Golf Genius App / System

sweaty sock

Mar 2, 2013
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Has anyone used this?

Seems our glorious county have mandated it for all events, and it requires scores entered on a mobile 'in play' rather than on a scorecard?

I'd very much like to avoid my mobile on the golf course....

sweaty sock

Mar 2, 2013
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Rumour is we might get dq'd for that, I think the threat was if you fall more then 3 holes behind of live scoring there will be repercussions... what you described was my original plan!


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I always use my phone on the course (Hole 19) but even I think it's stupid to mandate that. I would think quite a lot of golfers wouldn't be happy with the faff.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Maybe im a dinosaur, the thought of having my phone out every hole, with emails, messages etc etc I cant think of anything that would ruin a game faster....

Currently if i take my phone at all, its zipped in a pocket of the back, turned to silent and left there...
In fairness you can mute notifications and so on. I tend to get plenty of WhatsApp messages but I don't bother reading them until I'm back in the clubhouse. You can put your phone on 'Do Not Disturb' mode and still use the score entry app I should think. (If you find that it is mandatory and you need to.)


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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And what about players who have contact lens for distance. This can make using a phone a bit tricky without going through all the faff of getting reading glasses out every time.


Nov 16, 2011
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I believe there's 2 possible benefits.
1. Running scoring could be possible - just as per Pro scoreboards. Would obviously require software in the clubhouse to support it.
2. Any gaps/bottlenecks could be visible from the clubhouse and possibly dealt with earlier than in the past.
It would, however, require (near) universal compliance to work. It would also slow rounds down slightly (10-15 mins?) because of the 'admin' involved by each group.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 21, 2012
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I believe there's 2 possible benefits.
1. Running scoring could be possible - just as per Pro scoreboards. Would obviously require software in the clubhouse to support it.
2. Any gaps/bottlenecks could be visible from the clubhouse and possibly dealt with earlier than in the past.
It would, however, require (near) universal compliance to work. It would also slow rounds down slightly (10-15 mins?) because of the 'admin' involved by each group.

it won’t slow down play by 10/15 minutes. It’s no different to pulling a scorecard out of a pocket and filling in numbers. You can do it whilst waiting to tee off, whilst walking up a fairway.

it’s not a cumbersome effort, and it’s good to see golf eventually beginning to move with the times

sweaty sock

Mar 2, 2013
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I agree it should be no different than filling in a score card, but the live leaderboard would be a downside for me, i cant believe for a second it will be accurate and other than the players nobody will be watching in the clubhouse...

As for expecting someone to go and police gaps , that is the most optimistic notion ive heard, maybe ever, our lot go on like they run a boot camp for pace of play. In reality they put somenotes on the back of the card and have in 8 years applied exactly zero repurcussions for slow play, which is endemic...


Nov 16, 2011
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it won’t slow down play by 10/15 minutes. It’s no different to pulling a scorecard out of a pocket and filling in numbers. You can do it whilst waiting to tee off, whilst walking up a fairway.

it’s not a cumbersome effort, and it’s good to see golf eventually beginning to move with the times
I'm certain it'll take a little longer than filling in a scorecard - there's simply more involved. But it won't be excessive. The 10-15 mins is only about 40 secs per hole and is not cumulative for each group - but for the overall/entire field. So a Comp that currently takes 8 hours to run would take 8 hours 10mins or so.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Has anyone used this?

Seems our glorious county have mandated it for all events, and it requires scores entered on a mobile 'in play' rather than on a scorecard?

I'd very much like to avoid my mobile on the golf course....
I've experienced this with EngGolf & Yorkshire Union Events. In both instances just one of us completed the live-scoring & the rest just kept a card to ratify things afterwards. Problems experienced have been - wrong live score errors entered - Phone batteries failing - Few phones are water-proof enough to be used in all conditions - not everyone has a Smart-phone (though usually one in the group) - Players vision issues apart, a phone can be really difficult to read in full sunny conditions.
Our Club is about to ditch V1 in favour of GolfGenius as the course owners wish to use it for handling Memberships & it fully integrates with BRS, Club & external Competitions whilst WHS is now handling player's H/caps.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2020
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Just heard a rumour it may have cost £20k ?
Whichever system they use for competition management there is a cost. You would need to know the cost of the previous system in order to compare - depending on what they were using before, GG may well be cheaper.


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 4, 2009
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My first reaction would be to tell them to stick it, and I'm guessing that most of the friends I play with would feel the same. I'm on the course to be away from the daily grind for a few hours. Get to the car park, turn the phone off and leave it in the car.


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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I used this in a comp the other week. Admittedly it was a faf, but that was because I was filling a bluddy card in as well. I should have got the wife to do the card. It was cool to watch things unfold live in the club house before we started, well I thought so, the wife didn't give a stuff. It must have been interesting to watch once everyone was out there. Not sure if this could work if you were doing a card at the same time, as I say, it was tough doing both, but if using just the app was accepted, then it's good. Well I think so.


Princess Pouty (Queen of Fish Lips)
Aug 22, 2010
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I flatly refuse to take my phone out of my bag from leaving the putting green to finishing my round, other than to take a picture or two if it's a new or stunning course.
I would fight this all the way if it comes to it.


LIV Bot, (But Not As Big As Mel) ?
Oct 9, 2020
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My first reaction would be to tell them to stick it, and I'm guessing that most of the friends I play with would feel the same. I'm on the course to be away from the daily grind for a few hours. Get to the car park, turn the phone off and leave it in the car.
I don’t understand leaving it in the car.

I presume you would be happy for someone who did take their phone on the course to use it if you needed emergency medical assistance?

sweaty sock

Mar 2, 2013
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For me it means opening a bag pocket, taking out phone, opening phone, opening app, adding scores, checking they're right as its easy to skip or miss holes, closing phone putting back in bag. Then repeating the process with the card.

Most people seem to tolerate it every 4 or 5 holes, so its not up to date, nobody ever views the scores other than players on the course, lots of courses dont have great reception so it normally updates sporadically, meaning you never really get a live score.

Its also a monumental pain to remember all the scores for everyone in the group, so you end up comparing 3 different cards every time, unless you do it 18 times a round.

If you update it every hole its manageable, but when you get to the second round and pass the responsibility to someone else its a huge faff off your shoulders.

As most of the comps that use ot are 36 holes, battery life is an issue. As is the computer literacy of those setting it up, so main, gross, nett overall, rd1 and r2 are never right.

Its a solution to a problem that never existed. And provides info to such a small audience, its just not worth the effort.

If youre the type that likes your phone in your pocket or in your hand all the time, youll love it.

If, like me, you like to zip it in a bag and mostly ignore it for 4 hours, its a nightmare.
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Dec 24, 2018
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Terms of Competitions for YUGC Members Meetings.

Returning Scores
YUGC County Members meetings currently use the Golf Genius Computerised Mobile scoring system. This is the official scoring system for County Members meetings. Players are required to enter their scores onto the computerised electronic scoring system using the relevant App. Player failing to ensure that their scores are entered onto the scoring system without worthy cause will be deemed to have returned a No Score.
A player’s score is ‘officially returned’ when the player electronically submits their score at the end of the round. At the end of the round players are required to report to the check-in desk where they will verbally confirm their scores. Once the players leave the check-desk, the score is posted and cannot be changed.