Heythrop Park Oxfordshire mini meet

If you want to go out first on your own in a buggy then you might just a it do it, providing that you and you balls avoid the “ancient woodlands” that line most of the fairways ?
I would be up for this... as mentioned elsewhere I will have spare time on my hands, so would be great to get more golf in ?
Are we talking of a weekday or weekend? If the latter, I’d be interested.
Either works for me - what about everybody else?

Perhaps simply set up a doodle poll where you put up all your available dates and then people can tick the dates that work for them. Then you just go with the date that has the best/biggest response?
If it’s towards the end of that week then I’m in
Coming back from Scotland (hopefully) on Monday 5th and need a day to recover
So Wednesday onwards would work for me
Although I've had a self imposed non attendance to the big meets this year ?, if this comes off I'd try to assist Simon a little in hosting.
@Simonsmh let me know if "member's guest sign on" rates would be a help here.
Would love to, especially as my mum lives not too far up the road from HP and it's a course I've not played before, but cannot make any of the dates in the Doodle Poll. ??