Golf Bags.......


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I think it was Murph that coined the phrase describing the material they make Golf Bags out of as the same they use to make Tea-bags - I'm in 100% agreement.

Got caught in a storm last week. It pelted down.
My trolley bag was awash within seconds, the "rain-Hood" is simply not. It doesn't function as one at all.
I'd have been better off laying a few "Juan Sheets" over the bag....except they'd have blown away.
OK, no bag is entirely waterproof as there's a thumping great hole in one end but really they should be better than they are. With the weather we have in this Country, I'm amazed there are not more waterproof bags on the market.

Well, I'm going to get one.

I was thinking of getting HID to finance a custom fit session for a Driver for Xmas but not now.

Everything in my bag had to be taken out and dried - some things (Rule book, Blackmoor Stroke saver etc) were beyond redemption. I shouldn;t have to keep everything in plastic bags just on the off-chance we get a downpour.

It's almost certainly a SunMountain H2NO or I've noticed that Mizuno have bought a Waterproof one out - trouble is it doesn't look very good.........

Anyone got one of either?
I have the sun mountain bag and it is THE best bag I have ever owned. I am going to get a trolley one when the current one dies and can't see me getting any other make of bag in future.
It was one of the reasons I moved on my R11 trolly bag. I prefer the Motocaddy bag I got but even that isn't a fully waterproof model. I agree that in the UK there has to be a market for more trolly bags to be 100% waterproof or as close as possible to it
ive just got the carry wp mizzy one in the NICE blue colour. and looking for a proper waterproof cart bag for next year. oooft the smell from a forgotten rule book in my pk cart bag sealed the deal
my TM one is lighter, bigger and more waterproof....(apparently) :thup:

good luck in your search - I'm still looking for a simple (cheap) waterproof overcover as I think that's the way to go ie put the whole thing in the plastic bag!
Clicgears B3 cart bag has a full length waterproof pull-out cover. Haven't yet seen the bag in the flesh, but it's one I'm considering at the moment.
If you are looking for a waterproof cart bag I would suggest a vinyl tour bag, much more waterproof than any fabric one. The weakspot though is always the zips, nobody seems to make a bag with all round waterproof zips. I've got a vinyl tourbag and also one of those waterproof wraparound covers, does the job when the weather gets really foul.
The wife has bought me aclic gear trolley bag for crimbo, it comes with its own tarpaulin to attach to it if you get caught out in a storm, has its own little compartment for it :D

EDIT - didnt see the above posts, i can vouch for the quality of this bag gthough, and the tarp definately does its job
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If you are looking for a waterproof cart bag I would suggest a vinyl tour bag, much more waterproof than any fabric one. The weakspot though is always the zips, nobody seems to make a bag with all round waterproof zips. I've got a vinyl tourbag and also one of those waterproof wraparound covers, does the job when the weather gets really foul.

Been down the vinyl route - had a PK one.
Trouble is they're pretty rigid and take up too much room in my boot...
Been down the vinyl route - had a PK one.
Trouble is they're pretty rigid and take up too much room in my boot...

Well get a bigger car then!!

Jeez, do I have to do everything for you?? :rofl:
The wife has bought me aclic gear trolley bag for crimbo, it comes with its own tarpaulin to attach to it if you get caught out in a storm, has its own little compartment for it :D

EDIT - didnt see the above posts, i can vouch for the quality of this bag gthough, and the tarp definately does its job

excellent news though - trouble is a quick bit of research suggests that aquiring one without the bag isn't going to be easy! Maybe I should just make one...
Everything in my bag had to be taken out and dried - some things (Rule book, Blackmoor Stroke saver etc) were beyond redemption.
Wouldn't worry about the stroke saver Ian, it is not as if I would be inviting you back for another game.:rofl:
On the basis that no bags are fully waterproof with the big hole at the top, I always put valuable stuff in a plastic bag. Must admit my new Sun Mountain C130 bag is more waterproof than most, and has some huge pockets. Also like the idea of having a separate putter well.
Nice to know who your Mates are innit..........
its not only an issue with cart bags, stand bags appear to be the same i had a similar issue with my stand bag and have since changed it, and also bought a deluxe tour bag.
although neither are 100% waterproof, they do not soak up water like many of the canvas type bags available. In this country i dont understand why the majority of bags sold do not at least resist water rather than absorb it!