Handicap too low


Nov 3, 2017
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If you're hardly playing any comps, what's the issue ? just go out when you can and enjoy it for what it is.


Feb 10, 2018
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Seems rather defeatist. Happy when its going well and suddenly now your not managing to play enough/regularly enough to maintain your handicap and its toys out the pram.

As Bob said, practice and a few lessons are the only "real" answer. Sorry is you don't like that or can't commit to that.

I've had 2 periods of illness over 6 months including a broken arm. I've spent huge amounts of money on lessons and regular practice. I've never played more than about 7 games a year as I work full time. Given this has been going on since 2013 I'd hardly call it toys out of the pram, I just find it very depressing to come off the course with another .1.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Have you ever had a playing lesson?

I find them very useful when teaching as I can see the player actually play and where he/she is losing shots.


Jul 13, 2015
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I've had 2 periods of illness over 6 months including a broken arm. I've spent huge amounts of money on lessons and regular practice. I've never played more than about 7 games a year as I work full time. Given this has been going on since 2013 I'd hardly call it toys out of the pram, I just find it very depressing to come off the course with another .1.

With that I can sympathise however you need to battle back. I lost 3 seasons to three separate operations on my feet, I struggled to get round the course never mind swing a club properly. My handicap went up .1 every time I pegged it up. I lost my swing trying to take pressure off of my feet and basically my golf went to pot.

Three operations later I could get round the course but my swing was shot from compensating and protecting painful areas, I wasn't turning or weight transferring at all.

A whole year of lessons last year has got me back on track.

Stick with it and stick with lessons, if you don't think your getting anywhere with your current professional move onto another, speak to the professional you go to before hand, explain what you want and where you are coming from. Some pro's are way better than others.


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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Hi there. No my handicap does have a c against it and is active apparently. My main issue is the system is designed for regular players. I rarely do 7 comps in a year due to work and caring commitments. I've played more in 2016 and had more lessons and practice than ever but it made no difference to my game at all.

You have my sympathy - we all want to enjoy playing and constantly struggling to play somewhere near your handicap is no fun.
I'm not sure but one solution may be to play some 9 hole supplementary rounds as the days get longer. In that way your handicap can float higher without relying of full rounds that take a long time to play.

like others I am surprised your Handicap Committee haven't reviewed your handicap given the history you describe.


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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Handicaps should be controlled by a handicap committee not a section although the section could have a member on the main committee. Talk to the main HC committee however you appear to have very little infor for them to work on, play more Qs and chuck in some supplementary cards.

Generally speaking, ladies sections of a decent size have their own handicap committee.


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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Thank you for your positive encouragement.

I think the best thing is to play more, if you can, and in competitions. Hopefully with more regular golf your game will get back towards where it was and, if not, there will be plenty of evidence for the ladies handicap committee to take into account.

There's two sides to this, obviously, and as dispiriting as it is to you to be unable to play to your handicap how would you feel if you got it increased only for things to "click" and you start looking like your handicap was too high?


Assistant Pro
Apr 9, 2017
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It will all sort itself out in the long run. Had a similar experience 5 years ago leading to 18 months of being uncompetitive, and being given a shot back in an annual review. Now I’m back to the same level having come down gradually and the handicap is much more reflective of my golfing abilities. Stick with it and ultimately your handicap won’t feel so daunting.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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If you are only playing 7 times a year the best thing is to put in a card every single time you play (as previously said they can either be in a comp or played as a supplementary score). Cards can be done as stableford comp and it only needs the course to be in the condition for qualifying competitions and for you to play with a player with a handicap.

You can ask for a review once 7 cards have been completed in the last calendar year and not just this handicap year.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Stick with it. Maybe a refresher playing lesson and when the warmer weather comes just play as many competitions and maybe supplementary cards as you can. I'm no expert and others on here are far more qualified to answer but if you enter comp cards in a golfing year and never touch buffer zone, isn't there an annual review each year so by entering cards to activate your handicap again and playing qualify them to look again next year?

If the ladies section aren't operating the handicap system correctly, report it to the club and if they don't take action report it to the county and CONGU. Try and enjoy your golf as and when you play as it is suppose to be something we do as a past time. I've struggle with my own game and failed dismally to reach my own aspirations but you just have to go out try your best, enjoy the game and move onto the next one. Hope your health issues are behind you and 2018 can be a better golfing year