Golfer selective memory


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Apr 30, 2020
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Are golfers the biggest whingers? After reading a bunch of the recent posts/threads about WHS being unfair.....crazy 49pt Stableford wins....obviously, golfers are the biggest cheats that there are in the sporting world. I had a guy at my last club who kept telling everybody that I was always winning the money. When I brought up the fact that I keep having to go to the bank to get more change......obviously I'm NOT winning all of the time. New club.....the same thing. When you are winning....people are complaining. When you are losing.....shazzam, nobody remembers. Each person in my group goes through those good stretches where they win pretty regularly....until the swing goes bye-bye and they can't hit the ball to save their life. Golfers tend to look for reasons to be upset about something. Now....if I could just put a taser into those people who keep ripping up the sand traps without raking......I'm about ready to volunteer to hide in the trees and take videos......of course it would likely end up being an ex- Capt or something that is doing all the damage.
It works on luck too..
I'm as big a culprit as there is when it comes to luck.
Never remember the good, always remember the bad.....
Not that I have much good;)
Golf seems to attract more than it’s fair share of grumpy old men as there is an almost unlimited list of things to be irritated by.
It works on luck too..
I'm as big a culprit as there is when it comes to luck.
Never remember the good, always remember the bad.....
Not that I have much good;)
Oh jeez....luck. How many times have I heard "behind a tree come it happens to ME". Don't swing as hard as you can then....
We have 4 hours to kill . One cannot concentrate on the game for the whole of the 4 hours:LOL:

The trouble is the other subject is politics and none of us can agree on that.