From the 19th July how are folk's Clubs planning to revert back to the 'normal' way of processing Comps & General-play scores?

Manager, also does the h/c work, is a technophobe, thinks people can fiddle the system if they are not using a pencil and card. He heard of early teething problems at other clubs and the shutters came down. Pushing doesn't work. We will have to wait a while and then ask again. It's poor but is how it is.

The EG is Independant from the clubs - you can download it and enter your general play scorecards from anywhere you play in England currently - including your home club

It’s a good App but it also relies on people doing the correct thing and putting cards in correctly - not always happening as we have seen

But you can use it at your home club to enter scores , it gets added to your HI and then overnight gets added to your Handicap Record at your home club. The home club do have the ability to remove rounds from your Handicap record but there must be a bonafide reasons for doing so. They have no choice but to accept rounds - if they don’t accept them and it’s purely for control reasons then they could face repercussions

Just use it and ensure when you start a round someone playing with you also has the app to verify
Why create conflict when there is no need would be the answer. I get your point but ultimately why rub up the manager of the club the wrong way when it is not essential?

taking a key part of the new system away from you though

for example my mate txt me today he offically has signed up to the new nomad system so can start doing rounds / signing mine

so now when i play with him I can submit rounds im not limited to when my member mates can make it
Why create conflict when there is no need would be the answer. I get your point but ultimately why rub up the manager of the club the wrong way when it is not essential?

I see that it might not be for you, but for other golfers who are trying to build a full record of 20 scores etc then it can be a really useful tool!

That, and youre being denied access to something our countries golf governing body has created!
I see that it might not be for you, but for other golfers who are trying to build a full record of 20 scores etc then it can be a really useful tool!

That, and youre being denied access to something our countries golf governing body has created!
Agree with all of the comments on here so far about this, you are pushing at an open door :). I hope and expect it will change at some point this season but at a proprietary club you are at the mercy of the owner / manager and their decisions are often at odds with the wishes of the membership. Turn up, play golf, enjoy, go home, don't worry about the backroom stuff (y)
True but it also imo shows the disconnect between EG and the ISV’s - there needs to be a way for EG App to be connected to the clubs ISV so that the EG App can find a way to stop people putting a card in during comps etc
Probably the most likely (or only) way this could happen is if EG follow Scottish Golf and force clubs onto a centralised platform (i.e. dotgolf). Anything else would require giving the ISVs extensive access to the WHS Platform, and rewriting of a lot of the systems, which I can't see happening.
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Thanks for all the input, guys.
We see our biggest problem being Members simply 'boxing' their cards from Comps or Casual Rounds without returning the score using the PSI or an App.
I guess that, as before, the Club is able to issue sanctions to repeat offenders though that may well produce a considerable work-load.

Is their an ISV where their PSI replicates their App in requiring the score to be ratified?
Thanks for all the input, guys.
We see our biggest problem being Members simply 'boxing' their cards from Comps or Casual Rounds without returning the score using the PSI or an App.
I guess that, as before, the Club is able to issue sanctions to repeat offenders though that may well produce a considerable work-load.

Is their an ISV where their PSI replicates their App in requiring the score to be ratified?

The rumour I've heard at my club is if we use the app (our app not eg app) we will be able to photo and email the scorecard soon

Hopefully comes in for comps
We are reverting to pre COVID methods using cards for competition as mandated, then player to enter scores into ClubV1 or via HowDidIDo App for admin. But we are disabling HowDidIDo App for GP scores as it’s verification process is almost nonexistent. GP scores via EG App or card as per competitions.
We are reverting to pre-Covid operations...swapping cards is back on - how we proceed after that we will find out tomorrow or Thursday...
No more booking except for Tuesday mornings (Ladies) and Sunday mornings (Men)..again as per pre-Covid.
The 2 tee start is back with specific times for 2 ,3 or 4 balls and all 18, yes 18, roll ups are restarting....
We have a "roadmap" with days and times coloured Green for a quiet time, Amber for a moderately busy time and Red for when no starts are permitted - and it's as complicated as it sounds....
I think it's going to lead to slower rounds as, with no set time to tee off, groups will hit as soon as the group in front are out of range.
As a rule of thumb, since Covid started, we teed off as the group in front left the first green.
Its not going to affect us much as we tee off 7.30ish which is always a quiet time but its going to slow down the back 9.
Not wildly excited about it but it is what it is...
Just had confirmation everything goes back to ‘normal’ with regards to course furniture like rakes and pins coming out.

tee bookings will be honoured for the next 3 weeks and then changes may come in to allow ball chutes etc