Handicap question regarding matchplay against bogey


Head Pro
Jul 27, 2007
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Please can anyone tell me if the following is correct?

My weekend competition was a match play against bogey where the par against bogey is 75 (Elie Bogey / Bogey - Par = 75 SSS = 70 CSS = 70). The SSS was 70 and the CSS was 70. Off a handicap of 9 I shot a 73 which was a +7 result against bogey. My handicap adjustment was -0.4 as the stroke difference between the bogey par (75) and my score (73) was 2.

Is this correct? I was under the impression that all handicaps were adjusted against the CSS. If this is the case then my handicap adjustment should have been -1.2, so you can understand my frustration and bewilderment :D?
Assuming CSS is calculated in the normal way then I make you right, 73-9=64, 70-64=6 , 6 x 0.2 = 1.2.

I'm not sure what the Bogey Par has to do with handicap calculations but I'm sure someone could emlighten me\us?
Yeah the more and more I search the web for an answer the more I reckon that all handicaps are calculated against the CSS and I reckon I'm due a hefty cut. Will be very disappointed if this is not the case as I've done a lot of work over the winter and this is the pay off.
If this is a Bogey competition as I undetsand it, you play against the par for each hole (and its' relevant stroke index), then -0.4 is correct (for those unsure you score either a plus, minus or 0 half on each hole). You have scored a +7, against the Par of 75; as CSS is 70 then you have to take off 5 shots, before any handicap adjustment can be made. This leaves 2 shots on which to adjust your handicap. As yo uare in "Category 2" this is 0.2 per hole, which gives the -0.4 reduction stated. Hope this helps.
I don't really understand the O.P. If anyone can enlighten me, please do.
If you had a gross 73 off 9 with a CSS of 70, that's 6 under in my book and should come with a cut accordingly.

No offence intended to anybody, but the "par" is irrelevant surely. I could call my course a par 65 or par 80 for the purposes of a comp, the CSS is all that matters.
Not according to the chart shown in Appendix D of the CONGU site.

I'll try and explain it in better english.

It was a matchplay against bogey competition. The bogey 'par' at Elie is 75 (see scorecard here and in particular the red column http://www.golfhouseclub.co.uk/index.php?page=ghc-scorecard).

My score was 7up against bogey, the CSS was 70, the 'par' was 5 more than CSS, therefore if track down the correct column and row in the table linked above you get -2. My point is that if I shoot that same score in a medal in a weeks time I get cut by 1.2.

Total BS!!

I totally agree with RGDave in that the CSS is all that matters.
This might also help...

If the bogey score on the hole is 5 and I score a 3 then the system does not take into account that I beat it by two strokes it just notes it as a + for me...

Golf is too bloody complicated.
Sounds like a load of nonsense to me. If you all return scores and CSS is calculated in the normal way then what in god's name has this "bogey par" got to do with anything? What is it anyway and how is it calculated?
Not sure how it is calculated but judging by the screcard it is based on the hole difficulty and its length but not necessarily in that order. But again this is a guess.
Without seeing the actual card this is difficult and I'm still not sure I'm understanding correctly. The calculations in the CONGU tables are obviously correct. Are you saying that your gross score was 73? (2 under par gross) ie a nett 64 or 11 under par? Reason I ask is that +7 would seem to be the same as 43 stableford points according to the CONGU table but -11 doesn't really stack up with that. Something is wrong somewhere.....

If you had (say) 9 nett birdies on your shot holes by getting gross pars, 4 real birdies and 2 real bogeys and the rest pars (-2 gross, -11 nett) you would expect to be + 11 against the course. I know golf isn't as clinical as that but you get what I mean ?
if the scoring system doesn't take account of your actual score (that 3 on a bogey of 5) then how the hell can you calculate a CSS?
and without actual scores neither can you make Stableford adjustments.
Surely if you shot a 73 with par 75 off 9 h/c then would have been better than +7 :D

That would put you 11 under par nett wouldnt it , have you got your scores mixed up ?

A Bogey competition is an attempt to play a matchplay format against all the other competitors. You play against the course for each hole, and you either win, halve or lose each hole. You play the hole by applying your handicap (ie: do you get a shot here or not). For example if the hole is a Par 4 and you get a shot then it is a Nett 5. If you then score a 3 then you win the hole and get a plus. You total these scores up at the end of the round, as does all the other competitors (and you could finish +& as per Albanach). Your Handicap will then be adjusted against the CSS for the day.
A lot of people do not like Bogey competitions, as in the example above, you have won this hole (with a birdie), but you will only go on record as a plus (and not 2 or 3 shots to the better).
OK, this now confirms that I am confused!!

Par 70, SSS 70, CSS 70. You shoot 73 gross, 64 nett. Nett Differential = -6, category 2, reduction 6 x 0.2 = 1.2

If it's anything different to that then I'd certainly query it. Like you say if you go out and shoot the same score in a medal next week it would be as above and that shouldn't happen.

The bit I don't understand is:
(Elie Bogey / Bogey - Par = 75 SSS = 70 CSS = 70)

No idea what the first bit of this ending with 75 means but I've a feeling it should be irrelevant for handicapping. I thought you meant it was a par 75 course hence why I thought you had shot 2 under.
Yes, I understand what a bogey comp is. The confusion here is that (having looked at the scorecard again) although each hole has a par it also has a "bogey" rating. I for one have never seen this before (is it an ancient Scottish thing ?). This results in a Par of 70 but a Bogey of 75 for the course. I still feel that if the CSS is 70 the reduction should be 1.2 as the "bogey" rating should be irrelevant for handicaping just like Par is. It is the SSS and CSS that are important.
Forget about bogey and par. They have no bearing on the handicap adjustment.

All that is needed is gross score (with any stableford adjustments) and CSS. Handicap changes are then calculated from these, and based on the info provided should obviously be a reduction of 1.2.