able to find the ball and play almost any shot if there's no rough. the skill is in playing to the conditions. Again keep the ball in play, if its gone in the rough play a provisional, simples.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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i think you have too look at it this way, play the conditions, if its tight with a driver..... don't take a driver, simply keep the ball in play.

Another way to look at it is if you are in a comp, where is the skill in blasting all over the shop and still being able to find the ball and play almost any shot if there's no rough. the skill is in playing to the conditions. Again keep the ball in play, if its gone in the rough play a provisional, simples.

Excellent post. It's a question of keeping it in play which is why I find the idea of people worrying about the long stuff funny. At my club the real deep crap is a fair way off line with a good strip of semi between the fairway and the bundra. That means there's usually 60-100 yards of playable grass to hit per hole. Most of the high handicappers in our roll up know what they can and can't do and will avoid the deep stuff at all cost first and then go from there. As they get plenty of shots (two on some) 6 for 2 points is never going to harm them. Just because a hole is 430 yards you don't have to hit driver. A bogey net par is fine, certainly in a comp and it's about managing your ball