Neck/cervical issues ?


Journeyman Pro
Aug 21, 2008
East Yorks
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Hi all, it’s quite a while since I posted on here, but i’m keen to hear of anyone else‘s experiences…..

I’m 61 now, and have played golf regularly for 35years, down to a singles handicap.

In 2020, I started experiencing some nagging neck/shoulder pain, which came and went, forcing me to stop playing for months at a time until I felt ok to restart.
This continued over the next 2 years, with worsening degrees at times, and eventually forced me to seek an MRI and consultation to find out what the hell it was, and it transpired that I had a herniated disc at C6/7 🤨
Much Physio and rehab did little to help, and finally after another HUGE flare up in Feb this year, I decided I had to stop playing for this year at least, to try and get things to settle down, and at least see whether it was Golf that was the cause of my issues, which I have to admit were causing me much depression and discomfort.
I had a Full Knee replaced in 2020 too, and that was a doddle to overcome in comparison !

Then, in mid summer this year, I suddenly noticed I couldn’t lift my left arm to the front or side, and again, after another MRI and subsequent Nerve Conduction tests, it appears I have somehow trapped a Root Nerve in the C5 vertebrae, which still now, I’m recovering from with weekly physio and daily rehab exercises…’s recovering, but man its slow.

thankfully, I have no pain at the moment, or since June tbh, which is a blessing, believe me.

So, it’s with a heavy heart that I’ve decided that swinging any Golf club is the last thing my delicate neck area needs, and I’ve given the game up.

I’m sure all my friends think I should just ‘take a couple of paracetamol’ and get on with it, and I’m being defeatist, but for any of you that have lived with constant debilitating back or neck pain, you’ll know why my decision is easy.

So, how many of you have ever suffered any Neck/Cervical issues, which ’may’ have been caused by your golf ?

I know some of the top pro’s have, Matsuyama I’m sure…and I think Matt Fitzpatrick ? And of course, Will Zalatoris has had 2 lower Disc fusions i believe ?

Cheers guys.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 24, 2009
East Yorkshire, UK
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Hi Chris, nice to hear you're still lurking, even if the content in your post was sad to read.

I've had lower back issues for 30 odd years, a micro discectomy back then alleviated the severest spasms, which flares up from time to time, I also had a frozen shoulder for 6 months or so about 10 years ago which keeps trying to come back. Golf doesn't seem to make either 'injury' flare up and I believe keeping some exercise actually helps - I can't play if I do get a back spasm and had to have a couple of months off this year when the shoulder got too painful.

Maybe get Olly to give your swing a look over and make sure you're not doing anything extreme in the mechanics of your swing?


Journeyman Pro
Aug 21, 2008
East Yorks
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Hi Phil, good to hear your still playing, seems our rugby days are catching up with us !

To be honest, I’d started some coaching with Carlo @ Brough early in 22’, in an attempt to finally learning to hit a Driver, and was seeing good results, before another flare up derailed that mission 🤨

it’s become a case of rather living without Golf & Pain, than living WITH both !

For now, I’m carrying on trying to get full range in my arm/shoulder again, and when I’m ever as near to 100% again as I’m ever going to be, I’ll perhaps reassess 🤷‍♂️

Keep playing well bud.


Assistant Pro
Jun 26, 2015
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Feel sorry for you, four years ago I developed cervical radiculopathy at the end of a golf trip.
I couldn't sleep properly for months and it was the worst pain I remember that just kept on.
Fortunately for me it settled down with time and I'm golfing again. Hope yours does too.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 21, 2008
East Yorks
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Feel sorry for you, four years ago I developed cervical radiculopathy at the end of a golf trip.
I couldn't sleep properly for months and it was the worst pain I remember that just kept on.
Fortunately for me it settled down with time and I'm golfing again. Hope yours does too.

yup, that’s it, a constant nagging pain that eats away at your soul, it literally put me in very dark places to be honest, seriously dark places,
which is perhaps why I’m so unwilling to risk playing again.

As ‘Whereditgo’ knows, I had to give up playing Rugby at 19, after completely blowing my knee apart, and simply moved on to other things,
but to be honest, the neck pain I’ve experienced over the last 3 years, and then this recent ‘nerve’ issue and semi-paralysis of my left arm, has made giving up
an easy decision to avoid any risk going forward.


Active member
Sep 21, 2021
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Hi all, it’s quite a while since I posted on here, but i’m keen to hear of anyone else‘s experiences…..

I’m 61 now, and have played golf regularly for 35years, down to a singles handicap.

In 2020, I started experiencing some nagging neck/shoulder pain, which came and went, forcing me to stop playing for months at a time until I felt ok to restart.
This continued over the next 2 years, with worsening degrees at times, and eventually forced me to seek an MRI and consultation to find out what the hell it was, and it transpired that I had a herniated disc at C6/7 🤨
Much Physio and rehab did little to help, and finally after another HUGE flare up in Feb this year, I decided I had to stop playing for this year at least, to try and get things to settle down, and at least see whether it was Golf that was the cause of my issues, which I have to admit were causing me much depression and discomfort.
I had a Full Knee replaced in 2020 too, and that was a doddle to overcome in comparison !

Then, in mid summer this year, I suddenly noticed I couldn’t lift my left arm to the front or side, and again, after another MRI and subsequent Nerve Conduction tests, it appears I have somehow trapped a Root Nerve in the C5 vertebrae, which still now, I’m recovering from with weekly physio and daily rehab exercises…’s recovering, but man its slow.

thankfully, I have no pain at the moment, or since June tbh, which is a blessing, believe me.

So, it’s with a heavy heart that I’ve decided that swinging any Golf club is the last thing my delicate neck area needs, and I’ve given the game up.

I’m sure all my friends think I should just ‘take a couple of paracetamol’ and get on with it, and I’m being defeatist, but for any of you that have lived with constant debilitating back or neck pain, you’ll know why my decision is easy.

So, how many of you have ever suffered any Neck/Cervical issues, which ’may’ have been caused by your golf ?

I know some of the top pro’s have, Matsuyama I’m sure…and I think Matt Fitzpatrick ? And of course, Will Zalatoris has had 2 lower Disc fusions i believe ?

Cheers guys.
Hi Master, I feel for you mate... I had a herniated disc in my neck about 15years ago and I still haven't had pain like it... Thankfully the intense pain only lasted weeks... The amount of pain killers and other meds to take the edge of it was ridiculous.. Thankfully I am pain free and have been for years. I still get a still neck /shoulder stiffness more regular than most and feel like it has changed my mobility and ability to swing like I used to.. I am just thankful I don't have the nerve pain... At the end of the day your health is the most important thing and not living your life in pain is more important than golf.. I wish you all the best. 👍.


Active member
Jul 12, 2022
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I have had neck stiffness/pain for the last 6 months. Started just a bit stiff all over and now it’s just right side at one point. It’s only been slight pain and think my body has just kind of got used to it. I did have a neck brace that you attach weights to from when I did boxing so I’ve started doing weights on my neck and helped a little. I am sure it’s the golf that’s causing my neck pain as when I took 3 weeks off on holiday it was almost gone but I love playing golf too much so I’ll keep going until it sorts itself out or my neck breaks.


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Apr 6, 2007
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In 2014 I managed to completely destroy three discs in a very innocuous fall. Destroyed three discs between C4&5, 5&6, 6&7. A brilliant surgeon took out the exploded discs and put a fancy titanium frame in which in time fused my vertibrae together. I can still manage to hit a ball, in the warmer weather, but its nowhere near the way I used to play. I can at least walk and have good use of hands and arms. The actual time of the accident was a very scary time. You certainly don't want to be messing with the C Spine, its not an area that likes to be disturbed.

I've come to terms with the fact I can't play as I used to, it does have an up side, I haven't bought new golf gear for a long time 😁


Journeyman Pro
Aug 21, 2008
East Yorks
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In 2014 I managed to completely destroy three discs in a very innocuous fall. Destroyed three discs between C4&5, 5&6, 6&7. A brilliant surgeon took out the exploded discs and put a fancy titanium frame in which in time fused my vertibrae together. I can still manage to hit a ball, in the warmer weather, but its nowhere near the way I used to play. I can at least walk and have good use of hands and arms. The actual time of the accident was a very scary time. You certainly don't want to be messing with the C Spine, its not an area that likes to be disturbed.

I've come to terms with the fact I can't play as I used to, it does have an up side, I haven't bought new golf gear for a long time 😁
Crikey, glad you have it all sorted and settled now, and haven’t been left with issues.
The NeuroSurgeon ive been seeing is very ‘anti-surgery’, which has frustrated me tbh, as I thought a disc removal would be a quick solution, but here I am, 9mths later and I’m pain free and it’s settled down, so I bow to his wisdom in hindsight.
Similarly, he told me that he could do surgery which may help the trapped nerve that’s affecting my shoulder, but he wouldn’t personally recommend it, and things are best left alone to see if they improve,…….which they are, albeit slowly.

Which all together, just makes my mind up that swinging clubs again is just a bridge too far, the C-spine area is quite stressed especially during the backswing, and I just do not want to invite that pain back into my life.

As C7usk said, any amount of meds just don’t touch the sides, and it becomes intolerable.

Game of Dom’s anyone ? 🫤


Sep 11, 2011
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Do I have a pain in the neck? 3 discs in contact with the spinal cord. Occasionally causing numbness/pins & needles in both arms. Seen a few consultants, two privately, all of which have said they won’t operate.

Herniated disc mid-spine causing horrendous backs spams/pain, occasionally seeing me having to lay down for up to 15 mins whilst the most excruciating pain subsides. Often leaves me gasping for breath.

Arthritis in the lower spine, which is just a constant nagging toothache sort of pain 24/7.

Gave up weekly golf about 3.5 years ago. Played a few rounds about 18 months ago. A friend is pestering me for a round next month. I’ll probably play but it will be with a buggy. I’m not expecting the golf to be pretty, nor do I expect to play beyond the 12th hole. I play bowls now but often get back spasms after a game, and they’re getting worse. It is what is.


Assistant Pro
Dec 11, 2013
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I was diagnosed with cervical myelopathy around a year ago. I don’t think that the principal cause was golf. I had posterior decompression surgery in May (a 9 hour op apparently, I was asleep so wouldn't know), and am waiting for another operation to fuse two vertebrae. I've also had two knee replacements, one in May 2022 and the other in March 2023! I had a short spell a couple of months ago trying to play a few holes using a buggy, but movement was so restricted that I decided not to carry on. I could barely hit a drive 120 yards. Frustratingly I can still chip and putt!

I would like to get out again once the other op has been done, if only to enjoy the company of friends over a friendly 9 holes. However my legs feel very heavy, my feet numb, and I have tingling sensation in my hands and fingers ( albeit my grip is strong). It's a case of wait and see.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 21, 2008
East Yorks
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Hobbit & Fenwayrich……..take care fellas, a lot of care, I feel for you.

Personally, I’ve decided that golf just isn’t that important to me versus the possible worsening/aggravating of what I’ve endured so far, which thankfully is improved for now. I’m not going to dwell on having to give up, it is what it is, and let’s face it, at my age, my best golf was behind me ! 😎