Golf Random Irritations

Do you get a lot of visitors in winter.?
If their club is non conforming for GP cards they could still put them in using your course.
This could mean overuse of your course over winter but good for revenue.

Just a guess!

We do, but surely if we can’t put cards in visitors can’t submit cards for GP? That would make a complete mockery of everything we have been told.
We do, but surely if we can’t put cards in visitors can’t submit cards for GP? That would make a complete mockery of everything we have been told.
Yes my reasoning is that’s why they have stopped it.
It would encourage lots of players from other clubs just using your club in winter to put GP cards in.
But as you say it stops the members also.

Your course would suffer in condition then.
Yes my reasoning is that’s why they have stopped it.
It would encourage lots of players from other clubs just using your club in winter to put GP cards in.
But as you say it stops the members also.

Your course would suffer in condition then.
If your clubs “turns off’ the tees in the WHS portal, then visitors cannot submit GP cards as when they try to ‘create a scorecard’ in the App there will be no tee available.
The committee at ours always adopts a polar opposite stance to everywhere else on pretty much everything.

This winter has been no different when it comes to playing qualifying competitions and allowing members to submit general play cards.

In years gone by we have played qualifiers regardless of conditions. On more than one occasion, when the course has been frozen solid, and there have been piles of snow by the edges of the greens, we have still played qualifiers regardless of the fact that nowhere else does.

Contrast that to this year. This week we have received an email informing us there will be no qualifiers and general play cards will be refused until at least the end of February because of winter conditions. Please correct me if I’m mistaken, but I thought winter rules were now a thing of the past, meaning qualifying events could be played all year round.

Our course is perfectly playable. We are yet to lose any days to the weather, the greens are mint, and the bunkers all in play. And we can’t submit any score for handicap purposes at all.

Have I misunderstood what clubs can and cannot do now? Or are the committee at ours flying solo again?

If your Committee are making a blanket decision to disallow acceptable scores without considering the condition of the course on a daily basis, they are ignoring England Golf guidelines. Sanctions could follow!
We've decided to go for the ice age tomorrow. At least it isn't raining or windy at all. As long as you don't expect to score well, I find frozen greens can be a bit of a laugh. I'm sure our first round of the year last year was frozen as well actually.
Got a match coming up next weekend - in IG it normally calculates the handicap allowance for you, and I have always taken this as gospel. But right now it says...
me (15.3) & partner (11.4) = PH 24
opponents 11.6 & 14.9 = PH 25 - 1 shot.

What the hell? There's no way that can be right. And now I'm wondering if it has been wrong in the past on previous matches where I trusted it to be correct!

Edit: If it IS right because of some quirk of WHS then WHS can sod off (again).

Edit 2: I've worked it out, it's because 11.4 = 10 shots while 11.6 = 11 shots. So their total combined index is actually lower than ours, but their total playing handicap is higher. What a dumb system.
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Doing a bit of a garage tidy and what do I do with this lot…most going back last two decades…some will go back to 90s and 00s. My current club has free range balls for members so, club doesn’t need them for that. I’ll see if Juniors Organiser would dish out a couple of dozen to every junior…but would the juniors be interested in hitting old balls.

If there was a good commercial recycling use for old golf balls, the operators would be inundated. The mind boggles when we consider how many golfers have buckets of them in the garage.

Best I can come up with, is to use them as a filler for a soak away.
Got a match coming up next weekend - in IG it normally calculates the handicap allowance for you, and I have always taken this as gospel. But right now it says...
me (15.3) & partner (11.4) = PH 24
opponents 11.6 & 14.9 = PH 25 - 1 shot.
You've posted the 4 different Handicap Indexes, but what are the related Course Handicaps?

The CH of the 11.4 and 11.6 could be one shot different.
The CH of the 15.3 and the 14.9 could be one shot different.

From the combined CH you get the PH.
You've posted the 4 different Handicap Indexes, but what are the related Course Handicaps?

The CH of the 11.4 and 11.6 could be one shot different.
The CH of the 15.3 and the 14.9 could be one shot different.

From the combined CH you get the PH.
Did you quote this 20 minutes ago? I made an edit where I figured out the reason, and it is pretty much that. I think it's stupid though. We are now giving a shot to a team who are effectively the same or better than us in ability.
Did you quote this 20 minutes ago? I made an edit where I figured out the reason, and it is pretty much that. I think it's stupid though. We are now giving a shot to a team who are effectively the same or better than us in ability.
So you'll be joining the WHS bashers then......... ;)