Hit on the head by ball.

Glad you are ok, it is a nasty thing to happen. Hope the concussion stays away.

It was a vicar with a 6i on the second for me. Massive hollow bong noise, and down I went.

Never even thought of sueing. It was just an accident. Hand of God, almost.
Hope it wasn’t on a Sunday.
That old hole in one joke.

How long did u take to recover?
Couple of weeks really. It's never bothered me since though. I view it as being pretty unlikely to happen once, so to be on the receiving end twice would be unusual.
Glad you're alright, goes to show you never know what can happen on the course.

Played a competition yesterday in decent but windy weather and it was literally raining golf balls. A guy playing with us has been hit by a ball and was on high alert at every shout of fore (and there was a lot of shouting - never experienced anything like it before). On the 6th, heard a shout, took cover and he started yelling at me to "go right, go right, go right"; fortunately just went right when the pffft of the ball whistled by my head. He thought it was dead center back of my head. All balls from that group landed on our fairway. At the 9th tee box, my savior got hit on the ankle after the same group played into the 8th green, downwind - he was 30 yards long. All in all made for a tense afternoon as every shout seen us running for trees!

I can also sympathize with your offender - we've a big oak tree on our 17th, faders / slicers constantly hit it and generally we all look for the ricochet, invariably not knowing where it's going. From now on, I'll be shouting regardless as it is adjacent to the 12th.
I can’t see how that’s your fault .
I usually never get ahead of my pps. For that reason.

My fault because I was ahead of him (albeit not that far and on the other side of the fairway, in the left hand rough and he was in the right hand) but i was walking up with my back turned to him. I should have been paying more attention but didnt expect him to be that bad haha.

It also nearly happened a second time with someone else but I was watching and managed to matrix out of the way.

I have had two very very close calls before. Once a ball whizzed past my face from another hole (no shout of fore).

A second time, I was leaning up against a very skinny tree, maybe 3 inches across. On the other side of the tree a ball smacked at head height (no shout of fore either)

As you said, it could have been a lot worse. Quite scary when it happens
Glad you're alright, goes to show you never know what can happen on the course.

Played a competition yesterday in decent but windy weather and it was literally raining golf balls. A guy playing with us has been hit by a ball and was on high alert at every shout of fore (and there was a lot of shouting - never experienced anything like it before). On the 6th, heard a shout, took cover and he started yelling at me to "go right, go right, go right"; fortunately just went right when the pffft of the ball whistled by my head. He thought it was dead center back of my head. All balls from that group landed on our fairway. At the 9th tee box, my savior got hit on the ankle after the same group played into the 8th green, downwind - he was 30 yards long. All in all made for a tense afternoon as every shout seen us running for trees!

I can also sympathize with your offender - we've a big oak tree on our 17th, faders / slicers constantly hit it and generally we all look for the ricochet, invariably not knowing where it's going. From now on, I'll be shouting regardless as it is adjacent to the 12th.
Sounds like when I played at North Middlesex. Half the holes are literally almost on top of each other. Really had to keep our eyes and ears peeled there.
If he didnt shout fore then sue.
Doesn't matter if he shouted fore or not, a member at mine was sued and lost his case even though he did shout fore .

The judge said he didn't take reasonable care, the amount was settled out of court £10,000.00.
His sliced drive hit another member on the head, who was walking towards him on an adjacent fairway, about 180 yards away..
Once he got his 10 grand he left the club.
1st line of H&S on the card
A player must always ensure that it is safe to do so before playing a shot.

I got in to a bit of an argument once with a competition organiser because he wanted to implement call through on one of our par 3s and I refused to play my shot because of where the people in front were standing.
Rugby is to blame for a couple of concussions but the 2 I had from golf were far worse.

After my last one my GP gave me a bit of advice that really resonated with me, thinking back to one of the previous occasions. "Do not make any life changing decisions in the next 12 months without involving your better half in a full discussion and, maybe, let her have the casting vote. Many people are scrambled for up to a year after a bang like this."

Good luck on the recovery, and be very very careful for a good while going forward.
Doesn't matter if he shouted fore or not, a member at mine was sued and lost his case even though he did shout fore .

The judge said he didn't take reasonable care, the amount was settled out of court £10,000.00.
His sliced drive hit another member on the head, who was walking towards him on an adjacent fairway, about 180 yards away..
Once he got his 10 grand he left the club.

What is reasonable care?
Waiting until nobody on the course is within 300 yards of you? (or 400 yards if you're a forummer)
What is reasonable care?
Waiting until nobody on the course is within 300 yards of you? (or 400 yards if you're a forummer)
Don't ask me, that was the judges decision, maybe he wasn't a golfer.
If you see 3 or 4 golfer 180/200 yards away heading towards you , even though they're 30 yards wide of your intended line. Would you hit your drive.
Same as driving before the game in front is out of range , too risky and dangerous..
Not good to read and surely some good should come out of this. Playing off yellows am usually stood in front of white tees to the side. May well have to think re my personal position.
Get well soon me man.
Our 15th is a par 5 but you can go back up the 14th either deliberately or unintentionally and you can elect to proceed up the 14th but have to then wait for those teeing off or coming down and playing their seconds before hitting that way.

As for the OP, keep an eye on the headaches and generally well being as concussion can sneak up. Personally I wouldn't claim unless I was having time off work but there is always the "where's there a claim" brigade