G M forum presentation night!


Global Moderator
Oct 4, 2007
Bangor, Co. Down
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Ohh forgot to mention, at the start of the season I had a round where I started birdie eagle eagle birdie, -6 gross after 4 holes including rather lucky blind 70 yd chip in over massive trees from the parallel fairway and it all went downhill from there. ended up virtually bogeying the rest of the way in with a rather average +6 finishing score.


Assistant Pro
Jun 23, 2007
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My first year briefly, started in comps in april( off 24) a couple of 2nd places to start with. then won junior championships with nett 60.

won 4 other club comps: 42 pts, 42 pts, 43 pts, nett 63.

currently playing off 12, so beat my target of 14 by end of year!

my best gross this year: 74 (+2)

best nett: 60

handicap decrease: 24 to 12

comp wins: 5

greatest shot:

i was in the junior championships and i was 6 under nett at arriving at the 11th, a long par 3 all carry over water, with water left and right of an unreceptive green, 180yds (the previous day i had hit 4 balls into water) i was shaking on the tee, i took aim at the centre of the green then launched the ball high, so high it hung in the air for what seemed like minutes, before landing softly on the green 8 feet away. This was not my absolute best shot technically, but given the situation it blows the others away.

longest run of holes par or better: 9

overall pleased with my year, next year i'm hoping to get down to 4 or 5.


Assistant Pro
Jun 23, 2007
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Cheers clubchamp07, i respect that you have managed to win competitions off 2, so much easier for people off double figures to win. well done and good luck to everyone next season!