Handicap question regarding matchplay against bogey

I have got a headache and am going to give up. Hopefully the club will apply Rule 19 to the people who deserve to be cut. This situation is to be made clear to members in future due to the confusion above.
You are supposed to record the gross score so that the committee can verify that your +/- score is correct (it often isn't).

It is not just you versus your partner, it is you versus the entire field, hence verification is needed. Hence handicap adjustment is possible.
Just to update anyone who is in the least bit bothered I have been cut from 8.8 to 8.0 via Rule 19 instead of 8.8 to 8.4. Happy to have been cut further but still a wee bit annoyed that I 'should' be 7.6, I'll just have to post another good score soon!
Sounds like your committee don't care too much for the rules. A general play reduction (Rule 23 these days) is supposed to be at least a full shot. Sure it will work out for you in the end. Just keep playing good golf !!
I'd still argue it myself. I fail to see how this Bogey Par can gave anything to do with the CSS or a handicap reduction. Each hole is already rated on it's difficulty and length, that's what the SI is for, just putting a fictional number on it is surely irrelevent. Your comittee either needs to make the competition a non-qualifier, or stick to the rules of handicap reductions and cut you by 1.2. There can be no middle ground as far as I'm concerned.

We have a modified stableford comp at our place and it is deemed a non-qualifier because you play off 7/8ths handicap. My argument has always been if everyone records gross score, you can still make handicap adjustments but the comittee don't agree. I have a particular bee in my bonnet about this as I shout a gross 79(7 over - off 12 at the time) last year and got no cut at all. In the grand scheme of the competition I scored +11 points which would have been good enough to win every year for the last 5 years, this year I was 5th! The winner had +18 off 22 which is unheard of in this comp, he didn't get cut either.
After writing an email to the club secretary stating my case again, the secretary said he'd gotten 'mixed' up and my exact handicap is in fact 7.6 :-)
We have a modified stableford comp at our place and it is deemed a non-qualifier because you play off 7/8ths handicap. My argument has always been if everyone records gross score, you can still make handicap adjustments but the comittee don't agree. I have a particular bee in my bonnet about this ......

Your committee are correct in that it should be a non-qualifier and in fact you cannot set the competition up on the computer to be a qualifier if there is a fraction applied to handicap. CONGU stipulate the correct allowance for singles stableford is "Full Handicap" so perhaps the question is more why are they not following CONGU mandated allowances in the first place.
We have a modified stableford comp at our place and it is deemed a non-qualifier because you play off 7/8ths handicap. My argument has always been if everyone records gross score, you can still make handicap adjustments but the comittee don't agree. I have a particular bee in my bonnet about this ......

Your committee are correct in that it should be a non-qualifier and in fact you cannot set the competition up on the computer to be a qualifier if there is a fraction applied to handicap. CONGU stipulate the correct allowance for singles stableford is "Full Handicap" so perhaps the question is more why are they not following CONGU mandated allowances in the first place.

Fair enough. It wasn't a stableford, it was modified stableford. 0 pts for net par, 1 for net birdie, -2 for net bogey, you get the picture. It doesn't go in the computer, probably for reasons you explain. Bloody annoying though. Thanks for the info, i won't complain about it anymore :)