Golf nets for the garden


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Jul 12, 2022
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Any recommendations for nets for the garden, going to get one for my 10 year old. I had a quick look on google and there’s loads. So though I would ask on forum ?
Ones that have the biggest catch the errant shots.
I use a spornia but that’s expensive
Be interested in replies this one. Hoping to do something similar in back garden too, perhaps with launch monitor set up.
I bought this one years ago, it was marketed by Montie at the time.

It's pretty big, about 11 foot by 8 foot and a few feet deep as well. I've only used it a handful of times though as it takes about 20 minutes to put up and is a bit of a faff.

I did use it last month (or maybe sometime in June) for a couple of nights in a row and it was still ok hitting an 8 iron into it, not sure I'd blast a driver into though.
I had one years ago and found it too much hassle to get out each time so it spent more time in the shed. I would check how easy each one is to put up unless you can get permission to keep it up 😄
I bought one for my lad during the first lock-down, similar to this one, slightly larger at 10ft wide and 8ft tall. Reasonably priced at the time and strong enough and wide enough for anyone to use. Still in excellent condition and is very easy and quick to put up and take down.

The only concern I have is with using anything over a 9 iron so I'm thinking about swapping it for a net/cage with a roof.