Golf Society - Apps?


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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Looking for a bit of guidance, do anyone know of an app most suitable for society use? Preferably free, or with a small subscription.... I've done a quick search and there does seem to be some available, all look a bit 'unpolished' but most require you to sign up before you can actually see what they're like but most seem to suggest that they have a live leaderboard, handicap editing etc. I'm not keen on signing up to 6 or 7 (spam emails), but if anyone had any experience with one they'd recommend that would be great!
A bit off topic but I’ve used golf genius at Mizuno singles events. That has live leaderboard but the organisers stopped updating from the 15th because players in contention were in some cases cheating in the final holes😂😂.
The last one I played last year at Hallamshire a guy carded an albatross on the last to win. It may have been genuine 🧐
I use Golf Gamebook for my society days. There's a free version, but I think it costs around £3-£4 a month to access the premium features I need to run society days. I request everyone to download the app and set up an account with their handicap prior to the day. On the day, you can set up a tournament with multiple groups and it automatically generates a live leaderboard — as the administrator of the tournament, you can also adjust individual handicap indexes. The WHS handicap indexes automatically adjust to the player's playing handicap on the course using the course rating and slope rating. I've used it for three society days now and it's been pretty good!
Also, the other people on the society day will only need the free version to be placed into the tournament. Only the tournament manager needs to pay for the "Gold" upgrade to host the tournament.
Thanks for the suggestions - we use Handicapmaster at the club so might be a good option, don't know why I didn't think of that! I'll take a look at the couple as well - we've a broad range of members, some of which won't be interested in a mobile app and some of which definitely wouldn't be interested in paying!