hinge and hold


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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Anyone here using the hinge and hold method ? Iv been watching the phil mickelson dvd and im trying to groove the moves in over the winter so far i think iv watched it about 10 times and you can easily notice how easy it is to get the ball in the air and not duff them and im amazed pro's still teach the lean forward and keep the wrists stiff method as its caused me headaches since I took up the game in 2010. I have a long game of a low single figure but a short game of a 28 hcp hence thats why iv been stuck on a 12 hcp so im gonna keep at the hinge and hold method and hopefully get my short game to match my long game :)

If anyone does use the hinge and hold method then what do you think of it ?

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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While I have no doubt the H&H method has it's merit, it's not suited to everyone, me included.

What annoys me is that in the official Callaway video in which Phil Mickleson describes the method he says "It's the only way to chip"

I personally prefer the linear method in my short game as I find it's alot more forgiving.

While hinge and hold is effective, if you don't get the strike bang on with the amount of forward shaft lean, you'll more than likely dig the leading edge in to the turf. The Linear method uses a lot less shaft lean, exposing the bounce of the club. If your strike is a little off, the bounce of the club is used to help 'rescue' a semi respectable strike, rather than a flat out duff.

Like I say, I have nothing against the H&H method. If it works for you, use it :thup:

However, it is not the only way to chip, contrary to what Philly Mick says :D


Aug 5, 2011
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Anyone here using the hinge and hold method ? Iv been watching the phil mickelson dvd and im trying to groove the moves in over the winter so far i think iv watched it about 10 times and you can easily notice how easy it is to get the ball in the air and not duff them and im amazed pro's still teach the lean forward and keep the wrists stiff method as its caused me headaches since I took up the game in 2010. I have a long game of a low single figure but a short game of a 28 hcp hence thats why iv been stuck on a 12 hcp so im gonna keep at the hinge and hold method and hopefully get my short game to match my long game :)

If anyone does use the hinge and hold method then what do you think of it ?

H&H works for Phil....and maybe lots of others but it's certainly not the only way, and not the only effective way.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 10, 2010
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I gave it a go the other day at the range after seeing the videos and I just ended up hitting shanks with it, I may have been doing it worn but think I'll stick to my usual way.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I use the linear method also, but, there are many similarities between the two styles of chipping/pitching and I think that you just find what works best for you


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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if the course is dry then it hinge and hold all day long. I sacrifice distance control and trajectory a bit when I use the bounce on high lofted wedges.

I think Phil means its the "smartest way" when he says its the only way. Its not terribly difficult to keep your hands ahead of the ball and hit ball then turf on a chip.


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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if the course is dry then it hinge and hold all day long. I sacrifice distance control and trajectory a bit when I use the bounce on high lofted wedges.

I think Phil means its the "smartest way" when he says its the only way. Its not terribly difficult to keep your hands ahead of the ball and hit ball then turf on a chip.

iv found it actually helps me a lot on wet ground as I dont lose face control but like people say its what works for you. I actually tried this method a while back and gave up but iv gone back to it as I wasn't getting any better and now its paying off as im putting alot more effort into it and really looking at how phil does it him self also donald seems to use it and by just watching there technique I think I will help me out big time


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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if I am under pressure its hinge and hold. if its a touch soft and I need to go over a bunker I might use the bounce.


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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I gave it a go the other day at the range after seeing the videos and I just ended up hitting shanks with it, I may have been doing it worn but think I'll stick to my usual way.

:rofl: this is what happened to me as well. Hit about 10 shots and gave up. Persistent eh?


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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I've been working a lot in the last few weeks on my technique having looked at the various "methods" but have settled on something I worked out based on the faults I see in what I was doing before. Since these methods seem to have to have names, I am now calling my method HCM-1 (Hawkeye Chipping Method version 1), it still needs work but there are signs of improvement.