Getting old is proper poo


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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On my way to the golf today and rang a pal whose bowel burst and had emergency surgery on Saturday. Seen him mon and Tuesday and he looked well yesterday. This morning he sounded terrible saying he had a real bad night throwing up bile. Tried to console him best you can reminding him Drs said 24 hrs later Tashyboy would of been singing " the lords my Shepard" at his funeral, I still felt crap though.
Got home and just got out of shower and a good pal rings to say " Just to let you know ave had a heart attack, coming home from seeming another pal who is riddled with cancer". He has got nine months tops. Had half an hour on the phone with him.
Called into ASDA for some stuff for Missis T and bumps into a pal who I saw three weeks ago at a pals funeral, asks how's things, "er not good, ave had another DVT, The last one ended up on my lung and nearly killed me".
What a flippin day, apart from that I shot 18 points in a nine holer with two blobs that could of been 24/25 points.
Some flippin days it never rains.
On my way to the golf today and rang a pal whose bowel burst and had emergency surgery on Saturday. Seen him mon and Tuesday and he looked well yesterday. This morning he sounded terrible saying he had a real bad night throwing up bile. Tried to console him best you can reminding him Drs said 24 hrs later Tashyboy would of been singing " the lords my Shepard" at his funeral, I still felt crap though.
Got home and just got out of shower and a good pal rings to say " Just to let you know ave had a heart attack, coming home from seeming another pal who is riddled with cancer". He has got nine months tops. Had half an hour on the phone with him.
Called into ASDA for some stuff for Missis T and bumps into a pal who I saw three weeks ago at a pals funeral, asks how's things, "er not good, ave had another DVT, The last one ended up on my lung and nearly killed me".
What a flippin day, apart from that I shot 18 points in a nine holer with two blobs that could of been 24/25 points.
Some flippin days it never rains.

You don't go around in a long cloak and a scyth? Very sad news and hope the prognosis for everyone ends up as well as they can do
You don't go around in a long cloak and a scyth? Very sad news and hope the prognosis for everyone ends up as well as they can do

Homer tell me about it, forgot to mention had half hour on the phone wi Mummy T, she tells me the coach trip she was on which went to Spain crashed in France when the driver fell asleep. She said quote " we were lucky no one was killed".
Phones off the hook now.
On my way to the golf today and rang a pal whose bowel burst and had emergency surgery on Saturday. Seen him mon and Tuesday and he looked well yesterday. This morning he sounded terrible saying he had a real bad night throwing up bile. Tried to console him best you can reminding him Drs said 24 hrs later Tashyboy would of been singing " the lords my Shepard" at his funeral, I still felt crap though.
Got home and just got out of shower and a good pal rings to say " Just to let you know ave had a heart attack, coming home from seeming another pal who is riddled with cancer". He has got nine months tops. Had half an hour on the phone with him.
Called into ASDA for some stuff for Missis T and bumps into a pal who I saw three weeks ago at a pals funeral, asks how's things, "er not good, ave had another DVT, The last one ended up on my lung and nearly killed me".
What a flippin day, apart from that I shot 18 points in a nine holer with two blobs that could of been 24/25 points.
Some flippin days it never rains.
I know exactly how you feel mate , my last couple of years have been an absolute nightmare. Hopefully things will improve, not too sure about the golf though :(.
On my way to the golf today and rang a pal whose bowel burst and had emergency surgery on Saturday. Seen him mon and Tuesday and he looked well yesterday. This morning he sounded terrible saying he had a real bad night throwing up bile. Tried to console him best you can reminding him Drs said 24 hrs later Tashyboy would of been singing " the lords my Shepard" at his funeral, I still felt crap though.
Got home and just got out of shower and a good pal rings to say " Just to let you know ave had a heart attack, coming home from seeming another pal who is riddled with cancer". He has got nine months tops. Had half an hour on the phone with him.
Called into ASDA for some stuff for Missis T and bumps into a pal who I saw three weeks ago at a pals funeral, asks how's things, "er not good, ave had another DVT, The last one ended up on my lung and nearly killed me".
What a flippin day, apart from that I shot 18 points in a nine holer with two blobs that could of been 24/25 points.
Some flippin days it never rains.

I think when you get days like that you really need to focus on keeping the blobs off your card. 24 points could win a fiver!

Actually, 5 mins before I read your post, a couple of my mates from home have posted photos on FB of another lad who died of heart failure aged 30, today's the anniversary.

Hope you appreciate the light hearted comment :)
Actually, 5 mins before I read your post, a couple of my mates from home have posted photos on FB of another lad who died of heart failure aged 30, today's the anniversary.

Hope you appreciate the light hearted comment :)

No probs three, some days you just have to role with it don't you.
Sounds like a horrible few days, unfortunately that seems to be the way life is amazing mind boggling highs and torrid wretched lows and everything you can feel everything in between.

My wife likes the saying "this too shall pass" it always seems a bit morbid to me but she says it's about really appreciating the good times as they don't last forever and rolling with the punches during the bad times as things will get better.
Sounds like a horrible few days, unfortunately that seems to be the way life is amazing mind boggling highs and torrid wretched lows and everything you can feel everything in between.

My wife likes the saying "this too shall pass" it always seems a bit morbid to me but she says it's about really appreciating the good times as they don't last forever and rolling with the punches during the bad times as things will get better.

I was in a pub in the Cotswolds on the wall was a saying.

"Everything will be alright in the end, if it's not alright, it's not the end".

Missis T is fed up of me saying it now.
I was in a pub in the Cotswolds on the wall was a saying.

"Everything will be alright in the end, if it's not alright, it's not the end".

Missis T is fed up of me saying it now.

It is a good one and its not a proper saying until you have annoyed the hell out of someone you love with it.
I remember my dad telling me he knew he had started to get older when he met people he knew and when he said "how are you", expecting the usual "fine mate, how are you", they actually started reeling off a list of ailments.

Bad time Tashy. Rather than feel down about it, inevitable, it shows how you need to make the most of life whilst you are healthy. I'm at a point where elderly relatives are dying out, not as bad as your friends of equivalent age of course. Each time we come back from a funeral, 450 mile round trip for me so a long time to ponder, my wife books a holiday to cheer us both up. Death is costing me a fortune.
Jeez mate any one would be a bad news week but you've had a bagful!

We should all remember this kind of thing is happening everyday to someone somewhere when we whinge about a blob or a slow group etc (never mind that a less stressful round couldn't hurt anyway)
Last week a lad who I used to drink in the boozer with collapsed and died. No one knew he had cancer and left all the medicine he'd been given on a shelf at home. He'd decided just to carry on as normal. A mate received a text from him that afternoon from him to arrange a pool match !
Off to a 25th wedding anniversary shindig tomorrow night. Haven't seen some since the day and some since I left school. Got a feeling it'll be the last time I'll see one or two as they are far flung around the UK and indeed the world. Planning to raise a few (lot) glasses and have a blinding evening catching up (and sod the footie on in the other room) and enjoy being with them again
I remember my dad telling me he knew he had started to get older when he met people he knew and when he said "how are you", expecting the usual "fine mate, how are you", they actually started reeling off a list of ailments.

Bad time Tashy. Rather than feel down about it, inevitable, it shows how you need to make the most of life whilst you are healthy. I'm at a point where elderly relatives are dying out, not as bad as your friends of equivalent age of course. Each time we come back from a funeral, 450 mile round trip for me so a long time to ponder, my wife books a holiday to cheer us both up. Death is costing me a fortune.

LT, fortunate for me I am as thick as pig muck and whether it is callous or not yesterday is kinda forgotten. Rang me pal in hospital and he is hell of a lot better today. Put a tube in to drain his stomach so he's not throwing up Bile. Missis T went into see him today and sorted out his catheter and a few other bits and bobs. I told him to put a complaint in about her as Friday's are usually cock measuring day.
Really enjoyed today's golf at Wollaton which I have mentioned. On the last green, Baghead gave me a handshake and his brother a five second hug. He suffers with Luekemia and Baghead gives him a bit of spare bone marrow every now and then. It was really nice to see. Yup life really is one big bum rap.

MIB can't believe I forgot about your finger. If you worked at the pit you could put in for early retirement.
PS, MIB, Trev who went up to Northumberland with us, remember your photo of his swing destroyed him. His father passed away last week so he's been off the radar a bit.