Money List Winner
exactly, but how to you get a gross score in a bogey comp - it's matchplay against the course. half the field will only record a + or - not a score.
exactly, but how to you get a gross score in a bogey comp - it's matchplay against the course. half the field will only record a + or - not a score.
The winner had +18 off 22 which is unheard of in this comp, he didn't get cut either.
We have a modified stableford comp at our place and it is deemed a non-qualifier because you play off 7/8ths handicap. My argument has always been if everyone records gross score, you can still make handicap adjustments but the comittee don't agree. I have a particular bee in my bonnet about this ......
We have a modified stableford comp at our place and it is deemed a non-qualifier because you play off 7/8ths handicap. My argument has always been if everyone records gross score, you can still make handicap adjustments but the comittee don't agree. I have a particular bee in my bonnet about this ......
Your committee are correct in that it should be a non-qualifier and in fact you cannot set the competition up on the computer to be a qualifier if there is a fraction applied to handicap. CONGU stipulate the correct allowance for singles stableford is "Full Handicap" so perhaps the question is more why are they not following CONGU mandated allowances in the first place.